




AGE GROUP Young Adult

BIRTHDAY September 15

HOME The Black Lake

MATE None at this time


JUVENILE Muirenn is not terribly mature; she enjoys mean-spirited pranks and shirks her responsibilities whenever she can. She's the first to admit to this, and will often point out to her elders how foolish it would be to expect anything of her.
ENERGETIC She has almost boundless energy. Mur is quite fond of challenging her podmates to races, and has difficulty staying still. She's explored every inch of The Black Lake in her attempts to find something to do with her energy, and despises being stagnant for any period of time.
MISCHIEVOUS As said, she has a fondness for pranks. While she generally reserves the cruelest of this behavior for humans who have angered her, she does delight in 'playing' with the first years on their way to Hogwarts castle, and enjoys seeking petty retribution for the smallest of slights inflicted by her podmates. She doesn't really want to hurt anyone, she just believes turnabout is fair play, and enjoys being a little mean.
SHORT-TEMPERED Muirenn is infamous among her family for being quick to anger. The cause is most often 'littering,' which she defines as a human throwing literally anything into the lake that did not originate there. She also has little patience for humans she deems as rude, which is somewhat ironic, considering how rude she is herself.
VAIN She believes herself to be quite beautiful, and is quick to compliment her own looks. She is convinced that she is the most attractive mermaid of her pod, and likens herself to the sirens of ancient myth. Mur spends countless hours on her appearance, making jewelry to compliment her features and playing with her hair.
EXPLORATORY One of the most successful uses Mur has found for her high energy level is exploring; she knows nook and cranny of The Black Lake, and that hasn't stopped her from continuing to explore. As a result, she notices and knows about most everything that occurs in and near the lake. Whether or not she actually cares about any of it remains to be seen.

■ Grindylows
■ Pranks
■ Wintertime
■ Singing
■ Making Jewelry

■ Litter
■ Humans close to her home
■ Horrible attempts at Mermish
■ Drying out
■ Fire

■ Extremely fast
■ Clever

■ Immaturity
■ Quick to anger

■ Dehydration


EARLY LIFE If Murienn were to described her childhood in one word, it would be 'boring.' She was naturally adventurous from the day she hatched, and got herself into trouble often enough in her infancy that when she grew old enough to actually cause any damage, she was closely watched by the pod elders. The first truly interesting thing she could say happened to her was when she was finally old enough to be taken to the surface, to interact with the land dwellers. A man spoke to her, in garbled Mermish, and in an attempt to compliment her instead insulted her, and rather strongly. She decided then that she disliked humans speaking in her tongue, and is highly offended when she hears it, unless they speak it perfectly, which is nearly impossible for a human to do. Her high standards, she insists, are in fact quite reasonable. The man who insulted her paid for it, as she took revenge by splashing him with the ice-cold lake water. She found the encounter much funnier after that.

ADULTHOOD For a while, Muirenn avoided returning to the surface, instead exploring every corner of the lake she called home. But, eventually that got boring, and she again traveled to the surface. She then discovered a love for wintertime, for snow and ice and most importantly for snowballs she could throw at unsuspecting humans. She discovered a new hobby, pranking humans, which she enjoys very much. Occasionally she will spot another magical creature, but she has learned well which ones are good sports and which are not. It's all in good fun... most of the time. Though, she will be merciless when humans litter in her lake; she can't stand it, and will not hold back if they do so.


UPDATED 29 August 2015

■ Changed to new skeleton
■ Old skeleton spoilered for reference, please delete when profile is checked

- Weasley 1/29/14
Accepted Update to new Skeleton - 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 - 12/19/2015