Hello Everyone,

I personally have a RPG Guild that's currently inactive right now. That means that I know a lot about running RPG's. I'm curious if anyone on this Guild would like to start a RPG. Any RPG would require a lot of participation if it's going to work for a large scale one. If a couple of people would like to start a RPG on their own that's fine as well. This is the Sub Forum to do a RPG at.

So please vote on this poll and comment what you would like to see in a RPG whether it's based on a specific series or an original one. I have ran both. Any large scale RPG's I will run, If it's an RPG between 2 people I would need to know what it's all about and then you can run it yourself. Also please keep in mind to follow all of the Guild Rules and Regulations and if we get a lot of interest in RPG's I will post additional rules on this Sub Forum just for them. I hope that their is a lot of interest in doing RPG's I do enjoy them and I hope that you will too.

Note: If you like to play a Role Playing Game (RPG) but don't know how I can gladly teach a novice.