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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[ 2v2 ] Party People (Chance&Dawson&Cym&Riley)

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Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:53 pm
A part him felt marginally guilty for not listening to Finn - or including him, for that matter, considering they were partners - but the stubborn part of him that didn't want to drag Finn further into the mess that Chance had already created wouldn't allow for any leniency. This was the right path, Chance decided; it was what he wanted.

(It wasn't, but if he could say it enough, he might start to believe it.)

Besides, Dawson was a good friend, as Chance was now learning. Even if he was Claude's Moon partner, it didn't mean that the two of them couldn't go and get some experience on their own, without their actual partners. Maybe this way Chance would get what he needed.

"So," said Chance, as he stepped into the house, Dawson at his side. "Have you ever been here before?"

I am not sure how this happened

nio love

grey dragon
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:03 pm
He was nervous, that much was clear. The difference was that at least he could be nervous with a partner, which made all the difference, right? (It didn't stop him from checking around as they walked, though, every crunch and thud and shuffle a bright sound in his ears.)

"Twice, yeah. First time was a real humdinger f'a horseman, second time..." Dawson trailed away, unsure how to put it. If he said he felt bad hitting a Halloween creature, would he get judged? "Second time was easier," he decided to go with, putting on a brave smile for his friend. "So third time's the charm, yeah? What kinda thing ya think we'll be lookin' at here?"


Nio Love

Grey Dragon


Anxious Spirit

Grey Dragon rolled 1 20-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-20)

Grey Dragon

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:43 pm
Cymbeline was in a peculiar state. At one point there had been great upheaval and change, now things were… better. And better, she found, could be sometimes boring. Massacres in the human world, no longer separated, no longer forbidden, could satisfy her bloodlust for only so long before her mind began to wander.

As of late it had been wandering to seeds. It wandered from the deep, jewel-like reds of flesh blood to the greens of aloe leaves, and the heavy rinds of unripe fruits, the black tones of tar-spot fungi, withering blights, and the hum of cicada wings… The madness in her mind that had formed during her time on that roach-infested island had not receded, but as her freedom persisted, the voices took hold of other things, other pastimes, and found their gleeful cries in the chirping of young crickets as often as the screams of humans.

Yet… there were always pests to crush under her heels.

She recognized the coat as clearly as Cabbage White and Orange-barred Sulphur, disappearing into the rickety old house. The thought of plucking their wings was too sweet. Unable to keep the sinister smile from creeping across her face, the Heir playfully tiptoed up to the door and followed them inside as close behind them as they would allow.



Nio Love
Nio Love rolled 1 20-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-20)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:44 pm
If seeds had managed to distract Cymbaline from the blessing of open massacre on the human race, then Riley wished for some single available distraction herself. No one so single minded could find relief in the glimmer of a life bearing cluster. She thought only of the blood as yet to stain the grass red with its splatter. She was consumed with the single thought of gratification against the blade, the claw, the tentacle. The hunger did not ever disappear.

It was not the hunters, but the sneaky little heir that caught Riley's attention from her perch at the top of the gnarled branch, as she listlessly tore through a creature with her sharp claws and wiped the blood against her skin. She hadn't seen that particular heir since before she'd died, and even then, the moments were only brief. Cymbaline, the true definition of Insanity. Riley threw the carcass over her shoulder and dropped like a wildcat out of the tree, following the shadow left the heir on all fours. She knew Cymb would discover her soon enough, but the smell of humans nearby tipped Riley off to why she'd been heading into the Haunted House. Riley stayed in Cymbaline's shadow, and whispered into her head alone.

Are we hunting?

less sorry


Grey Dragon

Nio Love

Enthusiastic Lunatic

17,350 Points
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kuropeco rolled 1 20-sided dice: 13 Total: 13 (1-20)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:10 pm
He cast a curious look at Dawson, wondering what had happened during his second time but not pressing it. "The first time I came here was something to do with a horseman as well," said Chance dryly. "It was not a pleasant experience, that is for damn sure."

He glanced around the House, eyes alert, careful to note every creak of the floorboards, every distilled dust particle. "That's partly why I came back, this time with a partner," he went on, the tip of an arrow, already notched against the bowstring, dragging along the wood of the floor and leaving behind a little scrape. "Not only to gain more experience and more insight as to what we're dealing with here, but also for backup. I've heard it's a lot better to go in partners than it is to go alone."

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up; Chance slowed his steps, the sensation of being watched growing stronger, Ace shifting inside of his mind.

"I don't...think we're alone," said Chance, in a low voice to Dawson, fingers tightening on the wire. "Stay alert, I think there's something out there."


grey dragon

nio love
medigel rolled 1 20-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-20)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:36 pm
"Yeah: you been hearing most a'that from me," Dawson snort-laughed louder than he meant, though the noise was cut short as Chance started to slow down. Spidey senses tingling.

His good humor tempered by nerves, he summoned his shield without needing to be told twice, taking some solace in the reminder that he could still fight. The problem was, what would they fight this time? Was it ever possible not to here? He gulped and turned at an angle from Chance, trying to peer where his partner wasn't facing. If it wouldn't have gotten in the way of his bow, Dawson would have just immediately stuck it out in front of them, even though his shield wasn't nearly large enough to cover them both.

""Should we keep movin'?" he asked in a low murmur. "Stick it out 'til somethin' rears its ugly head?"


Grey Dragon

Nio Love


Anxious Spirit

Grey Dragon

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:10 pm
Cymbeline was not concerned about the creature of FEAR behind her, she had no fight with FEAR, no desire to even guard her back as the unfamiliar voice whispered in her mind. The soft question was like a drop of water landing in a pool, one hushed voice leading to a rising cascade of whispers and laughs and wails and howls, the twisted cries of Insanity all responding in time with each other. Cymbeline silently grinned even wider, the tumult in her head echoed with a cacophonous resounding "YES~"

Elation rose in her chest, that wild rush of anticipation growing as the little roaches began to sense something was off, waving their little feelers blindly through the air, not yet sensing her or the shadowy voice behind her. Was the dim lighting on her side? Were they merely upwind of the Insanity pounding like blood in her ears?

It was too much fun. Cymbeline giggled, watching, imagining those coats stained red, imagining how she and her voice would paint them so.



Nio Love
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:33 pm
She could hear them talking by now, whispering in dulcet tones that held the promise of fear and petulance. They almost sounded too green to be worth the trouble, but she wasn't left with much of a choice when Cymbeline attempted to respond to her question with a thought tossed among millions, all of which bled through into Riley's unsuspecting mind and had the feral predator suddenly crouching with pain, crippled by the sound of true chaos flooding uninvited into her mind.

She couldn't control herself. The ruse had been thrown, and Riley shut Cym out as quickly as she could, but it was too late. She'd thrashed on the floor enough to expose movement, and shook the agony off in order to stand tall on those long, dreadfully strong legs. She took to Cymbeline's side, ending both of their games of subterfuge, and stared with hungry, white hot eyes.

Hello, humans. She slid into both of their minds, her own anguish still vibrating hot and sinister in their thoughts. Then the twenty two tentacles that made up her hair all snapped to attention around her, pointed viciously in their direction like snakes.

Goodbye, humans.

Grey Dragon

Nio Love

Enthusiastic Lunatic

17,350 Points
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kuropeco rolled 2 10-sided dice: 3, 9 Total: 12 (2-20)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:12 pm
He snorted. "True," Chance admitted, sliding a smirk at Dawson. "You're just looking out for my well-being, and I appreciate that, really."

But there were other matters that were taking precedence now; other matters that were more dire. Chance's eyes narrowed as he looked down the dusty hallway, gloved fingers resting on the bowstring, pulled taut just in case he needed to fire suddenly.

"Let's keep moving," he murmured - but there was a sudden noise behind him, an abrupt thrashing, and Chance spun around so quickly he almost lost his balance. A voice that was decidedly not Asher's slipped into his mind, oily and unpleasant; an intruder, and Asher made a distraught sound that reverberated throughout Chance's thoughts.

"How rude," he said mildly, drawing the arrow up. "We haven't even been introduced yet, and you're already saying goodbye." There were two of them, and in spite of his attempt at casual bravado, a sense of unease descended upon Chance. Power radiated out from the two creatures, creeping up his spine.

He loosed the first arrow, teeth gritted together.

HP: 50
DMG: 6

nio love


grey dragon
medigel rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:42 pm
He really had to marvel at the way Chance kept decorum. The moment Dawson laid eyes on what was making them feel a disturbance in the Force so to speak, he gave an embarrassing, shuddering gasp. did their weapon bonds literally not let them have some sort of defense against telepathy? s**t, what if this thing could read his mind? What were they??

Syn snapped at him for panicking. Focus.

He raised his shield before Chance, unable to look away from either creature: one radiated pure malice, the other madness. Both clearly beyond his little league skills.

"H-Hunters," Dawson piped up after Chance, trying to sound brave as he corrected Tentacle Head. No-one could be convinced, not even himself.

hp: 40
defending chance for: 2


Grey Dragon

Nio Love


Anxious Spirit

Nio Love rolled 2 12-sided dice: 3, 5 Total: 8 (2-24)

Nio Love

Enthusiastic Lunatic

17,350 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:53 pm
One of them was mouthy. She hated mouthy. Two of Riley's tentacles snapped in Chance's direction, preparing to ram them down his throat and disable his speaking capability, but they clanged uselessly against a suddenly appearing lion-mouthed shield instead. She stared down into the eyes of the shield, and set her claws curiously against it. There, in the dim reflection of metal, she saw her own reflection for a moment.

It was the reflection of a savage beast.

Her head snapped to the attention of the shield's wielder, and her claws gripped the top of the weapon just enough to peer over it at him. She was looming, too close now.

Hunters. The word was dripping with murderous intent. It doesn't matter. You both bleed.

HP: 60
Damage: 2
Target: Chance (Blocked by Dawson!)

Grey Dragon
I figure since we matched initiatives, it doesn't matter which one of us goes first when it's our sides turn, plus since we have opposite sleeping schedules, this way neither of us has to wait for the other to post! <3
Grey Dragon rolled 2 12-sided dice: 7, 4 Total: 11 (2-24)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:16 pm
Unaware of the distress her Insanity had caused the shadowy mind-voice behind her, Cymbeline began to cackle. Little roaches, they would scurry about mindlessly, calm or scared, their little twig legs skittering straight into the crow’s beak out of some mistaken sense of immortality. How she would love to see them impaled on the sharp tines of hopelessness, aware of how futile it was to try~

“So arrogant~!” She cackled in a singsong voice, scales in her hand suddenly twirling like bolas as her minion creature lunged. “Such a chitinous carapace is built no stronger for it’s calcium while crushed so easily underfoot~”

Without so much as a warning to her companion, the scales were flung towards the two hunters.

HP: 114/120
Target: Dawson & Chance
DMG: 3 each



Nio Love

Grey Dragon

kuropeco rolled 2 10-sided dice: 10, 7 Total: 17 (2-20)


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:08 pm
Chance's eyes slid sideways towards Dawson, because he was less worried about himself and more concerned over the fact that these were two very powerful beings and he would rather not have to carry either of them back in pieces (never mind the fact that if he was in pieces himself, he wouldn't be able to carry anything).

The tentacles snapped towards him, but Dawson's shield was there first; Chance gritted his teeth together and strung another arrow. Already the calm facade was beginning to slip, and he forced a smile that was more of a strained smirk than anything else.

"What the hell are you?" he said breathlessly, the slide of the scales scraping against his arm. It jostled his shot, but he hastily readjusted his footing to shift his balance, trying to keep things more even between the four of them.

(Something told him that it wouldn't make a difference anyway.)

Two arrows were strung, both snapped out rapidfire.

HP: 47
DMG: 11

nio love

chance why couldn't you shoot this well on the em

grey dragon
medigel rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-6)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:12 pm
There was no decorum to be found in his shriek as Tentacle Head got too close. Syn snarled in tandem as he pushed the creature away, nearly stumbling over himself. Fight, she kept saying, like every nerve wasn't flipping onto the flight side. These things were just toying with them, but Dawson could feel their strength even without getting knocked down like a bowling pin. (Though those scales though, what the hell.)

And Chance just kept talking at them. Sometimes his friend looked brave doing so, but this was just foolhardy, and Dawson fixed his stance again with more trepidation than before. What did it matter what these things were beyond out of their league?

(He missed the floating beach ball ghost now. He'd trade this fear for a stupid belly slapping fight any day.)

hp: 37
defending Chance for: 4
charge: 1/3

well as long as dawson doesn't roll as bad as he does on the em......

xxGrey Dragon

xxNio Love


Anxious Spirit

Nio Love rolled 2 12-sided dice: 9, 2 Total: 11 (2-24)

Nio Love

Enthusiastic Lunatic

17,350 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:19 pm
Riley's expression, despite being devoid of a mouth, seemed to rise up in spite of itself. The muscles behind smooth skin writhed and tensed, forcing a grim looking expression that was as difficult to read as it was to look at. She was flush with amusement at Cymbeline's outburst, having almost forgotten what it was like to work side by side with a being of power such as her.

She missed it. Just a bit.

Dawson was right about Chance's foolhardiness. The moment his mouth opened once more, Riley's attention flickered immediately to the man, crouching down to launch an attack. Once more, her tentacles came writhing through the air, snapping in their impatient need to taste flesh. And once more, all they tasted was the cold metal of the other man's shield. Riley roared with frustration, the sound of which shattered and multiplied into thousands of voices screaming at once.

When the screaming died down, she scratched at the shield with her nails in warning. Are you so impatient for your turn? Or is this all you are useful for? One hunter and two shields, perhaps.

Riley HP: 60
Target: Chance
Damage: 5 (4 of which blocked by Dawson!)

Grey Dragon
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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