Hello Everyone,

As many of you know I'm a "Semi Pro" Cosplay Photographer. Our Guild Captain refers to me as the Guild's Photo Guy.

With that in mind I'm going to be working on upgrading this Sub Forum. For now please follow the Main Guild Rules and Regulations for posting photos in this Sub Forum. Those rules can be found in the Main Forum.

In this Sub Forum some topics will be restarted, some will be eliminated, and others will be updated. I already have posted one topic on taking photos at a convention. I will be starting more topics with helpful photography tips.

Also I will be posting a detailed rules and regulations for this Sub Forum. Photography is fun and serious at the same time. The fun part is taking photos of Cosplayers and posing for photographers. The serious side is copyright infringement and inappropriate photographer or cosplayer behavior. Some of this will also be eventually covered in my up and coming Convention 101 thread in the Main Forum.

Up to now most of the Photos in this Sub Forum are ones that Cosplayers have posted about themselves and their WIP Cosplay outfit making Progress. I would like to include photos taken by Cosplay Photographers like myself. That will be explained in more detail once I have a detailed Rules and Regulations for this Sub Forum.

Keep having fun showing off your latest Cosplay outfits and keep an eye out for changes that will help improve and upgrade this Sub Forum.