Hello and greetings in Jesus name. Since I am almost out of school for this semester, I thought I will post a lot on here since I have time. And one things that I really want to post is about evangelism and creation/evolution. And I will be sharing about how to witness to people, especially when it comes to Open-Air preaching.

To start off, I believe that anyone can become an open-air preacher. It sometimes takes practice, and sometimes it takes courage. But we all have the same calling, either to be an open-air preacher or witnessing to someone on the street.

In Mark 16:15 says "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." The word go is translated into another word, which means "to be a herald." You know what a herald does? A herald goes to a street corner and preaches that the King is coming soon. They get everybody ready for the King's return.

The same analogy is in Matthew 25, about the 10 virgins. A herald went before the bridegroom to proclaim that he is coming. That is what Mark 16:15 says that we need to do. We need to proclaim that He is coming and that everyone needs to get ready for His return.

So I will be posting some tips that I use on my Open-Air preaching, and some tips that livingwaters.com uses. Also, please post your questions about Open-Air preaching, or evangelism in this post and I will address it whenever I can. God bless!

Open Air Quick Tips:

1. How to Draw a Crowd