The pale blue of Avalon’s sky and the bright greenery disappear from TK’s eyes. He blinks once and the calm scenery gives way to a blank white room. There is little for the skeleton to observe, only a single book with a worn cover. Curiosity, as always, gets the better of the boil so he walks over to the book and slowly turns to the first page.

He hums thoughtfully, his eyes glowing with calm interest as he begins to read the story of a plain, quiet boy named Timur. Timur had grown up in a quiet village, in a family that ran an inn. Beneath the inn was his father’s meager collection of books, but still they intrigued him—compelling him to learn how to read so he could devour his father’s collection, but even that was not enough. The boy wanted more, more, more—

The corners of the skeleton’s mouth curls into a smile as he flips the page. Then one day, the Riders came, turning his village to cinders. The boy nearly lost his life when encountering his traitorous Rider mother, but managed to escape to Camelot, where he eventually became a knight.

And after he became a knight—

TK squints his eyes. His pace suddenly picks up and he continues to turn the page again, again, again until—

A war is coming.

“Hmmmm~ How interesting.”

His eyes seem to twinkle as he closes the book and walks away. He keeps walking until he opens his eyes.

Ah, so it had all been a dream? The skeleton sits up in bed, staring down at his pale hands. He blinks a couple times, running over the new memories swimming inside his mind. He knew these were not his own memories, but the knight’s.

How mysterious.

TK bit back laughter as he slowly slid out of bed.