This trip was a lot more pleasant than she had thought it would be. It was nice that she had agreed so quickly to come home with her. It would be wonderful, there was a den beside hers that was unoccupied that Falair could take. Yes, this was ideal. Her sister would want for nothing.

So it meant she had plenty of time to do things outside of visiting her sister. For all its faults, Halloween did have some things going for it. It had some plants and herbs and ingredients that she could not find in the Tower, but perhaps if she brought a few things back she would be able to grow them back in the greenhouses. That was why Na'ima stood in the nursery inspecting a particularly healthy specimen's leaves. This wasn't grown in the Tower, she could change that..

She rubbed her chin under the veil that covered all of her face but her eyes, tapping it one more time in an almost affectionate manner before she moved on. It was definitely on the list of things to bring home. What else..

The Semblance of Unity