* This guild does NOT recommend/contain 17+ material. (No hentai, No unscnsored Ecchi, No 18+ yaoi, No 18+yuri, R rated, or mature/adult content)
*(Please NOTE: This guild is NOT against LGBTQ+ community)

* No foul language

* The guild is not responsible if you post any personal info.

* Anyone being rude to members or breaking the rules will be banned.

* Anyone breaking Gaia rules will be reported immediately. Please report anyone suspicious.

*If anyone needs a defined Defection - ANIME 101 BASICS


1. Why was this guild created?
A lot of people in the forums were asking the same questions ("Can someone help me with anime suggestions?", "Recommend me an anime?", etc.) to the point that they were being ignored. So, the guild was created for recommending and discussing anime. heart

2. Is there anyone who can recommend K/J-pop or K/J dramas?
Yes, if you ask, Kpoplover44, the captain and 2 other members of the staff can recommend titles/songs. Kpoplover44 is mostly in charge of the K-pop & J-pop. You can also post a topic asking your fellow guild members.

3. Can I post recommendations?
Yes, the guild works both ways. smile

4. Can I write reviews & give ratings?
Yes, you can write a review on an anime you have seen. The rules are written in sub-forum. The Millenium Walken (aka The Fullmetal Narcissist) writes detailed reviews that have helped a few members (and he is not even staff member). smile

5. Can I post any news on dramas/anime/music?
Yes. Please post them in the correct sub-forum. Anime news goes here. While live action & music goes here.

6. If there are any Asian concerts will you let us know?
The guild will do its best. A concert thread in the music forum. If you know any upcoming concerts please post the info in the thread.

7. How do you determine the sub-forums?
From time to time surveys are taken and additional sub-forums are added as needed.

8. What is the Chat Room forum for?
In there you can chat about anything other than anime. Please remember the rules when posting.

9. What is the Past Contests Junk Yard?
Old contest that were ran by the guild.

10. How can I enter these contests?
A guild announcement will be sent out announcing a new contest. Rules and how to enter will be posted in a topic on the main forum of the guild. The contests are easy, we usually have Tek Tek or writing contests. Winner tend to be rewarded with prizes (Gaia Gold, items, etc.)

11. What are other ways I can win gold? Platinum?
The captain & vice-captain post quizzes with rewards, about once a month. These quizzes tend to have more than one winner. Some of these prizes there are still unclaimed. So please check the quiz sub-forum.

12. Can I make my own quizzes?
Yes. However, if you add a reward you are responsible for it.

13. This Guild PRIVATE now its public?
scream There was an incident where this guild collaborated with another guild.The other guild tried to get our guild members to leave and go to their guild. Also, there was guild member who was banned for breaking the rules. He kept joining and quitting the guild so he wouldn't get caught. ( stressed sweatdrop Sorry, got a little emotional...)

14. If you have any questions just ask. xp Look at my profile or the captain`s for more anime, manga, live action and music.

Thank you for your time and please enjoy your stay in the guild. heart