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[PRP] You little-- [Verusha/Lutz]

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:10 pm
...Where the hell was she!?

Lutz practically threw the pillows off of his bed, flinging the blankets aside as he searched for his missing Pygmy Pom. It was times like that that he cursed the fact she was so tiny, forcing him to scour nearly every inch of his dorm room in hopes that she had just wriggled into a tiny nook or was in a crevice somewhere.

When an hour of searching turned up nothing, however, the boil started getting really worried. Where could she have gone? The window was open but, hell, it was always open and nothing had happened before. He somehow doubted that Reinhardt could have fallen or jumped out from there, but he went to check anyways. A quick glance downwards determined that there were a bunch of bushes growing beneath the window, and--

--movement. Lutz stared stupidly as a minipet--his minipet--suddenly poked her head out of the foliage. Blatantly ignoring her master's cries, she began to merrily trot down the path that led from the undead dorms. Upon realizing that Reinhardt had no intention of heeding his calls, Lutz cursed loudly and bolted out of his room.

CRAPPY INTRO sorry for the wait! ;;; Feel free to have Verusha spot Reinhardt or something ahhhh ;; <33
PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:49 pm
ohmygoodness, this mini sounds presh already.

Big, bulky headphones hugged onto the ghouls head on either side, the music behind them audible should you be close enough. But her humming made it easier to figure out what song was blasting from the muffled circles, should there be music aficionados around her... or just those who liked the same stuff she did. Leisurely strolling along, a black painted thumbnail hooked on either side of her far-too-small pockets, Verusha wandered about the school grounds without a care. A nice game of fetch had been played, along with a little hunting, with her trusty pooch Cannon, who kept right at her side as she aimlessly meandered. It'd been a nice little workout with her fire hound, and she was itching to do something else...

But... her attention from pondering her next activity -- the idea to take a nap had floated around -- was interrupted when Cannon stiffened and straightened upright from his normal patrolling, when he caught the scent, followed by sight, of... something. Verusha's pale eyes glanced down slowly to her familiar, before following his line of vision, zeroeing on an adorable little fluff of fur. All dyed in black with precious skele markings. Instantly, a grin spread on the ghouls face, steps halting, as she watched it prance along so cutely.

Smirking, she didn't act just yet, letting Cannon instead investigate as he normally did. She did, however, crouch down to get at a better and more inviting level for the tiny puff.

Ears perked up and alert, the fire clad dog trotted up to the tiny mini, sniffing at it with surprising gentleness, gathering more information. It had a scent on it that wasn't just its own... making Cannon's ears press flat. Someone was its guardian. An insistent little grunt was given to the mini by the familiar, demanding some sort of explanation from its absence of owner.



Romantic Man-Lover


PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:22 pm
While Lutz was busy tripping over himself to get down the stairs and track his rogue minipet down, said minipet was busy making new friends. Her ears had pricked up in interest upon spotting the ghoul and her canine companion heading down the path, coming to a stop when the latter approached her. She held perfectly still upon being sniffed, tiny head cocking to the side at the hound's silent question.

Rather than answer, Rein reached up and set one forepaw on Cannon's nose, and then the other, slowly rising up on her hind legs. She let out a little peep, fluffy tail wagging eagerly behind her. Apparently instead of telling him where her owner was, she was much more keen on playing.

Unfortunately for her, Lutz was not very far behind. "Rein!" He growled loudly, sprinting straight for her, "We do not jump out of windows! Get back here right now!"

Letting out a series of happy chirps and peeps, the mischievous pom trotted towards the reaper ghoul and tucked herself between the student's legs for protection.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:10 am

The firehound watched stock still as those petite, minute paws placed onto his firm nose, ears twitching upright at the sound of the high pitched sound the little fluff emitted. Eyes narrowing with unamusement, he gave a soft wuff of warm air from his nose, to ruffle the tiny things fluffy fur, showing his displeasure with the lack of answer.... and declining the invitation to play.

But his attention quickly veered to the sharp sound of the barreling boil, lifting his head up, and assuming a protective stance before the puff-ball and his reaper. The flames licking along his spine gained some height, and his lips peeled back as he gave a low warning snarl to Lutz and his sudden appearance on the scene.

Verusha's own gaze, laden with interest and amusement unlike her pooch, kept honed in on the cutie that pranced her way. With a light chuckle, one of her hands lowered to offer a crooked finger to the adorable pom to sniff, as it took refuge with her, "Well aren't you the cutest thing~" she cooed to the troublemaker, gingerly letting her finger move to ever so carefully scritch at the base one of those tiny pointed ears, trailing down to the scruff; areas she'd learned most canines appreciated getting attention. She didn't even react to Lutz's rage, far too distracted with the precious thing before her. But she did spare him a glance, giving him a once over, before grinning wider and looking back down to her new little friend.

"I'm guessing this little one is under your care, then?" the Queen of Canines asked, in a more idle tone than actual interest.



Romantic Man-Lover


PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:34 pm
Rein bathed in the attention from the reaper, letting out an odd noise that was a cross because a purr and a coo. She turned her head this way and that to indicate where she wanted to be scritched, practically melting into the ghoul's hand at the ministrations. She didn't even seem alarmed when Lutz caught up, panting heavily--out of instinctive habit rather than any actual need for air--and folding over himself as he struggled to deal with the burn in his legs.

As someone who preferred to spend his time taking naps and reading, chasing after his minipet was probably the most exercise he had gotten all week.

"Yes, that little rascal is mine," Lutz answered, shooting a glare at the pom that was promptly ignored, "Apparently she decided today was a grand day to jump out of my dorm window and go on a merry little adventure." Fortunately, thanks to these two, she hadn't gotten very far.

Casting a slightly wary look toward the hound, Lutz took one step forward, and then another, his hands held out in front of him. "Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my minipet back now."

Except the minute she heard her owner say so, Rein--who had pretty much puddled into a ball of fur in Verusha's hands--suddenly sprung back up and trotted towards Cannon, clinging to one of the canine's legs with her forepaws. She gave the leg a little pat, as if demanding that he "protect" her.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:21 pm

Following along to the desired points of interest to be given the gentle scritches, Verusha couldn't help the soft chuckle that would repeat frequently from her with how gosh darn cute the pom was being. Sure she had heaps of her own back in her dorm, but... it didn't slate her love for them. How could one resist such adorableness-incarnate? Supporting the minuscule weight in her palm, her second hand had to get in on the affectionate action.

Cannon, of course, was not pleased by the tiny puff getting so much attention from his reaper... but he was preoccupied trying to fend off this stranger who'd come on so quickly, and strongly in their presence. He didn't back down, or falter, even when the boil began to explain the situation. Until given the ok, he wouldn't budge, or let the undead closer. Alas.... when Lutz did make a step towards them, Cannon too took a firm stomp forward, growling louder in warning to the other student.

His resolve did hitch a little though, when he felt that very light, and faint pressure to one of his sleek hind legs. Turning his head to glance back at the sweet pom, his glare narrowed further, showing little to no remorse on his stony features.

Pursing her lips some, Verusha bent her arms so as to place her chin on both fisted palms, while her elbows propped up on her knees, "Doesn't look like she wants to go back." the ghoul commented with amusement, watching the fluffy try and gain Cannon's aid. Eyeing the boil, her head tilted, the half with hair causing the strands to sway gently, "Couldn't she stay out a little longer? Or do you have somewhere to be?" there was a brief pause, before her toothy grin peeled more, "I could always watch her. Wouldn't be a problem."


Romantic Man-Lover


PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:59 pm

Instead of shrinking away from the glare, Rein pat at the hound's leg with an increased fervor. It seemed like she was encouraging him, telling them that yes, he was doing a good job at keeping her grumpy owner away and to keep at it. While she did not dislike Lutz by any means, that didn't mean that she didn't like to cause him grief from time to time--he was just far too serious for his own good.

Plus he desperately needed more friends, a role that these two could possibly fulfill.

"Ugh, I don't know," The boil grumbled, whipping his hat off with one hand and using the other to comb his hair from his face, "It's not like we really have anything to do right now, but..."

But that was the point; they had been about to lay around and relax in their room, which was what Lutz wanted to do. Spending time outside had been the last thing on his list, and spending his time outside with other people hadn't even been on the list in the first place. However, with Rein being as stubborn as she was, he wasn't sure if there was any alternative. This ghoul had offered to watch his mini for him, but the last thing he wanted was to owe anyone any favours and he was kind of a protective minipet dad so.

"I suppose...we'll stay out for a bit," he muttered grudgingly, folding his arms across his chest, "But just for a bit, Rein."

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:57 am

As always when it came to Cannon encountering others, the reaper took a great deal of entertainment in watching his reaction to the tiny pup that was fearlessly egging him on. While her familiar was more then annoyed and displeased with the unwanted attention, he of course refused to back down or soften his resolve. In fact, after awhile of the patting, he had half a mind to move his leg out from under the little puff! but a glance to Verusha made him keep still and endure.

A final snort was given by the fire hound, as he turned to look towards Lutz instead, ignoring little Rein.

With the boils compliance to stick around a little while longer, Verusha scooted forward a little more to reach out again to tiny Rein, and let a single finger tip gently rub the center of that petite head, "She sure is cute. And Rein's a nice name." Oh right, names.

"I'm Verusha, by the way. And this is Cannon." the ghoul gestured to the steamed hound, who continued to aim his unblinking, glowing gaze at the offending student.



Romantic Man-Lover


PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:08 pm
Lutz wasn't entirely pleased with this arrangement, but what could he do? Rein didn't want to head back to the dorm yet, and he felt uncomfortable just leaving her out on her own or with these people they had just met, so he had no choice but to endure. Shifting his glare off of Rein, the boil turned to regard to reaper instead upon receiving her name.

"Verusha and Cannon," he echoed, gaze flickering between master and familiar before it settled on the former again, "I'm Lutz, and...yeah. This is Reinhardt, though I really just call her Rein." And she's a pest, he added mentally, watching as the fluffy menace now attempted to scale Cannon's leg. Maybe she wanted to hitch a ride on his back?

Who the hell knows.

"You been a student here long?" he found himself asking, uncharacteristically trying to make small talk, "I'm still a first year here myself."

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:28 am

The reapers eyes managed to unglue from the cuteness that was Rein long enough to give Lutz another look when the introductions were returned back, grinning that usual easygoing grin of hers, "That's a pretty fancy name, she's got." but the ghoul liked it. Sounded awesome, and strong. She could dig that.

Cannon's glare only intensified as the little puffball kept insisting focusing on him as her means of interest. Lips peeling back more to reveal more of those shiny, razor sharp teeth of his, in attempt to try and scare the pooch off... he let them recede when he saw that Verusha was... helping the little thing up, just like it wanted! Ears flattening back, his flames lowered on his back to just little peaks of fire along his spine, and sprouting at his thighs. Displeasure was etched deeply on his expression as he stared unblinking to the pom that was perched right onto the small of his back by the reaper.

Verusha gave a gentle little pat on top of Rein's head once she settled the mini up on the steed, giving one of those big pointed ears another scritch. Glancing back up to Lutz, she smirked, and expelled a soft snort of air from her nose, "Well.... I'm still a first year... but I've been here much longer than a year." she muttered with an amused glint in her eyes.



Romantic Man-Lover


PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:52 pm
Verusha's comment about his name earned a barely perceptible twitch of his lips as he bit back a laugh. If she thought his preferred nickname was fancy, then he wondered what she'd think of his full name. It had been the first and only piece of knowledge he remembered upon being risen from the dead, and he still remembered how he cringed upon hearing the pompous sounding name.

But instead of saying all this to the ghoul, he settled for a short "yup" and watched as she humoured his minipet and lifted her up onto the hound's back. "You're spoiling her," he remarked dryly, brows creasing in disapproval but otherwise making no indication to stop her, "Now she's going to think she can get whatever she wants out of me when we go back."

"And eh. I don't think anyone really cares if we've been slacking and spending more than a year per school school. I mean, doesn't bother me. Does it bother you?" Lutz shrugged his shoulders, though he was honestly somewhat relieved to find someone who was in a similar predicament as he was. Lock and Erebus had both been progressing through Amity at a reasonable tempo, but as for him...oops.

While their masters were talking, Rein was having the time of her life on Cannon's back, taking care not to fall off as she paced back and forth on his back. Then she trotted up to his neck, rising up on her hind legs so that she could reach his head. She then...licked the top in what was probably a minipet kiss. Whether she was trying to be sweet or obnoxious was a mystery, though Lutz--who had glanced over in time to spot the gesture--would have bet on the latter.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:04 pm

A chuckle rose from her with the boils voiced concern, her fingers lightly fluffing the pom pom of a minis fur a little as she released the tiny thing, "Aw, well everyone deserves a little spoiling now and then." she mused, side glancing to the undead with a curious brow raised, and her grin cracking wider, "Besides, I'm sure it must be hard to say no to such a cute face, isn't it?" all her mini's were spoiled by default. Most being of the canine persuasion, she simply couldn't help herself.

She let his words settle in her mind before responding, shoulders lifting and lowering into a shrug, before shifting her weight, "Nah not so much. But you are right. Feels like no one gives a rats tail what anyone does around here." she smirked, "And we all go at our own pace, right? There's no set in stone 'you must do this by this time' or anything. So no rush." she shrugged again, lightheartedly, with an equal grin aimed at the boil. "But I'm sure you've got lots of friends who are probably getting ahead, or graduating sooner, yeah? That could be tough."

On her end, she couldn't say much. There weren't many students she'd made actual friendships with. Roch probably being the only consistent presence company wise, besides Cannon... and he was already living a life outside of school. So that didn't really count.

Once he felt the petite feet leave his back, Cannon instantly sat down, so she couldn't return there again, stranding her atop his head. That was far more tolerable than feeling her roaming around all along his spine! His low flames were at a harmless heat, and could even be walked through in their current state, only providing a gentle wash of warmth over anyone who brushed them.

That small tongue grazing his head made him narrow his eyes more, stony expression unflinching otherwise, as he did his best to ignore her presence entirely.

No. He was not having it. If he had to endure this, he would not give her any sort of acknowledgement.


Romantic Man-Lover


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