Matt Allens's theme would hit the PA system, as his theme would be "Fixation of the Darkness" by Killswitch Engage. The CWF production crew from the truck outside of the building played the theme song. Matt would walk through the curtain of CWF as the crowd would show mixed reactions at him, Matt had walked out with another company's championship, which would be the pathetic ole' TNW:R Paramount Championship over his shoulder. Matt won it from Finn Balor at one of the company's watered down Pay-Per-Views, which I advise you not to watch or pay money for, when you could just rent a hooker instead. He adjusted it on his shoulder, as he would walk down the ramp with the crowd thumbing him down. He would reach the ring, as he would throw the title over the top rope, making it hit the canvas in the ring. He would then walk around the ring to where the steps were, and walk the steps one foot at a time, and come into the ring through the second rope. He would then walk towards the championship that was in the ring, and kick it out of the ring, as he would then request a microphone. He would receive it, as he would begin to talk, and say what was on his mind.

"There are many names for God. There's Allah. There's Yaweh. There's Jehovah..Adonai..Elohim..Messiah, and then there's Matt Allens." Matt would say, as the crowd would begin to boo as Matt paused for a moment. He would look around, beginning to speak again. "..I am simply the best there is, better than Kurt Angle, better than the Undertaker...better than Sting, better than CM Punk, and most certainly better Abyss. You see, Abyss thinks he's some sort of monster because of his resume. Shortening careers, and putting men in hospitals. But let's take a look at Matt Allens's resume..let's take a look at MY resume. Several pinfall victories over the best, and certified a**-kicker. I've beaten the rest. I've beaten the best. But I have never beaten Abyss, and at Battleground, I plan to add Abyss to my hit-list, and with the work of God..God of the ring, Matt Allens, I will damn Abyss to hell and place his mortal body into that casket, claiming his mortal soul as mine!" Matt Allens would get boo'd and disrespected at, as he would raise his arms in victory. He would then leave the ring, with his theme song playing through the arena, and walk up the ramp, heading to the back with the championship he had from another company.