User Image She told herself she was ready for this.

She was wrong.

She stared down at the two BCRs, a false smile stretching across her lips. Echo had been excited, she assumed, based off the delighted response earlier that morning. Narcisa wanted to be excited, but she couldn't. The BCRs before her filled her with dread, swirling deep within her stomach and clenching her heart each time she glanced back at them. She had wanted freedom when she escaped her old home, only to be chained down once more. She couldn't feel the joy Echo did. She had, not once, had a life of her own, and now that she finally escaped home she thought she'd finally experience the world without restraint. The world, instead, played a cruel joke on her in the form of new life.

Her paw raised, gently knocking one of the BCRs over with a curious frown. They were warm to the touch, causing her to yank her paw back with a scowl. These weren't jewelry, like she hoped.

Echo would be back soon, she knew. In a few minutes he'd have dinner and he'd want to chatter about the kids again. Kids. Their kids. Her kids. She cringed internally, tensing her muscles. She had to get through this. Echo was happy and all she wanted was to keep that smile on his face as much as possible, even if that meant she was screaming internally. It'd be okay, right? She wasn't doing this alone...

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~Lady Kanna~