If evolution were true and man evolved through successive stages of hominids, a Christian has a problem—among many others—of determining when man became made in the image of God. This brief paper responds to a potential solution put forward recently on the BioLogos website, whose mission is to “invite the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation.”1 Similarly, the Christian ministry Reasons to Believe (RTB) allows for millions of years and for humanlike creatures that don’t quite make the cut of being God’s image-bearers, but RTB has a different way of reconciling the issue, which has been discussed elsewhere. This paper maintains that such attempts are damaging and intends to show them as unsatisfactory for the Christian—indeed for anyone honestly considering man’s elevated state. As this paper addresses what the image of God is not, so part two will exegetically address what it is according to Scripture.
