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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[SOLO|PASSPORT] Into the Human World

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Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:27 am
This is Strictly Business

"You understand that coming here is a violation of the laws and rulings of former alpha Naerina, correct?" The ghoul's voice called from atop the grand staircase of the manor, her hands clasped to her front, her hair cascading down her back. She was young and beautiful, but she held an air of authority that demanded attention and respect. The staff all bent at the hip when her voice called out, one hand on the door handle, the other to her backs as they dipped in service. The boil stood at the door with hands across his chest, eyes narrowed at the ghoul and to the larger male beside her. The male was much older than any other present in the foyer, greying of his hair, his eyes sunk deep with time, but his body was imposing and strong. The man's eyes narrowed back at the visitor in turn as he loomed over the ghoul. "By the ruling of the former alpha, you are an exile, you are not welcomed here and nor are you allowed to be here. Violation of this is dissipation and-"

"I am here for business, Alpha Audra'bren." The boil interrupt unceremoniously as he dared to ascend the stairs towards the ghoul. The larger, older male turned to greet him, blocking his path to the ghoul as he climbed the ornate stairs. "As an exile, I am no pack member, but as an alpha, you should listen to propositions of guests."

"Not when that guest comes into my home unannounced." Audra replied as she looked at him from the side of her eyes. "The rest of the staff, please return to your tasks, lets not let this inconvenience interrupt." With that request, the staff returned upright and dispersed into the house leaving the three hellhounds at the top of the stairs.

"Well, if you will not listen to a guest, will you not listen to your brother?" Uru cracked a smirk at the ghoul despite the growls that came from the older male.

"Honestly, Uru, you could have informed me you were coming. It is still a violation. We shouldn't even be talking right now. If you had called, I would have gone through proper channels to see it through..."

"You two call one another?" The older male interjected with a low growl. "That is a violation of his exile, Brenna. You are not allowed to have any sort of contact with him as the alpha of Cocytus. You-"

"Shut up, uncle." Uru brushed past the older male who gave an annoyed look. "Like I said, this is strictly business."


The study that once belonged to their mother was now Brenna's room of operations. It was where she handled all her work and all her readings. It had became a sort of place that it always was; a room where the alpha conducted her business. Seating herself at the desk, their uncle removed the stacks of paper and folders to allow clear sight between the two siblings. She offered a gesture for Uru to speak.

"I need you to sponsor me as I get my passport." Uru declared.

"Passport? You had just graduated. Why would you want access to the human world? Shouldn't you be more focused on, y'know, yourself, your new house, or Damien? I could think of more things that are less important, yet still more important that getting a passport to use the portals to the human world, Uru." The alpha spoke, her finger jabbing at the table as she listed off all these possible things the demon should be more interested in. Sure he had just graduated, moved his dorm into a house into Halloween Town Square, and he was still in a blooming relationship with a monster hellhound. Sure, he should be more focused on finding a career, a job, and continue to attend courses at the academy to further his education and experience. However, he had explained that the passport would allow him access to the world portals to venture out and explore what is out there without having to be tied down to one place. His home is with Damien, yes. He still loves and appreciates his sister, this remains true. But there are times he will need to get a better perspective of what is going on in one place or another to put his own into his own sights. Arguably, he might have a better idea of what he could do for a career if he assimilates it from another world. He could find more books in other worlds that illustrate vivid images. He explained to her that Damien had been attending classes into a career field and that he would want to do the same. However, this passport is among the list of things he would like to take care of before Damien graduates, in which case, he is assured (to himself), he will want to have less free time to do adventurous things. Brenna sat for a moment, her chin in her hand as she contemplated. "What is it that a sponsor does?"

"According to the AA Passport Office, a sponsor is suppose to vouch for the alumni or student; risking your good name, your own passport, and cover any and all fees the aforementioned alumni or student accumulates while in the human world." The uncle spoke from the corner of the room, drawing the attention of the two siblings. He offered them both looks before stating, "I got my passport."

"Oh! Good, well then. I believe I have figured this out. Uncle, you are going to vouch for Uru. You will risk your good name. However, I will fund the fees he has. That sounds fair, yes?" Brenna turned to Uru and nodded then to her uncle. "Yes. And in turn, Uru, if you are needed for any reason, you will come here, to the manor, on a one-time free-of-violation visit on a strictly business favor. Understood?" Brenna grinned from where she sat. She was an alpha in title alone as she was not of age. But it was scary how quickly she is able to pick up the attributes to be one.

The uncle and Uru shared a look that spoke What did I sign up for?

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Their Uncle has involuntarily offered his passport and name to vouch for Uru.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:45 am
Day 1:

It was something of a necessity. He had discussed it, thought it over many times, and justified that the trip was necessary for the documentation and the privilege. If he was going to obtain a passport, he would have to go through the proper channels. In order to do that, he would have to spend a week in the Human World and survive there. He was a survivor in different ways, this will just be another task he will complete. However, what bothered him was that he was going to be leaving the green-eyed, monster hellhound for a week. He couldn't recall the last time he had gone without the individual for more than a few days. So that was the surviving he'd have to go through - being without his mate. He was strong, he was a capable, independent, strong demon hound. A week would be fine, he just had to focus on the task at hand. He had packed his duffle bag based on the sponsor's instructions. Gave the boil a chaste kiss, and a deep hug farewell, before he headed out.

It wasn't the first time in the Human World, he recalled as he set his duffle bag onto the bed, pulling out articles of clothing. before, it was warmer, raining even at night. The streets were different than Amityville, they were smoother with lights all over and roaring metal boxes that honked and screeched. This time, it was cold - much to his appreciation, and white powder was falling from the sky. He hadn't seen it before, but he actually found it enjoyable. It was like a gentle storm but colder and not as wet. He took most of his clothes out of his bag and left little inside: a tanktop, a plain water bottle, a towel, shorts, and a change of clothes. He needed to steak out the area first, get a layout before figuring out what next to do. He could hide here, but he wasn't the type to do that. No, he was going to try to blend in. It wouldn't be his fault if no one noticed him lurking around. Uru pulled on a wool jacket, tied on a dark green scarf around his neck, shucking on the duffle bag, he headed out the door.

The streets layered in a blanket of white whatever. It crunched beneath the rubber of the shoes that he had been given. People - he believed that was what they were called - mulled up and down the side walk as cars - again, what he heard in passing - zipped by. He looked around and noticed that no one really cared about him. They were too busy with their own lives to give two jacks about a stranger like him. He wasn't exactly scared of the prospect of being in the Human World for a week, he wasn't all-too excited either, nor overwhelmed. He had to take things in stride and not let it get to him. Moderations, he told himself.

The city was big, lights alit with the night. Cars honked on the street in traffic. Hundreds of people roamed the streets, crossing from one side or another. Red lights, green lights, it didn't seem to matter to them. They crossed anyway. Apparently, some laws did not apply here. There were times people waited until the orange hand turned into a white person. There were times people walked along a path set on the street designated by white lines. Others just crossed wherever they were. Apparently, honking one's car was a sign of anger or disapproval. There was a scream that sent a chill up his spine. It was a welcomed chill, he jerked his head at a yelling woman who was slapping the front of a car in the middle of the street. He vaguely heard the words 'Watch where you're going' being shouted. People were laughing and flashing boxes while huddled together. They seemed they were knew here, too - tourists. Before him, he looked at a large towering building with a screen on its face that went from the bottom to the top. An advertisement of sorts. At the very very top of the building was a large orb. Was it some... threatening doom bomb or something, the way it just sat up there. Maybe whoever owned the building probably used it as a way to keep people in check. He scoffed at the idea.

He had asked a man - he was really glad he did some human studies before coming - where the closest gym was. The stranger thought for a moment before giving instructions.

He was glad he tried to get the vernacular correct: man instead of boil, woman instead of ghoul, cars, etc. Luckily, they shared a lot of the same terminology.

The gym stood before him. 14 Wall Street, if he recalled the green fluorescent sign that he had passed. The receptionist gave him a once over, a sly grin before greeting him. He paid a visiting fee and headed inside, the woman giving him a tour of the place. It was an impressive establishment; up to date equipment, everything was clean and well placed. She stood by a doorway that was labeled "Men" overhead with the same smile. There was a bite of her lip as he passed by wordlessly. The lockerroom was also impressive; tiled floors, wooden faced lockers, mirrored sinks at the end of the bays, rows of frosted glass door showers. It kinda put Amityville's to shame honestly. Uru had shucked off his jacket and scarf, putting them into the designated locker - 667. Amusing. There were laughter and murmurs of other men in the place, talking over the hiss of the showers. This was no different from the gym at the academy. Blending in will be easy.

He was in the middle of working out benching a 210lb. He wanted to keep himself inconspicuous, didn't want to do anything too high. But his pride prevented him from going any lower. Some times a guy would come to root for him, encouraging him before wandering off somewhere. He could swear a group of people pass him by occasionally to watch him. He paid them no mind. He had to focus; this wasn't a leisurely visit to the Human World and he had to keep his disguise on. He swallowed hard as he held the bar over head, his arm shaking a bit. His body was layered with glistening sweat, the areas of his shirt darkened with the moisture. His dual-colored eyes trained on the metallic black bar in his hands when another entered his field of vision to grasp it. He looked at the arm to the shoulder to the face of a blonde ghoul - woman. She smiled at him before assisting him with the bar.

"You don't need to push yourself or show off to these girls." She spoke, her voice saccharine and smooth. Her blue eyes looking him over once. She took in his chest, his wide shoulders, the strong jaw, and the stubble that covered it. His hair slick wet and thick brows together as their gazes met. "You were showing off, weren't you? Liked having eyes on you?"

"No." He replied flatly as he took a sip from his water bottle.

"They certainly enjoyed the show then."

"It wasn't a-"

"Right, it wasn't a show. But you were impressive. How many reps?"

"I don't do reps." Uru responded as he got up, taking the hanging bottle to wipe down the bench and the bars. He was at least mindful of the rules and cleanliness it key in a gym. He turned to see that the girl was still there, looking up at him with a look. She only came up to his chest.

"Name's Lana." She held out a hand with a wide grin.

Uru took it hesitantly. Perhaps it was best to not give his real name. "Ryan." What kind of name was that?... it was a name, at least it was nowhere similar to his own. Hopefully, he will be aware enough to answer to it. There wasn't any taking back of it now.

"I haven't seen you around here before, new?" She inquired as she got herself onto the bench. She was using his own weights.


"Friend? Family?"

"Tourist." He replied quickly as he put his hands just above the dip of her bar to catch it. She was moving much slower than him. She was clearly struggling... Should he have voiced his concern or-

"Oh? That's cool. You'll like New York. The winter isn't too bad, but it's what we get for living up north." She chuckled before straining. Uru took the bar in hand and settled it down. They spoke briefly, moving from one station to another. The girl quickly learned he did not take competition lightly. She ran at 20mph, he was running 30. She was lifting twenty, he was going forty. It wasn't a gender thing, he was just very competitive. It amused him and surprised her that she thought she could beat him in yoga. She gave up after thirty minutes complaining of a 'cramp'. He could tell she was lying.

"Say, are you staying nearby?" Uru thought for a moment, nodding briefly. "Wanna grab some lunch tomorrow? I know this great place, perfect for a tourist like you." The disguised human rubbed the back of his neck, unsure and uncomfortable with the decision. "As friends, of course." she amended as if to dissipate any confusion.

"Sure." he muttered. She smiled at him, instructing to meet her at the square tomorrow at 11am. That's right, they had a thing called 'time' that corresponded to the days back in Amityville. He nodded and bid her farewell before going back into the lockerroom.

He swore he could feel eyes on him.



Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:46 am
Day 2:

Lana had taken hold of the guy's wrist, dragging him through the crowd and down a street. They had both pocketed their hands as they walked down the street, the cars becoming more scarce the further from the square they went. He was dressed in the same clothes as the day before. Lana was dressed in a white puffy jacket and cream scarf and matching beanie. He watched as the green signs went on until they reached 49 then 50. He looked ahead and saw the sign: "Equinox".

"Isn't this a gym we went to yesterday?" Uru questioned, looking up at the black sign with white lettering.

Lana chuckled as she strolled forward. "There are a few Equinoxes around here, but this one has my favorite place to eat. Come on." Inside the gym was also a small eating area, the sign read: "Creative Juice". His eyes scanned over the sign and the space itself. The place was mostly of juices and small foods - light eating. He imagined it was catered towards gym-goers. Definitely explained why it was located in a gym. A sound rang out catching his attention. His head swiveled toward the girl as she stood by a table with two others. Jack... he wasn't exactly expecting guests to this... but this was just lunch with a 'friend'.... 'friends' now.

"This is Ryan, he's visiting NYC." Lana introduced.

"Damn, girl, look at him. Looks like he stepped out of Men's Health and GQ and a spread in Sports Illustrated." A brunette cooed, her chin falling onto a resting hand. He could feel her eyes look him over as if undressing him under all four layers. Her perfectly manicured white tipped nails tapping at her chin. "Name's Karen."

"And why exactly do ypu read those?" The guy beside him asked, elbowing her lightly. "Name's Andrew. This one's mine." He jerked a thumb to the brunette beside him. "So whereabouts are you from, Ryan?"

"Salem." A kneejerk response. He was regretting it because... well, that was the only Human World place he could recall at the moment under the spot.

"Salem...?" Andrew spoke slowly as if to draw out more information. Unfortunately, he didn't have anymore information to give. "There's - like, a lot of Salems."

"Witches." Uru strained out because by Hecate he was really bad. Witches was a coverall genre of student aside from ghosts.

"OH! Massachusetts! You don't sound like a Bostonian." Karen pointed out. "Say 'car keys'."

"I... never picked it up." Uru admitted as he took his seat down with Lana's urging.

"So what brings you to New York?"

"Just... checking it out for a week. Nothing really planned." Just survive.

There was a collective hum among them as gave glances to one another. Uru felt their attention on him again. He didn't quite understand the sensation that made him want to get out of there. They way they looked at him... it wasn't malicious or lustful - well, perhaps two of the three weren't.

"How about we take you out this week? It'll be fun! It won't be expensive or anything, but at least you'll have company!"

He found himself saying yes to the offer before he really thought of the situation. On one hand, he could say no and go into hiding or go back to the gym. If he had said yes, he is blending in with the populace through these three individuals. He would be able to explore a bit more of this world and familiarize himself with the vernacular. Apparently, they had agreed to meet at a place called "Barnes & Noble" tomorrow.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:47 am

Day 3:

"This is 5th Ave..." He muttered to himself as he looked up from his (eye)Phone, the 'GoogleMap' was giving him instructions to walk for another 400 feet. The snow crunched beneath his boot, the harsh crack of the salt that littered the sidewalk. Snow was falling like the day before, but it wasn't falling hard. Drifting. His hair was getting powdered but he enjoyed it. The cold, it was a welcomed feeling, anchoring him to home.

The buildings that sat on each side of the street looked all the same; same stoop, same gates, same doors, same all around. They even had the same sort of tree that sat between each building - not that there was any separation of them. It was strange, it felt like he was walking but was getting nowhere. The only real indication that he was getting anywhere was that the cars that lined the streets differed. The phone announced 'you have arrived at your destination' when he had approached a large two story building with green lettering that stated 'Barnes & Noble'. Judging by the exterior it was a book store. "So, it's a Bones & Trouble." He muttered under his breath, recalling the book retail store at the maul.

Inside, he found the trio of humans, eager and waiting for him. He gave them a brief wave before putting his hand back into his pocket. Karen took it upon herself to dust him off which got her a stern frown. She flinched briefly, biting her lip before snaking her arm back around Andrew's. They found themselves down at a table at a 'Starbucks' (Scarseeds, equivalent, Uru had noted). For the most part, the product was the same. The trio learned that he liked coffee. He drank it with confidence, how he sat up straight, head up as he took the drink to his mouth rather than meeting it. They talked about their night prior and this and that. Apparently, Uru had arrived just in time for a meet up after months of being apart, between Lana and the couple. Uru had excused himself to let the three get reacquainted. It wasn't his place. He offered them a ghost of a smile before wandering off. He was more curious about the books that this place held. Fantasy, Fiction, Teen Fiction, Romance, he shook his head at the selection. He knew not to judge a book by its cover, but... a lot of these covers left very little to go on. Twilight? Fifty Shades of what? He scoffed at these titles. It was the horror and fantasy that interested him.

"Wolf Age by James Enge..." he mused as he fingered a book off the shelf. It was a softcover, relatively thick with good text font. In moments, he found himself sunk into a couch reading through the first three chapters before a shadow blocked his light. Judging by the smell, he knew who it was. "Hi, Karen."

"Whatcha reading? You disappeared on us." She drawled as she popped herself into the raggedy sofa across from him, her legs up on the arm rest. They way she looked at him was like meat on a stick. It bothered him, but... could he tell her off or would that blow his cover?... he had to play safe and he hated it.

Uru angled the book off slightly to reveal the cover and spine, she can read it herself. His brows quirked briefly before his eyes went back to the page. "You three were talking. Catching up. Didn't think I should be involved in that."

"But you're a friend, we're suppose to be giving you company. I could be good company, y'know."

"I am sure." he dismissed with a turn of the page. He was probably being rude. But she was coming off... well, there were choice words but none fitted to be said. "I am with someone." He threw off handedly. Apparently that caught her attention as her legs swung back over and she was leaning across the table.

"s**t, really!? Who is the lucky one to have all of this walking sex idol?"

"Who's a sex idol?" Another voice called, the pair joined by Lana and Andrew.

"Ryan has a girlfriend!" Karen cried, pouting up at Andrew who shook his head before patting hers. Apparently he wasn't phased by her behavior.

"He's at home," He replied, closing the book because clearly he wasn't going to be able to read it. It was a typical werewolf story with a magical human with magic powers and a magic sword living in a kingdom with a matriach that apparently gets it on with some prison wolf and... it is nonsense really. After the whole 'regrown their hymen to be with you' line, he kinda gave up on taking it seriously.

"O.M.G. you're gay!?" Karen screeched. Lana slapped her arm. Andrew shushed her. Their attention turning to him, his cheeks slightly reddening.

"Pan, actually..." he muttered.

"What, like, everything?" Lana questioned, looking at her friends.

"I think it's more like; he could put his hand down someone's pants and be totally fine with whatever he finds?" Andrew tried to analogize. Uru gave a noncommital shrug, but that pretty much hit the nail. Except, his only -sexual is Damien-sexual. "Dude, we are learning a lot about you. Probably the most interesting thing that's happened in awhile, huh, Lana?" She nodded.

Interesting was operative. He had a girl who kept coming onto him. A girl who eyed him constantly but said nothing. And a guy who had a girl but didn't seem to reign her in. And they found him interesting? That was the interesting thing.

"I also like music." Collectively, they all gasped with awe, followed by another set of questions which brought a slight smile to his face. It was nice to have others passionate about his skills. He should be more open about them... maybe he will when he got back. Let others hear him play rather than hide it inside. "Piano and guitar. Rusty on them both, it's been some time since I last played. Only for me though, no gigs or anything like that."

"Dude, we got the perfect place for you then. Come on, get your things." Uru was staring up at the trio as they had gotten up, throwing their jackets and scarves on. Curious, he did the same, following them out back into the snow.

He was directed to a place called "Music Row", the last sign he had seen was 48th street. Uru moved along with the group through various of the shops there, eyes flitting with wonder at all the things there. At times, he could not stop himself from picking up a ukulele or an acoustic guitar, run his fingers across the beautiful ivory keys of a piano. He learned of records - flat, round saucers that played music when a needle was put on them through a large horn. He was sure there had to be some back at Amityville... he smiled as each shop; Rudy's Music Shop, Alex's Music, Sam Ash, all these places had their own sounds and atmosphere that he found himself getting lost in it. If only he could bring Damien here...

Uru spent most of the night listening to human music while reading human books.


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:49 am

Day 5:

"Why do they call this Central Park?" Uru inquired as he walked beside the other three. He should feel bad that they were taking up most of the walk way, but people seemed to move around them easily enough. So whatever. He noted the wide open spaces here, the bridges, the walk ways, the frozen pond, the snow covered bushes and trees. He could see human scareling play off in the distance throwing snow at one another. In ball form.

"Duh, because it is the center of New York! And it's one of the busiest places, too. Everyone walks around here. It's suppose to be relaxing." Karen supplied, arm-in-arm with Andrew who was staring off into the distance. Apparently, he wasn't exactly all there. Lana walked beside him, keeping to herself for the most part, but joined in various conversations before butting out again. It was strange, she seemed so forward before, now she was quiet. He gave it a brief thought before his attention was brought back to a question. "What are you afraid of, hun?"

"Pfft, I'm just afraid of heights. Never getting me on a rollarcoaster, or work in one of them skyscrapers." The other guy admitted, waving his hand in the area, gesturing to the tall, glass building surrounding them. "Like, the idea of being so high up and then falling? Yeah - no, there's no way am I ever gonna be up that high. I wouldn't survive a fall like that."

"The dark." Karen hummed. "I'd say the dark. It isn't so much not being able to see, it's probably 20% that, but the fact that I don't know what's there. I guess you can say the unknown, what could be hiding int he dark. Something could come out and eat me or something! "

Lana gave an audible shiver as she leaned forward to look at her friends. "The cold, because jeez, screw this winter. It's been going on for months! I'll freeze to death."

Uru chuckled, drawing their attention. "You all seem to be afraid of dying."

"What? You're not?" Karen scoffed.

"No, I'm not afraid of death. It isn't death who I should be afraid of. It is the slave to the cause. It isn't death that kills you. It is the monster that comes from the shadow to eat you, unseen and never heard. You won't be able to hide from it because it lives in the shadow, it could probably see in it, too. It is the height that kills - well, the impact of you hitting the ground or the air growing so thin that you can't breath. Cold is different. It comes at you in different ways. It could eat away at your skin, killing off the cells before falling off. It could chill you to the bone, ripping the air from your lungs and freezing it. Cold is a nasty fear, not one you should joke about, and not one to be taken lightly. I don't fear Death, I fear its masters."

There was an eerie silence that fell over them as their pace slowed. Uru turned to noticed that they had gotten closer together, their eyes wide on him. Karen's arm tighter around Andrew's. Andrew's fist gripped tightly in his pocket, his other clasped onto Lana's. He raised a brow at them, unshaken by the slight ramble.

"What 'master' do you fear?" Lana asked, her tone shaken. Not from the cold but from fear. Perhaps now they realize what he said made sense, if that is the case, they could consider themselves a bit wiser.

"Being alone." He replied immediately, not making the eye contact with the girl (ghoul) because the snow crunching beneath his boot was more interesting to look at.

"Abandonment issues, I'm guessing?" Andrew tossed, apparently back into the current realm of awareness that is the four of them.

"Something like that."

"Okay!" Karen spoke up, throwing her arms up in the air, marching forward between them. "Lets get something to eat. Lets get out of this cold and get something warm and I know just the place!"

That was how they ended up at a place called Beauty & Essex. Uru stared at it because it did not look like a place to eat. No, it looked like a pawn shop. That was because it was a pawn shop. There was no menu, there was no line of people outside the door to get inside. However, he could hear silverware on ceramic, he could ear laughter, he could ear the twang of glass flutes, but where? All he could see was a pawn shop and a hipster looking human at the register that Karen was talking to. She turned and smiled before leading them to the back of the shop where it opened up to a bustling night time dine. He was held aghast by the deception, the beauty of the place. He found himself wandering behind the humans to a table, but his eyes were on everything else; the wonderful lighting, the table, the aroma, the bar that was lit with bottles of spirit. What sort of place was this and why didn't Amityville have a secret diner?

"This is amazing!" Uru shouted.

"I know, right!?" Karen replied with a laugh as she waved over for a waiter.

Dinner was fabulous. He enjoyed it for what it was, expensive, but the atmosphere was great. They made plans for the following night; the couple were busy but encouraged that Lana take the tourist out.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:50 am

Day 6:

"Why dun you 'ike me?" Lana slurred as she sat at the bar where he was leaning. Uru raised a brow at the girl as she rested her head in folded arms, an empty glass in one hand, her brows furrowed at Cielo's dance floor. The music beat was erratic yet still held some sort of rhythm to it. That was what he was focusing on. He noticed the chaotic movements on the dance floor. He noticed how many people looked at him, the lust in their eyes, the arousal in their scent. He wasn't having any of that. He simply leaned back, arms across his chest as he glared at anyone who tried to come talk to him. "Sourpuss", Lana had called him before getting herself a drink. Now she was sitting next to him asking ridiculous questions.

"Because I have a boil - boyfriend!" he shouted back over the music, looking down at her.

"But whhhhhyyyyyyyyyy~" She whined, pouting at him. He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Because I love him. He's good for me, always has been. He is very selfless." He explained, a smile from ear to ear from just mentioning the green-eyed monster. "I could look into his eyes and picture myself in the forest, lost in them for hours if he'd let me. The way he laughs, never lets me get down because he's always nosing into my thoughts. He always tries to spoil me even though I won't let him, but I appreciate that he at least tries to. He's probably home right now, cooking up something to eat, wearing my sweatpants because they're comfy and they look amazing on him. He's probably sleeping on my side of the bed because I'm not there." Uru sighed to himself at the thoughts of the monster, smiling more and more, relaxing just the same. He looked down at the girl who was pouting back at him like a sturgeon. "Not sorry, Lana. I'm all his."

"UGH!" She flailed, her cup knocking over. "WHY ARE ALL YOU HOT GUYS GAY!?"

"Okay, I think that's enough." The guy chuckled, settling her with hands on her shoulders. "You're drunk, I think it's time we get you home."

"Fine..." She replied solemnly as she fixed herself, trying to appear dignified as they walked out of the club, around the line of people outside. She waved her hand and within moments a yellow car came as if summoned. Perhaps Humans held some sort of magic too... The pair got in and she gave the directions. Uru had to keep her awake, poking her face which she apparently found amusing because she smiled at that. They had reached another street like the day before; rows upon rows of buildings that looked exactly the same. He walked her to her door and she turned to him, staring at him. He had stopped at the last step, hands in his pocket with brows neutral. What was she expecting? What was she looking for. Lana gave a put upon face before searching for her keys. She offered a farewell before turning to her door. The keys jangled briefly as it was slotted into the lock and she disappeared inside.


Loyal Werewolf


Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:51 am

Day 7:

He couldn't wait to get home. His bags were packed, souvenirs tucked away, he was happy about the trip. It was insightful, but probably a vacation spot that he'd only come to... maybe twice in a given school year. He had other prioritizes and reasons to save up his silver seeds. But this was good... At least now he'll have access to the Human World legally. He sat in the apartment, ankles crossed, fingers laced together over his chest, resting on the made bed, looking at the Human television. They had strange taste in shows and movies, but it was mildly entertaining. He was killing time. Sure it was a 'waste of a day', but that's okay. He was okay with that. He could waste days if he had wanted to. Everyone is always running around doing something and many don't stop to take in what is around them. Perhaps he could be more productive with his time...

It takes about five hours of "Maury" before he gets a bit stir crazy, just before "Days of Our Lives" comes on. The TV gets the "Like the sands in an hour glass..." before the door to the apartment closes.

Uru is bundled up in his scarf, beanie, and jacket, walking down the street, watching the people run around Time Square. The traffic of cars, the tourists still taking pictures, taxi drivers yelling at one another. Steam was rising up from the ground from what he could imagine was from an underground city of people. That was a thing, probably. They didn't like the cold so they went underground. He was better off up here. He looked up at the sky, taking in everything; buildings, advertisements, lights, sounds, smells. It was probably a more hectic place if it wasn't snowing. Apparently, a lot of people didn't like the cold. He could strip off his layers, but... he had to be inconspicuous. He had taken pictures of five tourist groups, and asked to taken a selfie with by a few others. He was sure he heard snaps and flashes in his general direction. He breathed deeply. People do that. He was a good looking guy. He was handsome to some. However, only one individual gets to see him as he is and that person is home.

Home, that is where he wanted to be. Soon, the portal will be opened and he will be able to go home.

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