              [ T ] Despite making attempts at actually attending class, Isla's utter and complete lack of interest in the subject of Astronomy did little to help. The whole exam process was a joke for her.

              [ E ] Like any course focused on magic and the application of it, Isla's passion for charms certainly came in handy when it came to exam time.

              [ O ] Inspired by the events of last year, Isla forced herself to study harder and actually pay attention to Defense class, swearing never to let herself be saved by someone ever again.

              [ A ] Plants just really aren't her thing... Minimal studying was done, and all she wanted was to pass the test.

            History of Magic
              [ E ] History class is a necessary evil for an aspiring treasure hunter. Of all the more content-heavy courses, Isla probably studied the hardest for HoM class.

              [ A ] Potions is a class that Isla particularly enjoyed, but another subject that Isla spent little time studying for.

              [ A ] Given that Transfiguration is supposed to be one of the hardest subjects offered at Hogwarts, it didn't come as much of a surprise for Isla when she came out with an A. Transfiguration just isn't her thing, and she'll just have to accept that.

              [ A ] Alchemy wasn't all that it was promised. Isla's interest in the subject dropped as time progressed, which didn't help her case in the OWLs.

            Ancient Studies
              [ E ] Like the History of Magic lessons, Isla dedicated much of her time to studying for her Ancient Studies OWL, which is reflected in her marks.

              [ O ] As one of Isla's most favorite classes, it didn't come as much of a surprise when she passed the exam with flying colors.

            Study of Ancient Runes
              [ E ] Though she wasn't expecting much out of Ancient Runes class, Isla found herself actually enjoying the class, which is reflected in her OWL score.

            Wizard Law
              [ A ] Law is law... and Isla quickly learned that this was not the class for her. Despite that, she tried her best to stick it through and at least pass her OWL with a decent grade.