xxxxxx A D A L A I D E xxxL I L L I A Nxxx W H I T E T H O R N Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Ada, Raven
              AGE »» 33
              BIRTHDAY »» 21 June 2007
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» »» Sarah Michelle Gellar
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood, Vampire
              WAND »» 10 and 3/4 inches, Rowan with Unicorn Hair, springy with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, German
              ACCENT »» »» West Country
              PET »» Cat Mina

              xxx»» Pumpkins
              xxx»» Flora and fauna
              xxx»» People
              xxx»» Sci-Fi
              xxx»» Comic books
              xxx»» Negativity
              xxx»» Cruelty
              xxx»» Blood purists
              xxx»» Unpleasant smells
              xxx»» Not having wifi
              xxx»» Gardening
              xxx»» Sketching
              xxx»» Experimenting with food

          xxxxxxV A M P I R I S Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CLAN »» Dragon
              TURNED BY »» Christopher "Jedi" Whitethorne
              DATE OF TURNING »» 5 July 2030
              AGE AT TURNING »» 23
              POWER »» Empathy

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Adalaide's family holds the value of loyalty to the highest esteem. She was raised to be steadfast and unwavering in her dedication to her loved ones. It takes a strong betrayal to break her bond with another person. So long as she considers someone her friend, she would do anything in her power to help them. Her sense of loyalty oftentimes leads to her turning a blind eye to things, or being utterly oblivious to them. She can't stand to think poorly of the people she cares about.

              xxx»» Once a shy, mousey girl who was afraid of her own shadow, recent years have seen Ada grow out of her shell. She loves meeting people, particularly friends-of-a-friend, though she struggles with being somewhat reserved around strangers. The need to be careful with her words constantly wars with her natural inclination to be an open book. She settles for a somewhat-comfortable compromise between the two, being honest and forthcoming with anything she can share, and 'stretching the truth' rather than outright lying about anything she can't. Being even a little dishonest makes her uncomfortable, though she's grown used to it over the years.

              xxx»» Ada, perhaps, has begun taking too much after her grandmother. In the past, she was always careful with her words and actions, afraid of ruffling feathers. Nowadays for the most part, she speaks her mind freely, regardless of what someone might think. She frames less-than-kind statements as politely as possible (with some exceptions), but doesn't hesitate to speak the truth, at least as she sees things. With her closest friends and family, the filter is utterly gone; she says exactly what's on her mind, oftentimes before she's even had a chance to think whether or not it was necessary or appropriate to say.

              xxx»» Adalaide is the sort of person who gets very caught up in romance. To put it frankly, she loves love, and loves watching people fall into it. If she hears that someone she knows even in passing has met someone, she immediately wants to know every detail, every word, every look. She will listen intently to stories regarding people's significant others, and if she thinks someone she cares about is lacking, she will not hesitate to play matchmaker (whether it is ill-advised or not). One might think that she finds her own life lacking and is seeking to make up for it by living through others, but that couldn't be furthest from the truth. It's because she's so happy in her marriage that she feels the need to meddle and the desire to listen; she wants to see everyone as happy as she is.

              xxx»» In spite of growing more confident in herself and becoming more outspoken, Ada still struggles with nerves. They mostly center around worrying about her family and friends, and the idea of something happening to any of them. She can be very dramatic, going from 'everything's fine' to 'everything's on fire' in a split second if she gets even the hint that something is amiss. She checks up on people constantly, especially if they're someone she considers particularly worrisome, due to either their career or just their personality or habits. Whenever she gets the idea that something is wrong in her head, she worries about it obsessively until she is proven wrong.

              xxx»» Aside from a couple of areas of outstanding excellence, Ada has always been quite content to be rather on the average side. However, it should be noted that, if she sees fit to accept a challenge in her life, she will succeed in overcoming it, no matter how difficult it may be. She's exceptionally good at doing things when she knows she has no choice, regardless of a lack of skill in those areas otherwise. Under pressure, she can perform amazing feats, through sheer determination not to fail. Whatever it takes, she will do what needs to be done, though the chances of her being able to replicate the feat ever again without the same pressure are nonexistent. It's almost impossible to get her to back down from something.

              xxx»» Kind-hearted
              xxx»» Quick-witted
              xxx»» Easily flustered
              xxx»» Melodramatic
              xxx»» Losing her loved ones
              xxx»» Dark, enclosed spaces

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Adalaide was born the daughter of Jonathan and Natasha Blythe, a pureblood from an old family of Ravenclaws, and the muggle sister of a muggleborn witch. She spent most of her childhood playing in the family garden, trying to help her mother and father tend to their plants and potions and cooking. When she was seven, she met Damien Edgeworth, a young wizard who lived nearby. The two became friends and played together often, until the day his mother discovered that Adalaide was a halfblood. Their friendship was terminated, and Damien became very cruel to her. Because of this, Adalaide withdrew into herself and avoided meeting other children until she went away to school.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Adalaide's years at school were quite eventful. There was a lot of drama first and second year with Damien, who seemed determined to treat her as something of an enemy, even going so far as to team up with a friend to send her a fake howler from her mother. However, come third year, Damien developed a sort-of friendship with her friend Marina, the pair bonding over having been attacked their first year. With their friendship came a less hostile Damien, though the pair couldn't be called friends again until fourth year. It was also during her fourth year that she first met Chris. In her more dramatic moments, she will claim that this was 'the first time he saved her life,' since he found her sleeping outside near the forest after dark.
              xxx»» The following Summer was perhaps the most eventful period of her school years, beginning with the discovery that her best friend's father was, in her words, 'an abusive waste of space.' Michelle, her younger sister Olyvia, her father's now-ex Vicki, and Vicki's newborn daughter Melody all moved in with the Blythe family. With Michelle, Ada attended the Circus Maisc, intended to take the other girl's mind off of things. However, at the Masquerade Ball hosted by the Circus, there was an attack by a group of dark wizards. Ada escaped unscathed, thanks to Chris, who happened to be in attendance as well. The first night of her fifth year at school, she received a letter from him, asking her on a date. It took some convincing to get her to believe that's what it was, and she still claims the entire thing was a disaster, but by the end of the night they were officially a couple, so she can't really complain.
              xxx»» Before Ada's sixth year, Victoria was murdered by Michelle's father. Michelle happened upon the scene, and got Melody away to safety, leaving her at an orphanage where she would be safe, as she claimed that keeping the baby would make it easier for Vincent to find her. The following year, Ada was employed part-time at Dogweed and Deathcap, and spent much of her Summer working. Seventh year brought with it a lot of drama, including a friend committing suicide. Ada struggled with this more than a little, though her outward shows of emotion were all anger directed towards him for doing it. Emotional turmoil seemed to be a running theme, because she also happened upon one of her Quidditch teammates having an emotional outburst in the common room. Miles revealed that he was a werewolf, and effectively homeless. Knowing her boss was also a werewolf (though not the connection between the two), she convinced Jason to take Miles in.

              xxx»» After graduating, Adalaide continued working at Dogweed and Deathcap, and moved out of her parents house and in with Chris roughly one year after she had completed school. A month or so after they had begun living together, they discovered that she was pregnant. In light of the situation, Adalaide finally informed the last of her friends that Chris was a vampire, and later told them about her pregnancy. In March of 2027, she gave birth to twins, a girl and boy, who they named Desiree and Zachary. Shortly thereafter, the two became officially engaged, and were married the following November.
              xxx»» Adalaide settled into her married life easily enough, and things were just about as close to perfect as she could imagine them for a while. But, one night Chris went out for a walk, and didn't return for a long time, causing her to worry. When he finally did show, he was covered in blood, and obviously distraught. Ada was able to get him to confess that he'd injured himself to the point of almost dying, and that he'd attacked a man without thinking, draining the man dry. She was horrified that he'd almost died, and had to talk him down from what she thought was simply his deciding to leave her for her own protection. He inadvertently confessed that it'd been much worse than she feared, and that he'd been contemplating killing himself to protect his family. She was shaken by this, and it took a long while for their relationship to settle back into its usual rhythm.
              xxx»» Nearly a year after that incident, a man came into the shop where Adalaide worked. He seemed odd, but not dangerous, and so Ada thought nothing of it but found herself growing increasingly concerned when he continually returned, seemingly with no reason other than to talk to her. Eventually she mentioned her family to him, in an attempt to send a signal that she was not available, and he became angry. The man proceeded to stalk her, and then her family, and discovered that Chris was a vampire. Deciding that her husband was using some sort of vampire trickery to make her love him and 'twist' her, the man sought to save her the only way he thought possible, by killing her. He followed her down the alley behind her flat one evening, and stabbed her. Luckily, Marina had been returning home from work, and heard her scream, incapacitating the man and taking Ada to St. Mungo's. When Chris awoke that evening, Ada's father informed him of what happened, and she returned home shortly thereafter. Deciding that he couldn't bear the thought of losing her, Chris made her a vampire that night.
              xxx»» After being turned, Ada obviously had to quit her job at Dogweed and Deathcap, reluctantly sending Jason a somewhat-vague letter apologizing for her sudden departure. She spent a year learning to control her strength and thirst, her sheer willpower affording her a short learning period (she couldn't stand not being able to hold her own children). During that time, the family moved from their London flat to a small cottage in Hogsmeade Village. Once she was certain she had everything under control, she negotiated with Chris so that she could become a teacher at Hogwarts. Everything was going more or less smoothly, up until an incident with one of her brother's friends. She caught Caty out after hours one night, and in her attempt to escort the girl back to her dorm, Ada found herself undergoing some sort of strange mood swing. She left Caty to her own devices and instead returned home, hoping Chris would have some explanation. Between the two of them, they were able to determine that her vampiric power, a sort of empathy, had activated. Caty, who has bipolar disorder, had been having an upswing, which in turn caused Ada to as well. Ada took the rest of the year off from teaching, worried about her ability to handle the emotional onslaught of her students and fellow staffmembers. By the start of the following year, she had enough of a mental block up that she could return to teaching.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
              GRADUATED »» 2025
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» O
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» EE
              xxxPOTIONS »» O
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxALCHEMY »» EE
              xxxART »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» O
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» O
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
              xxxPOTIONS »» O
              xxxALCHEMY »» EE
              xxxART »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» A
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» EE

              CURRENT JOB »» Professor of Potions 4-7 at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              DREAM JOB »» Herbologist, specializing in nocturnal plants

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Married
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Christopher Whitethorne

              xxx»» Children Desiree and Zachary Blythe
              xxx»» Parents Jonathan and Natasha Blythe
              xxx»» Brother Sebastian Blythe
              xxx»» Sister Olyvia Scott, brother-in-law Uriel, nephew Basil
              xxx»» In-laws Gearvin and Nicole Whitethorne
              xxx»» Brother-in-law Chalmes Whitethorne, sister-in-law Elliryanna, children Chance, Kory, Lillith, and Lilah
              xxx»» Sister-in-law Eretria Borson, brother-in-law Magnus, children Bethany, Rune, and Asbjørn
              xxx»» Sister-in-law Tanya Lovette, brother-in-law Echo, nephew Tristan
              xxx»» Brother-in-law Timothy Whitethorne, sister-in-law Mira Whitethorne
              xxx»» Brother-in-law Issac Whitethorne
              xxx»» Grandmother Brigitte Fairchild
              xxx»» Uncle-in-law Deveron Whitethorne, cousins Zephyros, Michelyn, Clementine Fenwick
              xxx»» Best friend Gracie McHalen
              xxx»» Dominic and Grace McHalen
              xxx»» Chantale and Rose Ellis-Hall
              xxx»» Damien and Marina Edgeworth
              xxx»» Leslie and Nastassia Lovell
              xxx»» Niall Hughes
              xxx»» Paige Forrest
              xxx»» Miles McLellan
              xxx»» Dorian Xanders
              xxx»» Kenji Apostal
              xxx»» Rubin Eide
              xxx»» Leader Christopher Whitethorne
              xxx»» Zephyr Bearach
              xxx»» Eleazar Bradley
              xxx»» Dominic McHalen
              xxx»» Desiree and Zachary Whitethorne
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Hogwart staff
              xxx»» Hogsmeade residents
              xxx»» Aconite pack
              xxx»» Various friends-of-a-friend


16 December 2017 ««
Skeleton Update ««

✔ Essy [10/2/15] ««
✔ Essy [1/20/18] ««