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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[Auto Exam] House of Horrors [Kenta Y1->Y2] (finished)

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robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:35 pm
The prompt so I can just have it here~

Each student ready to move from the first year to the second would find a nice, neatly printed letter taped to their door inviting them to participate in a "Non-Mandatory-But-Highly-Recommended-Anyway Test" (or NMBHRAT for short). A location was provided at the bottom of the note (a section of the grounds, just near the forest), and beneath that the words "Come at anytime."

Upon arrival, you would first notice that a peculiar house has been erected. It's not large enough to overshadow any of the dorms by any means; in fact, it seems rather tiny and shabby in comparison, with the door half stripped of its paint, the windows cracked and smeared with dust, and everything looks as though the merest touch will make it collapse.

At first you wonder if you're in the right place at all, but then you notice a little box sitting just outside of the house. Closer examination would reveal a note, written in a loopy handwriting perhaps familiar to some:

Welcome welcome to the House
Please be quiet as a mouse
The House will tell if you are good
The House will tell if you are bad

Think you're up to face the thing?
If you pass it, all will sing
Do your best, oh fair student
I hope your deaths you do circumvent


The smell is what gets your attention first; like smoke and old wood, it wafts across the air towards you, enticing you onward, pulling you forward, and you reach the little shabby house and the door half hanging off its hinges, practically begging you to come inside.

A sign posted outside reads "Welcome to the House."

At first, you're mildly concerned but upon knocking stepping inside, you realize that the house in question appears deserted.

Well, that's just creepy. But trying to go backwards only results in failure - the door has locked behind you. You're trapped inside, and now you must figure out how to get through the house in order to continue on your quest.



There are THREE MAJOR ROOMS to the House of Horrors. In order to successfully pass through the House and receive your exam credit, you must navigate through all three rooms until you reach the exit, located after the very last room:

  • Cutthroat Kitchen

      To get through the Cutthroat Kitchen, you need 10 steps. Roll 1d4 and add up the amount of steps you take (i.e. you roll a 3, that's 3 steps forward). You must get at least 10 steps. If you go over ten, that's fine, as long as it's at least 10.

      Each number of steps rolled has it's own consequence:
      1 - You open a door in the kitchen looking for the exit and promptly find yourself dunked by a bucket of icy water. Who left that there?
      2 - You trip and fall into a vat of what looks like melted chocolate.
      3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.
      4 - For some reason, there is an entire bin of tiny bones that you somehow manage to knock over, which, of course, makes a terribly loud sound.

  • Lurking Library

      In order to get through the Library, you'll have to find the right combination of books in order to find the combination. Roll 3d6, and follow the guidelines below:

      - 1,1 OR 2,2 as two of the numbers - Looks like you've found some sort of...oops better put that back quickly before a certain cranky Librarian sees you looking at por - (try again)
      - 3,3 OR 4,4 OR 5,5 OR 6,6 as two of the numbers - You pull out a book, and then another, and to your relief you see that the door beyond swings open for you to slip through! (success)
      - 1,2,3 (doesn't have to be in order) - Somehow you get entangled in what looks like a long rope made of paper and spend several moments trying to break your way free, when you notice that in the process you've actually fallen out the door into the next room. How convenient! (success)
      - 6,6,6 Is that a giant spi - quick run for it - (start back in the first room)
      - 1,1,1 You try climbing a bookshelf, rather than pull books trying to find the secret switch, and wind up tumbling over the side rather ungracefully. But hey, look, the...nope, just a shadow (try again)

  • Bloodcurdling Bedroom

      The Bloodcurdling Bedroom requires only one thing - picking the lock successfully to get through the door on the other side. Roll 1d100. You must get above a 65 to have successfully picked the lock. If you roll below, then your attempts were unsuccessful and you have to keep on truckin'.

Upon their exit from the house, a certain mischievous Trick or Treater can be found lounging in a tree on the other side, looking as happy as a pig in mud. He smiles down at you, his grin terribly self-satisfied, and tosses you a rolled up piece of parchment. Opening it, you see a certificate of Exam Completion.

"Congratulations," he says brightly, and flashes you a wink. "You're now a Knob."
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:52 pm
Kenta was just coming back from a run when he saw a note with an unfamiliar scent pinned to his door. Curious, he opened it and read that he was supposed to show up at this not mandatory at all test..... Which meant that it was mandatory as far as he was concerned! Grumbling to himself, still feeling off about his volunteer disaster in the human world, he went in and grabbed a quick bite to eat and a change of clothes before trotting off to where the NMBHRAT was located.

He smelled something before he even saw the place; a lovely smell of smoke and old wood. While he wasn't a fan of fires; he did love the smell of smoke! But it made the situation more dangerous.. not that you could get more dangerous than a situation where they "hoped you circumvent" your death as the note had said. Sheesh! I wonder what crazy test this will be like; Kenta thought as he came into view of the house. It was shabby; run down adn looked the perfect place for ghosts and the undead to live; he loved it immediately. Something about old rundown places just made the heart happy!

Even better was the obvious invitation of the half open falling off its hinges door! This was going to be a fun test! Fun in a rundown house!  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

robot kitten rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:53 pm
cutthroat kitchen

steps 3/10

3 - You step in a pile of what looks like sticky glue on the floor and therefore get it stuck on the bottom of your foot/shoe for the rest of your trek through the House.

As he entered he noticed he couldn't backtrack.. the house just... wasn't the same. He grinned and his tail wagged happily; yes! This was jsut how a haunted house was supposed to be! Who cared about mansions fallen into ruin; the best haunted house was old and rundown, small but larger on the inside than the outside and one you couldn't escape! Except he kinda needed to get out and return home... eventually! He came to a door, the first that he felt like he needed to open. Shrugging he opened and stepped in, only to growl as his foot hit something sticky on the floor. Muttering to himself, he tried to get it off... but removing gum from fur was practically impossible!  
robot kitten rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:54 pm
steps 4/10

1 - You open a door in the kitchen looking for the exit and promptly find yourself dunked by a bucket of icy water. Who left that there?

very unhappy puppy

Muttering to himself, his fun dampened by the gum on his foot that he couldn't remove, Kenta finally looked around the room to see a kitchen.. of sorts. It had a bit too many large cauldrons to be a normal kitchen. Why was it so large? He could fit inside most of them! ...Wait.. maybe that's why. He went over to one door and opened it... only to receive a drenching of ice cold water. Howling in surprise, his fur spiked and he jumped backwards, mind completely black in terror for an instant as his fear of water hit.

Taking deep breaths he shook himself as dry as he could and tried to calm down. He was seriously going to bite whoever put that there!  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

robot kitten rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:56 pm
steps 5/10

1 - You open a door in the kitchen looking for the exit and promptly find yourself dunked by a bucket of icy water. Who left that there?

Slamming that door shut he stalked over to a different one... only to again receive another bucket of water. Letting loose a loud howl, Kenta tore this door off its hinges and proceeded to vent his rage upon it. He hated water! Hated Hated hated HATED HATED it! The perpetrator was going to be attacked and Kenta was thinking lovely thoughts of dismemberment and boiling the person...

Since there was only a room full of pots behind the now destroyed door, Kenta left to go find another way out.  
robot kitten rolled 2 4-sided dice: 1, 4 Total: 5 (2-8)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:00 pm
robot kitten
rolling 2 to kinda speed it up

Steps: 10/10 (exact!)

1 - You open a door in the kitchen looking for the exit and promptly find yourself dunked by a bucket of icy water. Who left that there?

4 - For some reason, there is an entire bin of tiny bones that you somehow manage to knock over, which, of course, makes a terribly loud sound.

His luck was terrible... apparently someone had decided to trap all the doors with water! This offending door met a similar fate... and while he was tearing it apart and throwing it around.. he hit a bin of bones that spilled everywhere, the pan rolling around and making loud annoying clanging sounds.

Spewing curses everywhere, Kenta grabbed a few of the larger bones and gnawed on them until he felt marginally better... All his earlier joy was gone. He was cold, wet, and his foot still had gum on it!

But at least he'd found a door that lead out of this kitchen with its stupid water trapped doors.  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

robot kitten rolled 3 6-sided dice: 2, 4, 1 Total: 7 (3-18)

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:04 pm
He left the kitchen and chewed on the last bone as he walked down the short hallway that lead into another room. This one smelled of books and dust and bone. Normal library scents right? Except... he couldn't find a way out! Once again the house seemed to shift so he could not go back and could only go forward.... but there were no doors that he could find! The few he found were locked and too strong. He tried to break one but ended up hurting his shoulder instead.

Maybe, he thought as he eyed the books, there was a secret door somewhere? Haunted houses had to have secrets!  
robot kitten rolled 3 6-sided dice: 2, 6, 1 Total: 9 (3-18)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:06 pm
He pulled one book and heard a soft click... Barely heard it in fact. Putting it back he heard the same soft click... there were triggers in the shelves! It made him feel a bit better... except for the fact his foot kept sticking to the floor and he was still wet...

Now to just find the right books. They ought to stand out in some way, he thought, so that the owner or past user could use them.... Otherwise no one would be able to figure it out! And puzzles were meant to be solved... unless some evil twisted mind made this a death trap with no openings what so ever and this was merely a small ray of hope to make the realization you were trapped all the worse.

He looked at the book he'd selected randomly; it dealt with blood sacrifices... creepy! Now to go look for other books like it and see if there were other triggers in like books!  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

robot kitten rolled 3 6-sided dice: 4, 4, 5 Total: 13 (3-18)

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:07 pm
robot kitten
Lurking library
try 1 was nadda
try 2 was even more useless

try 3: 4,4 as two of the numbers - You pull out a book, and then another, and to your relief you see that the door beyond swings open for you to slip through! (success)

Sure enough, when Kenta found the exact same book on the next shelf over, another click occurred! He grinned as he heard the sound of grinning and the locked door he'd hurt his shoulder against swung open with an ominous creek.  
robot kitten rolled 1 100-sided dice: 58 Total: 58 (1-100)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:12 pm
That doorway lead to a bedroom.. a creepy bedroom who's door locked behind him and the window had bars across it....

Who has a bedroom right next to the library? And thats the only way out? Kenta thought as he searched carefully about the place for a way out. If he couldn't go back, there had to be a way forward... otherwise he'd end up like that ominous stain on the bed and floor!

Behind some drapes he found another door.. locked obviously. He glared at it and looked around for something to pick the lock. He wasn't good with dexterous things, his claws made it difficult at times.. but since this was a ladies room there ought to be hair pins right?  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

robot kitten rolled 1 100-sided dice: 85 Total: 85 (1-100)

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:14 pm
robot kitten
Bloodcurdling Bedroom: success!

Indeed the small table with the huge mirror on it and beside it did have plenty of bobby pins for him to use.. which he needed because despite his superior hearing he kept breaking the pins attempting to unlock it!

Eventually he managed and he scrambled out of the room and took a deep breath as he found himself outside. Finally!

His eyes caught the movement as a merry person came trotting up to him. Kenta glared at the suspiciously happy person; "Congratulations!" The man said as he handed Kenta a piece of paper. "You are now a knob!"

It took a bit to set in, but Kenta realized that he was now a second year! That had been his passing exam? But.. all he'd done was get soaked and annoyed!

Well... at least it wasn't a written exam!  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:00 pm
Done! Has 1253 words  

robot kitten

Tipsy Pirate

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