After spending a fair bit of time visiting some of the professors and their lovely setups for Halloween, Bastion found himself wanting to try another challenge. He'd hoped for something a little more shadow based than a corn maze, but as this reminded him somewhat of one of the professor's offices, he was a little pleased.

He left his full bag of candy safely tucked away in a tree where no one would find it, and decided to head inside. He was instantly assaulted by the smell of dead corn, and took a deep, cleansing breath.


A crossroads appeared, and he turned right at it. It looked clear and steady, and the smell of corn was slowly smothered away by the smell of smoke. It stung at his eyes and clouded his senses, and he backed away from the path that it had begun to thicken in, quickly looking for an alternate route to take.

He found one.

The pit was a surprise. His eyes had been stinging from the smoke and he fell in unseen, yelling with dismay until he landed on the ground, butt-first. It was an unfortunate fall, leaving him sore and annoyed, but no less determined to find a way out.

He stood and began to walk, coming upon a precious flower that was growing despite the lack of sunlight. He found it pleasing to the eye, so he bent down and plucked it, in the hopes of bringing it back home should it survive the trip. He would have no such luck - the flower screams as though it was a living entity, and disappears in his hands. He stared at his empty hands for a moment in horror, wondering if he'd just killed something precious.

But he could not wonder for long.

A foxfire appeared at his feet, staring up at him. It was a precious little thing, and Bastion knew that Medea loved the creatures. He reached down to pet it on the head gently, cooing with adoration.

The foxfire became so excited at the attention, it exploded.

Bastion stood there, bent over, covered in foxfire bits and fluff, and frozen in horror.

He did not move for quite some time, and when he did it was simply to keel over and fall to the ground.

Bastion was done with killing things, even inanimate ones. He called out, to no one who could hear him, "That's it." And stood back up. "I am no longer going to touch anything in this absurd maze. I will not touch a single thing, for fear of killing it."

Unless it was a human. Then he would touch it all he wanted.

So he moved forward, determined not to touch anything. A spear showed up in his path, and he stopped to stare at it with suspicious, narrowed eyes.

"If I touch you, you will come to life and explode or melt or die in some horrible way. I will not make this mistake again. I will perservere!"

So he moved forward, despite how helpful a spear could have been in a dark and dangerous place such as this, without taking the weapon. He had his own, besides - a spear would have done him little good. And at least now it would not die at his hands!

These were strange thoughts, that this place was eliciting from him. He shook his head and tried to find reason once more. This would prove more difficult than one would imagine.

He walked on, certain that the end would come soon. He found the strangest sight ahead of him; a robotic creature, with features that he found far too attractive for something made of metal and wire. It asked for nothing more than to sing with him, and Bastion thought that was a fine idea! He cleared his throat, and joined in on a lovely duet with the robot. The more he sang, the more he realized his heart was thudding much the way it did whenever he found himself near Mjoll. It pained him to realize that, but he could not fight the allure. The robot had bewitched him, and with a heavy heart, he leaned forward into what looked like the beginnings of a first kiss-

When he awoke in a bed of flowers, he realized that something had manipulated him into feeling lustful towards a metal creature, and his dark skin turned red with both anger, and embarrassment. A CD was beside him, and he knew at once that it was a recording of the robot that had attempted to turn his thoughts to something other than purity. He tossed it away without a single thought, and silently hoped that he could block the memory out of his mind, once and for all.