Would you prefer to see breedings or customs? customs
Any reasoning as to why? I feel like it's better for newbies as well as oldbies giving a better chance for all, breeding you already need a pony who is also in romance or has a fling set up to even try to get one.

Do you prefer the "1 person can enter 5 couples" or "2 couples/person" format? 2 couples per person
Any reasoning as to why? it's fairer for people who only have one pair to enter at all.
Do you have any LL couples? one
How many tries does the couple closest to LL have? not many I'm bad at entering breeding raffles
Would you like to see more LL slots? yes
Would you like to see RP-Couple slots? yes
Would you like to see more twisted breedings or normal breedings? twisted is always fun, and good for low edited parents
Would you be alright with minor-edit breedings? (i.e., a couple can enter, and if they were to win that slot, their children would be limited to minor edits despite if the parents are moderate+ edits. Note that it would be a tag to add to the top of the form, so you could opt out of those slots, like how you can opt out of unedits when there are unedit+edit slots) yes
Do you like specialized (non-open slots)? i.e., Mini, olbie, etc? yes
Do you like single-mixers? (a male and female are both randomized and a breeding is made for the two of them) Or would you prefer standard breedings? yes mixers are cool, though they should never replace standared.
Do you like CC'd slots after rolling several slots or prefer rolled slots only? yes

What is the breed/edit level of the custom you most want/are actively trying for? heavy/ moderate
Are you a custom newbie? (never received a custom pony. this includes staff credit ponies) nope first ever soquili was a custom
Do you want to see more walker slots or prefer more mutant slots? mutants are pretty cool
Do you like twin slots or prefer that you can enter for twins in any slot? twins slot sounds cool, but it'd up the amount of twins in customs
Do you like CC'd slots after rolling several slots or prefer rolled slots only?

Extra: Anything else you want to mention that was not covered in the survey? say it here. nope do what you want, have fun, also thanks for asking.