xxxxxxC A L L U M xxxC A M P B E L Lxxx M U R D O C Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES »» Cal
              AGE »» 44
              BIRTHDAY »» 10 October 1996
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Mike Colter
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 13 inches, Acacia with Griffin Feather, rigid and knobby
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Scots-Gaelic (spoken) Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Aramaic, Sanskrit, Coptic (written)
              ACCENT »» Edinburgh
              PET »» Owl Pepper

              xxx»» Classic literature
              xxx»» Tombs
              xxx»» Dead languages
              xxx»» The impressionist movement
              xxx»» Good food
              xxx»» Small talk
              xxx»» Crowds
              xxx»» Dark alleys
              xxx»» Drugs
              xxx»» Hip hop
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Boxing
              xxx»» Eating

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Callum isn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He prefers to play things close to the vest, and to only share the truth of his thoughts with those he truly trusts. These people are far and few between, given that he isn't a particularly trusting guy to begin with. He takes a long time to warm up to someone, and is naturally suspicious. Even when he considers someone close, he isn't one to show affection or be open with it; he sees no need to share so much of himself with the world, and his guard only drops in seclusion.

              xxx»» He believes firmly in looking out for what's his. Be it a partner, a loved one, if he feels he has any sort of responsibility for the person, he will fight tooth and nail for them. Being naturally suspicious, he's always careful to watch the people who keep company with the people who fall under that umbrella. In particular, anyone who so much as looks at his daughter is instantly suspect, and will be watched like a hawk until he has determined that they aren't a threat in any capacity.

              xxx»» Having been in far more sticky situations than he can count, this trait has served Cal very well over the years. He's quick to think of unique solutions, and just as quick to implement them. He's good at working with what he has in front of him, and rarely falls into the trap of missing just the thing that'd make it work. Occasionally he finds himself stumped, but he never allows frustration to prevent him from working it out. In the end, he believes firmly that where there's a will, there's a way.

              xxx»» Cal might take the phrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick" a bit too seriously. Being rather large and somewhat intimidating, he rarely finds the need to raise his voice or speak more than the absolute minimum. When he's relaxed, he's very easy company, content to sit in silence. He doesn't see much point in small talk, given that it often results in one or both parties revealing more about themselves than they probably should have. When he does speak, it is calmly and slowly, clear as a bell to get his point across immediately.

              xxx»» He's not a naturally trusting person. His childhood and teen years required him to build up walls, and to be careful about who he let past them. He's not inclined to give second chances, so one screw up with him is usually it. He doesn't hesitate to sever connections if he feels they are harmful, though he at least does so tactfully in instances where it's needed. In general, he considers himself to approach everything and everyone with a neutral stance, and allow their actions to sway his opinion, but in reality he's quite inclined to see the negative.

              xxx»» Callum's grades during his school years could often leave much to be desired, but it wasn't a lack of brains. He's very smart, almost surprisingly so, given that he generally didn't care to apply himself and actually try. When it truly mattered, such as during exams, he worked hard to ensure he got good scores, finding himself only slightly hampered by a lack of attention in lessons. He often surprises people with his wit, given that he's generally assumed to be very large, very strong, and very lacking in brains.

              xxx»» Quick on his feet
              xxx»» Polite
              xxx»» Mistrusting
              xxx»» Vicious when threatened
              xxx»» Being sealed in a tomb
              xxx»» Kiki being hurt

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Callum was not born to a happy home. He was the youngest of six siblings, and often forgotten. His father was a drunk long before Callum was born, and he doesn't have a single memory of his mother without a black eye. In general, Callum's siblings tried their best to keep him out of harm's way, but it was often a losing battle. Their father's rages turned him into a seemingly unstoppable force, and often their only option was to hide in the storm cellar until he passed out. As years passed, Callum's oldest brother grew more and more like their father, falling in with a bad crowd in school and began lashing out as well, often splitting his attention between taking his anger out on his siblings, and butting heads with their father.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» The arrival of his Hogwarts letter seemed like a gift; freedom, from his brother and his father and all the horrors at home. Initially, it seemed he wouldn't be permitted to attend, but his mother went behind his father's back to assure he could. For Cal, Hogwarts was like a new world. His first weeks were a whirlwind as he assimilated. Unfortunately for him, his wide-eyed amazement was noticed by a few of his housemates. Slytherin house, he was told, was not for 'mudbloods.' He was bullied and ridiculed, and those who didn't agree with the opinion of those few didn't seem inclined to speak out. He had few friends, and instead buried himself in his books. Not his studies, no, but everything else he could get his hands on. When he returned home his third year, it was to tragedy; his father had snapped one night, killing his mother, and his eldest brother had killed their father in retribution. Bruce was awaiting trial for murder, and Callum and his siblings were sent to live with their aunt. Cal never felt at home with her, but he didn't at Hogwarts, either, and he grew restless. He began looking into careers, trying to find something that would take him away from everything.

              xxx»» Upon graduating, Cal applied to work as a cursebreaker, unable to resist the appeal of travel and danger and puzzles. He had a knack for dead languages, and while he wasn't the best with arithmancy, this was rarely an issue.
              xxx»» In his mid-twenties, he met a young woman while in England on holiday, and, having no real home of his own, spent a very pleasant two weeks with her. He didn't think much of it when it ended, since they'd established from the start that when he left on his next assignment, it was over. He thought he'd seen the last of her, until he found himself staring into a very familiar set of eyes almost ten years later. He'd never known, but their encounter had resulted in a pregnancy, one she'd never seen the point in informing him about. But, she'd had no living relatives, and being Kiera's father made him next of kin. After a DNA test and a lot of paperwork, not to mention a rather awkward background check, he was deemed a suitable guardian for his daughter, and she was left in his care. This proved to be fortunate when a month later he discovered that she'd inherited his magic, as he could only imagine the mess it would have been if she'd been adopted by a muggle.
              xxx»» Callum couldn't seem to work out how to manage a child, and took her with him on assignments while attempting to homeschool her as best he could until she was ready to attend Hogwarts. When the time came, he elected to quit his job, as much as it pained him, and take a job at the school. In the few years he'd had her, he'd grown fiercely protective of his daughter, and didn't want her out of his sight for so long.
              xxx»» Adjusting to living at Hogwarts for the majority of the year, and cutting out his time spent in tombs, was interesting for Cal. He mostly kept to himself at the school, except for his friend Tesni, who taught Care of Magical Creatures. Eventually, he met a young woman while out and about in the village. Fortunately for him (though he'll deny it), his daughter happened to be with him, and thus was able to meddle him into a conversation with the woman, Kaitlyn. A few more encounters in Hogsmeage and he asked her out, and the two began seeing each other, at least casually. The 'casually' part was finally tossed out the window when Kiki conspired to get the two together for the holidays, and Katie questioned him regarding their relationship status.
              xxx»» Cal discovered when his daughter was a third year that the two of them weren't the only magical ones in the family. His nephew Ruaridh, who he had known about but not ever been around, was a wizard as well. Cal did what he could to help the boy adjust to the magical world, but was fought every step of the way. He recognized the hostility, but was reluctant to impose himself on the boy when he clearly wasn't wanted. Years later, he would strongly regret his decision to remain so hands-off. The Summer before Rory's fifth year, Cal received a letter from the boy, clearly written in a panic, stating he was in danger and needed help. Cal was disturbed to hear the news of his sister-in-law's passing, and more disturbed to hear of his brother's reaction to it. Most of all, he was enraged at how the man, and their sister Blair, had treated Rory in the weeks following, the latter having been abusing the boy and the former having sent him to her knowing full well she would. Cal took it upon himself to claim custody of his nephew, and decided to keep a closer eye on his remaining family from now on.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Slytherin
              GRADUATED »» 2015
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »»EE
              xxxANCIENT STUDIES »» O
              xxxARITHMANCY »» EE
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» O
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» EE
              xxxMUGGLE MYTHOLOGY »» A
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxANCIENT STUDIES »» O
              xxxARITHMANCY »» O
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» O
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» EE
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O

              CURRENT JOB »» Hogwarts Keeper of the Keys, Games, and Ground
              DREAM JOB »» Cursebreaker

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Taken
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Katilyn Davis

              xxx»» Daughter Kiera Murdoch
              xxx»» Brother Gavin Murdoch, sister-in-law Sheena, nephew Ruaridh
              xxx»» Sisters Isla, Moira, and Blair Murdoch
              xxx»» Tesni Yates
              xxx»» Kaitlyn Davis
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Hogwarts Staff


16 December 2017 ««
Skeleton Update ««

✔ Essy [1/13/16] ««
✔ Essy [1/20/18] ««