Stage 1: Pick your Paper
Each card comes with two shape options, an incorrect heart shape, (hardly anatomical or even close to what the real thing looks like), or, just your typical 'hamburger style' folded card.

Roll 1d4 to pick your card color from the pile. Limited stock however means you have to grab whatever color is at the top of the pile. Bummer.
1- White; plain and simple
2- Pink; gross and really just an awful shade all around
3- Red; an Okay color. Maybe you can find something to make it a bit darker.
4- Black; The perfect color to reflect your love- a swirling abyss of nothing

Stage 2: Decorate your card
GLITZ! GLAM! MORE GLITTER THAN IS LEGALLY ALLOWED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS! Let those creative juices flow, and reaching into the backet of supplies, take a few things to add to your card. Just be sure to use it all!
Roll 5d12- If you roll doubles well, you got a lot of that item now didn't you?

1- A bag of rainbow pompoms.
2- An assortment of pipe cleaners
3- Googly eyes of mismatched sizes
4- Tubes of glitter
5- Red, Pink, and silver glitter glue. The glue doesn't really act like glue though...
6- Scissors with patterned blades
7- Lace dollies. Only, not made our of lace. It's just paper in a doily shape with no distinct pattern.
8- Silk ribbon that is always just a tad too short
9- Crayons
10- Used Popsicle sticks. They smell of various fruit flavors.
11- Random small plastic jewels.

Stage 3: Mail it
You card completed It's time to put it in the envelope and send it off. Mailers and stamps have been provided. Lets just hope it fits!

Roll a 1d6.
Rolling a 1 or a 6 and the card will fit. You have TWO chances to get it to fit. If it doesn't, you won't be able to mail it out. And yes- At this stage ICly, it should have a recipient that it is ICly being mailed to. If you are successful, quote the player (and name which of their character) that will be getting the card.

A successful delivery, (along with quoted player) will result in your student learning an ability!

gaia_star Sparkle Slap
Roll 1d4 for damage- this attack always connects. Can only be used once per battle. This ability cannot be 'refreshed/recharged'. Does not count as a turn.
When used, one slap or punch releases a cloud of glitter that covers both you and your opponent.
Out of battle, You hit someone/thing and there is a glitter cloud explosion. It gets everywhere.