To sing was a favorite past time of Leva. She loved to make high pitched trills So long as she could sing? Oh what a happy day. Or night. Was it night oh actually yes it was. Blushing to herself as she walked into the clammy room filled with far too many creeple and sounds, the demon dracgon insect hissed and ganshed her fangs at the other students who milled about, warming up their vocals. They clearly were talentless hacks who didn't have any training and would be systematically crushed when it would be shown just how supiror Leva's vocal hormonic were. Why, she was sure that had anyone asked her, she could just charm the pants right off the demon king himself if she well. Had the confidence to do so or there was a demon king that was actually a king and not just some weird royal sup species.

That said however, she would need all her confidence it would seem, as she'd need to indeed preform in front of total strangers. How- well okay it wasn't that bad what was bad was the song selection. The beats an chimes form one were annoying and the music video she was shown was god awful with color choices, themes, dancing- augh she nearly wanted to throw up in her mouth. But apparently, that was what was needed for her to mimic if she wanted to be given a passing grand. Thus far, Leva was just assuming that Valentines had no taste what so ever. In fact she was almost sure that it was a shame and that they were all doing this to make fun of gullible halloweeners. Hump. Still. Leva wouldn't pass up the challenge.

Looking to the second song, Leva was once more questioning the song choices being presented. As far as she could see from the music video, everything was muted in color and creativity and while she could appreciate the death like feelings and vibes that were slightly presented she was left wondering the point of some things. Why the flashbacks? Was a break up end of a relationship really that dramatic? Apparently so, if the song was wanything to go by. Accordning to the song when such a thing happened it was fine to act like there had been a death in the family. Music was supposed to be loud and powerful. Things that would shake one's body and soul and heart! Songs were to inspire and fuel late nights of creativity.

Not be all this wishy washy muted color bad color choices with even worse dancing. The dancing is what slew Leva. Why in god's name did they have to be such bad dancers? AUGH. It was an affront to music is what it was.

Still, her critisms aside, Leva went out and off to find some creeple to listen to her sing the songs and make them better than the originals as that was natually, what would happen.

Her first victim, er, audience was a small toad demon who skittishly said they'd listen after Leva loomed over them, (Leva didn't realize this was due to her looking ready to devourer said demon but, that was rather typical of Leva).
As she belted out the song and made the frog demon tremble, they signed her slip with a shaking hand before bouncing off.
Leva's second being was a large drider who sat on a stump and remarked how good Leva was. However, Leva got the feeling the drider was eyeballing her assets a little to much so after she got the sign off she left.

Her final audiences was a sleeping yeti who just sorted out a okay and signed the paper before she even sang. And when she did, they fell right back to sleep. That suited her just find of course, as she went back to turn her papers in for full credit.