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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:21 am
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:39 pm
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Pride Synopsis:
Nergui could be described as a savage, merciless people with a strange and foreign air about them. A people who are feared, despised but – for the most part – greatly misunderstood.

The ‘Nergui’ are but a small part of a whole; the extending arm of a much greater force that remains in situ in an unknown location. The Nergui have been known to refer to their true ‘pride’ as the Crovrems Rurda or ‘The Horde’. This travelling group have no official name though, over time, they have adopted names given to them by their opponents. Their most recent name of ‘Nergui’ [meaning ‘no name’] was adopted from a group of Hongshan captives. Since then, this name has begun to spread into the southern prides [Firekin / Ithambo’hlabathi / Kitwana’antara].

The pride work as a unit to carry out the will of their supreme ruler Graos Oma who they revere as a vessel for the power of Tra Ord Omak: a being that they believe as the one true divine power.

The Nergui’s ultimate goal is to restore balance and return power to Tra Ord Omak so that he might ‘awaken’ from his sleep and grant all worthy life with strength. Restoring that balance, however, is no easy feat and involves a great many tasks: some known and some not.

[For more information on Tra Ord Omak and other pride beliefs, see: ‘Post 2: Pride Customs / Beliefs’]

Current Situation:
The Nergui have gathered at their encampment to the north-west of the Firekin's desert. Small groups acting as 'ambassadors' have been dispatched to scout out lands as the will of Graos Oma. They are clearly interested in the Firekin and as of yet, seem to be trying to prevent an all out war.

Nergui’s Moral Stance:
Perhaps this might better be worded as: are the Nergui evil?

The answer depends on your point of view, just as most things. The Nergui are not so 'black and white' as all that.

Nergui are notoriously merciless and unforgiving with a savageness about them that could be perceived as evil. These traits do, on occasion, attract ‘evil’ lions into their group. The difference is that these individuals might take pleasure in cruel acts whereas a true Nergui would take pleasure in knowing that the act had gained strength for their leader, Graos Oma.

Predominantly, however, the Nergui are a strong-willed, stubborn and prideful people. They have the steadfast belief that their way is the right way and those who do not agree or fight against it only weaken the divine power of Tra Ord Omak. Those who stand in the way of the word of Graos Oma do not often fair well and many a pride has fallen to the dominating strength of the Nergui. The Hongshan, perhaps, suffered worse than most because its people refused to surrender - fighting on regardless of the odds. It is more common for smaller prides to surrender and be absorbed into the ranks as converts.

Ultimately, the Nergui are looking to increase their forces to achieve a greater 'unity' across the lands. Unfortunately, not everyone is as willing to turn traitor to their own beliefs and accept the way of life that the Nergui offer them. These lions, more often than not, are dealt with mercilessly.

Towards one another, Nergui can be both fiercely loyal and competitive. Competition for ranks and glory [especially between males] is high and grudges and jealousy is commonplace. And those who fall in battle are left to die whilst those who bring shame or turn traitor are killed without a moment's hesitation.

Ultimately, acts of 'cruelty' do occur within the Nergui but these are not done without motive.

[For more information on Nergui behaviours towards outsiders/one another, see: ‘Post 2: Pride Customs / Beliefs’]

Table of Contents:

@@@@ • Introduction
@@@@ • Pride Beliefs
@@@@ • Language
@@@@ • Ranks
@@@@ • Frequently Asked Questions



Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:41 pm
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A tough life-style takes the toll on the appearance of the Nergui members. They are not a vain people and this shows in the often unkempt appearance of their pelts. Many members will decorate themselves with macabre trophies of past battles, such as pelts, claws, teeth and skulls.

Although there are no colour restrictions to speak of, dark and natural colours are favoured. Lions who are born with unusual markings [runes/skulls/bones etc...] and eye colours are deemed blessed. These markings, in general, are highly prized and sought after. The belief is that these individuals are likely the descendants of a clever mortal who stole a god's power. With the god blood in their veins, they have a higher chance of producing seer offspring.

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A Nergui will also wear his / her scars with pride; as symbols of their battles, strength and glory. It could be considered an insult to point out another's lack of scars.

Members with brightly coloured pelts are not refused but may face mockery.

Religious Beliefs:
The Nergui's 'god' is not an individual that can be identified. Not a 'god' in the traditional sense of the word. It is, instead, an amaranthine power unrivalled by that of anything else in existence. An awe-inspiring element described often as 'dead but dreaming.' The Nergui believe that Tra Ord Omak has granted them the power to become a dominating force. If asked where The Old One is, the Nergui say that he lies at rest beneath their feet.

The one they call Graos Oma [the enigmatic, face-less leader of the Nergui] is believed to be the fabled scion of the power that is Tra Ord Omak and that the key to unlocking the divine power and restoring balance lies in following his guidance.

One of many appointed to the Nergui by Graos Oma is the hunting and destruction of those unworthy parasites that leech strength from the divine power of Tra Ord Omak. These parasites are known to the Nergui as Kulukadok, though many others would know them as 'deities and immortals'. These false gods that prance the lands in lion form take strength from Tra Ord Omak; a strength that can only be returned with the end of the Kulukadok's life. The Nergui do not only hate the gods of SoA but they will actively take means to hunt them down and kill them. Lands 'blessed' or 'cursed' by such gods tend to draw much interest from this group.

Alongside the hunt for Kulukadok, the Nergui also spend time collecting or destroying divine artifacts they call rarec. Artifacts tainted/created by gods are often destroyed and buried in hopes that the stolen power will return to Tra Ord Omak. Those artifacts that have been left untouched, however, are viewed as gifts and raw power. Jewels in the earth are considered signs that Tra Ord Omak has begun to flourish. These trinkets are often gathered and incorporated into the macabre decorations worn by the high ranking members.

War-Chants / Battle Songs:
It is customary for warriors to prepare for / march into battle with war-chants. These guttural chants serve the purpose of inspiring the troops, striking fear into the enemy and - most importantly - to enable communication between themselves and the The Old One by entering a meditative state.

Seers [known also as Kaar] are prized and respected members amongst the Nergui and highly sought after. Even rogue seers who refuse to convert are often taken by force and enslaved in hopes that they will eventually come to accept Nergui ways and rise as full members. It is believed that the blood of the Kulukadok in their veins creates a tie between them and Tra Ord Omak.

And yet, whilst a single victorious act can see a Kaar blessed for greatness a single mistake can see them swiftly punished. Many Kaar who have boasted victories in their visions only for the battle to bring a loss have been stripped of their status to live as a slave. [In this position the shamed seer can rise again to full member status but never again as Kaar]. If the mistake was extremely costly, some Kaar have even been executed to serve as an example to their peers.

Whilst being named Kaar is a rank within itself, this is not the only option for the gifted ones. Some - particularly those less confident in their abilities - may choose to take up another rank. It is not unusual, for instance, to find Kaar amongst the troops and the enforcers, practising their gift part-time.

Fashionable names amongst the Nergui tend to take the following trends:
- Harsh and fierce sounds
- Have a savage/threatening meaning
- Be named after a notable ancestor of same gender. [The son of Muunokhoi, for instance, might find himself with the name; Muunokhar/Muuno/Nokhoi.]

There are also some exceptions to the rule. Founder-blooded females and daughters born to high-ranking parents might be given more soft and feminine names to set them apart.

Occasionally, converted rogues might choose to adopt a new name upon entering the Nergui. This is a matter of preference, however, and not obligatory.

When a slave is recruited into Nergui ranks, he or she is stripped of their name and referred to only by their rank. If they prove themselves worthy and take up the status of convert, they may reclaim their old name or take a new one.

Gender [and gender specific roles]:
Nergui are a male dominated pride [with perhaps a couple of exceptions]. And, whilst females are encouraged to be strong and fierce [so that they might birth strong children] it is extremely rare to find a female amongst any of the high ranks.

Males are viewed as the stronger gender and typically look to females as wives and mothers. As such the raising of cubs is strictly a female role and the male's input comes only when the cubs have come of age and are ready to begin their training. Typically, sons will be entrusted to their fathers and the daughters their mothers - with the rest of the pride banding together to aid. Because of this lack of interaction during their first weeks of life, it is customary for the mother to name her children.

New mothers and pregnant females are left to care for all the young Nergui so that females who are not burdened with children might continue to work and train in their professions.

Females within the Nergui, however, are well respected - though those who occupy / attempt to gain high ranks will face uncooperative, spiteful males and mockery. A female might be strong and fierce, but her role is as a mother and follower - not as a leader.

In the Nergui lions mate to produce stronger and more fierce generations. As such, it is viewed that a strong female will ultimately bear strong children. Because of this, a great number of mated couples are together because of this quality and not necessarily for love. This does not mean, however, that Nergui do not come to love their partners and, in fact, it is not unusual to see many a devoted pair in the pride.

Coupling, however, is a complicated process within the Nergui, as the following points will tell.

Marriage: A Nergui is considered married from the moment that a male claims a female to the moment where he decides to end the relationship. [A relationship can only be ended when the couple's litter has grown to adolescence and not before.] The marriage can be ended after the first litter or can be a longer lasting relationship that continues for many litters. Both short and long marriages are commonplace within the Nergui. Males and females can only be married/mated to one partner at a single time. Children cannot be born of in-pride flings / out of wedlock.

Challenging for females: Challenges occur if a male wishes to mate with a female already in relationship. However, with all things, there are rules to such challenges. Firstly, females must be dokvoor. This means that she must not be pregnant or have a young litter (cub-juvenile) at the time of the challenge. Males also cannot challenge higher-ranking males for their females. A lowly soldier, for instance, would not be able to challenge a Warlord for his wife. Higher-ranking males, however, can certainly challenge those beneath them, though challenges tend to be between those of equal standing. Challenges can be short and [occasionally] bloody and many of the pride members gather to cheer them on and make bets on who the victor might be.

Females highly sought after might be especially talented in battle, be of Founder-Blood, or a daughter of a high-ranking member. Or, they might simply bear some prized markings upon their pelts.

Rogue breeding: 'Unmarried' males and females are permitted to rogue breed so long as the Nergui participant ensures that his/her breeding partner has the qualities that deem them worthy. A weak rogue would sooner be killed than mated with and weak cubs would bring only shame.

Generally speaking, non-lions are considered as weak and insignificant. They are likely to be ignored or become the targets of young Nergui hunting games. Likewise, familiars are usually tolerated within the pride, though youngsters and some adults might make a target/snack of them if they stray too close.

Hybrids, however, are viewed as abominations. If an unlucky hybrid crosses a Nergui patrol they are not likely to escape with their lives.

Exceptions to the rule:
- Avians (especially ravens) are used as spies and messengers amongst the pride. Great flocks can often be found following after the Nergui in hopes to feed on the carcasses of battle left in their wake. Though they are not ignored as most familiars, this does not grant them immunity against a youngster's hunting games.

- Hyenas are accepted as members so long as they follow the same beliefs as their lion brethren. A small company of hyenas, headed by their own captain, work alongside the Nergui military in carrying out the will of Graos Oma. They aid the military by acting as vanguards in battle and heading up search parties for important targets. To ensure that the hyena population within the Nergui stays in the minority, pups are given the opportunity to leave the pride when they come of age. If they choose to stay, they take an oath of loyalty and must remain within the Nergui till death.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:42 pm
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Once an isolated pride unknown to most of the outside world, they spent years developing their culture, even going so far as to create a language that only their people could understand. This garbled language - a mix of both northern and common tongues - is near impossible for anyone to decipher; the words being pronounced so differently that they hardly mirror their founding languages. This has allowed them to keep their secrets and even kept intruders from infiltrating into their ranks.

The language garbler can be found here: xxx

Language Within the Nergui:

[in order of most commonly recognised]

Local: Members who speak the local 'or Nergui' tongue. Converts are expected to learn and become fluent and cubs born in the lands are taught this as their mother tongue no matter their lineage.
Common: A large number of members (particularly converts) have knowledge of the common language.
Bilingual: Most members have the capability of speaking both the local and the common tongue. However, some members may refuse to speak the common language even if they do know how.
Northern: The language used by Hongshan slaves. Some members may have knowledge of this tongue.

Useful words / phrases
[A work-in-progress list]

Abukemoseum - A hybrid
Carqouk - Converts; joined members
Crovrems Rurda - Name referring to the main ‘horde’ from which the Nergui belong
Daeko - Word meaning 'mate'; used for both males and females
Daor - Term of endearment
Dokvoor - The 'status' of a female who can be won from her 'husband' by a challenging male
Faivkol - Those of Founder-Blood
Graos Oma - The ‘supreme ruler’ of the Nergui
Kaar - Seer
Kaar Oma - Overseer
Kikar - A 'cub' or 'juvenile'
Kulukadok - The 'false' gods who roam the lands in lion form
Nav - New-Blood; children born to converts
Nohoi - Hyena dedicated to Graos Oma
Oma - Title following a name/rank signifying high status
Rarec - A divine relic with ties to the Kulukadok
Ressra - Translates to 'little' and is the title given to the youths of the pride
Tra Ord Omak - Meaning 'The Old One'; name for the divine power the Nergui seek to awaken
Xaado - A bird


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:44 pm
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[From High to Low]
Xakaav Oma > Worrurd Hesr > Kaar Oma > Worrurd > Braak/Shuko/Nohoi > Kaar > Emkurcar > Ressra > Dhlurr

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Xakaav Oma [Visionary]
The chosen emissaries of the great Graos Oma, the Xakaav are the closest members that the Nergui have to rulers. Because of this honour instilled upon them they are revered by the Nergui people; high rank and low. Even the mightiest of the worrurd hesr can be seen bowing low as they pass. Their word is considered law for they speak with the voice of Graos Oma. To disobey a Xakaav is to disobey the will of Graos Oma – a terrible crime indeed. Visionaries are selected from suitable candidates with aid of the Kaar Oma’s farsight and – unlike every other rank – the visionary remains in his or her station till death.
Preferred traits: male, Founder-Blood, wisdom

The visionaries of the Nergui are not rulers in the traditional sense of the word. They are, in fact, the chosen emissaries of the great and mysterious (but absent) leader Graos Oma. Because of this great honour instilled upon them, they are revered by the Nergui people; both low rank and high. It is not unusual, for instance, to see a mighty Warlord bow down low in their presence as they pass him by. Because of this reverence, it is considered a great offence to look a visionary in the eye and those who do not bow their heads are often subject to punishment.

The visionaries' word is considered law because their word is that of Graos Oma. They are the Great One's selected instruments and act as His eyes and ears; relaying His will. To disobey the word of a visionary is to disobey that of the ruler, another crime that is met with harsh punishment.

A visionary, often male and of Founder blood, remains in his role for life and only released from duty upon death. Even a poor visionary or one who could be considered senile retains his position without question. As such, there have been times when the Nergui have fallen victim to poor judgement. Thankfully, with three visionaries now chosen for the role, any that fall into a poor state of health can be aided by those who have not. When a visionary dies, the two that remain seek guidance from Graos Oma to select potential lions to ascend. On very rare occasions this might be a female or a long-serving 'convert'. Wisdom is, of course, a favourite trait amongst those who are selected. The winning lion is chosen with the aid of the Kaar Oma who uses the power of farsight to see into the candidates' futures and determine who will lead the Nergui down a path of victory.

Visionaries are addressed with the honorific 'Oma' after their name.

Daily duties might include;

- Granting an audience with those who require assistance with any day-to-day issues (open only to those of higher ranking)
- Receive reports from the High Warlord to advise on status of military and advise strategy
- Settle larger/complicated disputes
- Navigate a course for the Nergui
- Seeking advice from the Kaar

Availability: CLOSED; only three at a time.
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current Visionaries: Rapha [Kaelyndra], ?? [??] & ?? [??]

Worrurd Hesr [High Warlord]
Equivalent to a ‘general’ and has command over the military. Specialises in battle strategy / knowledge through first-hand experience. Feeds his orders down through the ranks via the worrurds [warlords].
Required traits: Male, experienced (bonus: Founder-Blood)

The high warlord has command over the Nergui military and answers to none but Graos Oma himself - through the visionaries, of course. It is the high warlord's role to apply strategy to battle plans, plot courses of action and ensure that the army is prepared enough that victory is guaranteed. To do this he may seek guidance from the Kaar Oma and a number of Kaar to assist in decision making.

A high warlord who makes a bad judgement, costing Nergui lives in battle, can receive punishment ranging from the stripping of his rank to a brutal and very public execution.

Supported by the warlords (to whom he has the power to promote and demote), he must be a lion of unmatched strength and knowledge in the art of war. Because of the experience needed, the high warlord is usually a lion in his middle-years. The high warlord is always male, usually of Founder blood and may chose any bride he desires without challenge.

High Warlords are addressed with the honorific 'Hesr' after their name.

Daily duties might include;

- The promotion/demotion of warriors to and from Warlord status
- The carrying out of inspections on troops
- Calculating battle plans with aid of the Kaar Oma
- Personally attend or carry out executions (without the permission of the visionaries)
- Attend meetings with the visionaries to advise on status of military

Availability: CLOSED; only one at current time.
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current High Warlords: ?? [??]

Kaar Oma [Overseer]
The master of prophecies with a power unmatched by any other kaar. A Nergui to be feared and respected. The Kaar Oma assists visionaries, high warlords and warlords in decision making. They also aid in the training of young kaar and the interrogation of highly suspect new members. Traditionally, the Kaar Oma changes frequently, being thrown from their position by challengers amongst the kaar.
Required traits: Proven skill with visions

The Kaar Oma is the master of prophecies with a power unmatched by any other kaar within the Nergui. It is one of the only high ranks which can be held by a female without it causing an uproar amongst the people. The title earns him respect and a great deal of fear and uncertainty. Those with the gift of farsight are regarded with a wary-respect and the Kaar Oma is treated with more wariness than most.

The Kaar Oma can be called upon by the visionaries at any time to aid in decision making and to fine-tune the orders passed down by Graos Oma. And, of course, the Kaar Oma also plays a part in aiding with the recruitment of new visionaries when one of them passes into the afterlife. His other duties consist of teaching the kaar and supporting in the interrogation of new members by using his gift to 'see' into their past.

However, this particular rank is infamous for being a short-lived one. Kaar are able to challenge their superior to a battle of farsight at any time, to which the Kaar Oma is obligated to accept. If they beat their superior in these challenges, they automatically rise to take the title themselves, meaning an instant demotion for the failed superior. The challenge can last many months in which the pair try and out-do one another with their visions. Ultimately, the seer with the greatest tally of successes is named the victor. A kaar Oma can have sat in his new rank for less than a day before he might find himself being challenged. This constant competition is viewed to be a healthy thing in order to encourage each kaar to push and become stronger. Due to the unpredictability of this rank, the Kaar Oma is also the only high rank that is not expected to marry.

The Kaar Oma is addressed simply as 'Kaar Oma' to all but close family and friends.

Daily duties might include;

- Aiding the visionaries with vision-evidenced advice
- Supporting the kaar
- Interrogating new members (particularly those who give mighty claims of glory)
- Meditation to induce / encourage visions

Availability: CLOSED; only one at a time.
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current Visionaries: Mchawi [Kimaria]

Worrurd [Warlord]
The Nergui ‘captains’ who have a more ‘hands on’ approach with the troops than their superior. Like the troops they specialise in either battle or stealth, bringing with them the skills from their time as Blood or Shadow. They join the warriors into battle and carry out the high warlord’s orders.
Required traits: Male, experienced (bonus: Founder-Blood)

Unlike the high warlords who mostly get to 'stay home and talk strategy' the warlords are faced with the challenge of leading troops into battle and into unknown territory, relying on intel passed to them by the high warlord. Warlord's are usually accompanied by a proven kaar to foresee any untold events whilst out in the field.

A warlord's company varies in size depending on length of service. When first promoted a warlord can have anything between five and ten guards. As he grows in reputation and increases his number of victories, this number can expand to a maximum company of up to twenty lions.

A warlord needs to be the embodiment of all that the Nergui stand for. Unmoving, strong, fearless and merciful. It is these qualities that the high warlord looks for when picking out guards for promotion. If the warlord acts in hesitation, falters in the face of danger or shows any weakness at all, he risks being turned on by his own loyal troops. Such events usually conclude with the warlord's death.

The number of warlords at any one time varies depends on demand (aka: the size of the Nergui military). Warlords are usually male, however females have been known to hold this rank. Females may be given a difficult time by their troops until they have proven - beyond doubt - that they deserve their rank.

Warlords are addressed with the honorific 'Kal' after their name.

Daily duties might include;

- Leading company (Shadow or Blood) into battle / rogue lands
- Reporting to High Warlord
- Developing training regimes
- Ensuring the induction of young recruits / new recruits or;
- Ensuring that induction of new troops is delegated to one of his company

Availability: CLOSED; only three at current time.
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current Warlords: Muunokhoi [Kimaria], Godlum [Mimsey], ?? [??]

Muvukol [Martinet]
A term loosely translated to ‘manager’. The martinet heads up the enforcers, giving them their duties, organising schedules and ensuring that they are completely their duties well. Any enforcer looking to be promoted to braak or shuko must receive a recommendation from this lion. Females have been known to hold this rank.
Required traits: experienced (bonus: male / Founder-Blood)

The manager of the civilians, emkurcar. They must be skilled in all the day to day duties that their 'employees' undertake so that they know when a good job is being done. Unlike the Warlords, the martinet governs a range of different lions and lionesses and not all of them will be as disciplined as the soldiers. As such, the muvukol must be a firm lion and one who exudes a threatening order to keep everyone in line. As such, the lions serving under him are often wary and nervous when in his presence.

Quite often, the converted slaves will begin life in the Nergui as an emkurcar and these will need a watchful eye to ensure that they stay in line and embrace their new life.

If there comes a time when the number of emkurcar becomes unmanageable, he may appoint a helper or two to keep them in line and ensure that their duties are continued. He also has the ability to dish out punishment for minor failures (such as slacking or squabbling).

There is only ever one muvukol at any given time and this rank is one that can also be held by a strong female who has proven that she has the ability to keep strong-willed lions in line.

Muvukol are addressed by their rank or with the honorific 'Kal' after their name.

Daily duties might include;

- Managing the emkurcar
- Appointing temporary support staff
- Introducing himself to new emkurcar
- Dealing with minor crimes
- Reporting to superiors
- Converting the more stubborn slaves
- Overseeing emkurcar as they are carrying out their duties

Availability: CLOSED; only one at current time.
Acquired By: Roleplay Only
Current Martinet: Gable [Hopefolly]

Braak [Blood Guard]
Blood guards are the warriors; the bulk of the Negui’s fighting force who work in companies that serve beneath a leading warlord. The number of companies depends on the number of lions.

Blood Guards are the warriors; the bulk of the Nergui's fighting force. The training they go through is gruelling but can bring much glory to those who succeed. The believe that there is much glory and honour to be found in battle and death. The war songs that the Nergui favour speak, mostly, of brave Braak who have died in the clash of battle; their name forever imprinted in history.

It is such immortality that many (if not all) of the Blood Guard crave.

Training begins once a young cub is a juvenile and intensifies upon reaching adolescent. If a recruit has completed training successfully they are slotted into a company when they come of age.

Both males and females can take up the rank of braak though it is very unusual for a female to progress much further up the ranks than that.

Blood Guards have no honorific.

Daily duties might include;

- Training
- Protecting the borders
- Recruiting into the military
- sparring
- Teaching the young pride members
- Carrying out any other tasks their superiors request of them

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank

Shuko [Shadow Guard]
Whilst capable of battle, this force specialises in stealth and infiltration, taking the roles of spies / making contact with outsiders / gaining knowledge and – quite often – acting as ambassadors for their people. Like the braak, they work in companies and serve beneath a warlord.

Unlike their fellow braak, these lions excel in subtlety and, whilst they are capable in combat, they truly excel in tactics and subterfuge. They move with grace and silence, attack from the shadows and are favoured when less forceful tactics are required.

Skilled in the art of speech, these ambassadorial lions of the Nergui are known to be charmers and liars, some visiting outside prides to gleam information whilst others spend time recruiting more to their cause. Because of this, shuko often spend more time outside of their pride than within it, sent on tasks by the seers and the superiors of the pride.

However, if a shuko acts out of line whilst on a task [by losing a target / upsetting any balances / making themselves known etc...] they might find a swift punishment or execution heading their way. With great freedom comes great responsibility, after all.

Training begins once a young cub is a juvenile and intensifies upon reaching adolescent. If a recruit has completed training successfully they are slotted into a company when they come of age.

Both males and females can take up the rank of shuko though it is very unusual for a female to progress much further up the ranks than that.

Shadow Guards have no honorific.

Daily duties might include;

- Gaining information from within or outside of the pride
- Being tasked by their superiors (Warlord/High Warlord/Seers)
- Recruiting new lions
- Visiting prides
- Teaching the young members of the pride

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank

Nohoi [Warhound]
The only group of non-lions permitted to follow under the guidance of Graos Oma. Although a minority, these hyenas form a militant company and serve as trackers and protectors. In battle, they are often seen amongst the vanguards, leading troops into battle. They take orders directly from the High Warlord and nominate their own ‘captain’.

A small group when compared with the amount of lions they live amongst, these hyenas are treasured and respected for their skill in battle and tracking. As such, only the most important of tasks requires the company of a Nohoi and to have one by your side is a sure sign that you are on an important task.

They are fierce attackers that often press forwards towards the front of any battle and are encouraged to be fearless with their aggression.

So long as the hyenas follow the rules of the pride and take orders from their superiors, they are left to govern themselves. This also includes the nomination of their own captain who will act as a go-between for the Nohoi and their superiors when taking on missions. Potential captains will often spar amongst one another until one emerges victorious. This captain can be challenged at any time for his place.

To ensure that the hyena population within the Nergui stays in the minority, pups are given the opportunity to leave the pride when they come of age. If they choose to stay, they take an oath of loyalty and must remain within the Nergui till death.

Because they are not lions, females and males both have equal opportunity to rise to the rank of captain and are regarded equally.

Only the Nohoi 'captain' bears the honorific 'Kal'.

Daily duties might include;

- Providing support on tasks (particularly those involving the military)
- Vanguards
- Teaching their own young
- Sparring / training
- Patrolling the borders

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank

Kaar [Seer]
Treated with respect and wariness for their gifts. Their duty is to act as advisors and those with good control over their abilities often accompany troops to provide valuable insight with visions.

The kaar are a respected people within the Nergui, though perhaps treated with wariness, too. Theirs is a strange power, after all, and not something that an un-gifted lion can easily understand. It is an otherworldly power, a power of gods and as such it is to be used well and not foolishly.

A kaar born into the pride is cause for great celebration and those out in rogue lands are quickly absorbed into the Nergui ranks whether they wish it or not. However, if a kaar proves too weak to be of use or unwilling to give visions to aid the Nergui, they are forced into slavery until they agree to co-operate or die from the harsh treatment. Occasionally an uncooperative kaar will be executed, particularly if there are a high number of gifted lions within the pride at the time.

These lions are given plenty of time for meditation and practise and are encouraged to rest well when settled at a Nergui camp. At other times they are sent out with troops to aid them in decision-making. Kaar also have the opportunity to challenge the Kaar Oma when they feel confident enough in their skills to do so.

The Kaar is addressed by title or by name.

Daily duties might include;

- Aiding the military with visions
- Accompanying troops into battle / into unknown territory
- Supporting their fellow kaar
- Interrogating new members to ensure their worthiness
- Meditation to induce / encourage visions

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open - seers only

Emkurcar [Enforcer]
These lions are the ‘multi-taskers’. The saying ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ would describe them perfectly. With basic battle training, these lions and lionesses take on numerous day to day tasks. They are hunters, cub-sitters, patrollers, slavers and – if required – will join their fellow shuko and braak in battle as reinforcements. As such they could be considered both a military rank and a social rank with many crossovers and variety in their duty. The majority of females take on this role alongside the males less talented/inclined for battle.

Lions who do not show any skill in battle are often found in this particular rank. Because of this it is often females or converted slaves that are found in this rank - though one does not always have to stay in the rank if they choose not to. If an enforcer works hard enough they could (with the martinet's permission) shift over to a military rank instead.

However, despite being a civilian rank, these lions are important. They carry out the mundane but essential tasks that keep the pride alive. They do the majority of the hunting, aid in watching the slaves, protect the young, help patrol the borders when the main forces of the army are away and are even used as back-up to the braak and shuko in times of great need.

Enforcers have no honorific.

Daily duties might include;

- Watch over slaves
- Assign tasks to slaves
- Report any disturbances to the muvukol
- Watch and teach the young members
- Hunting
[And more rarely]
- Serve as back-up to warriors (used as a last resort)
- Protect the borders

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open Rank

Ressra [Youth]
Young Nergui carry this 'title' until they reach adulthood and embark on the career they have been training in. Young members are encouraged to play rough and tumble games as they grow and many of the local familiars may find themselves the target of games which could spell their end. They start learning their chosen role upon reaching adolescence and shadow their future peers to learn. Traditionally, the young Nergui sons will shadow the males whilst the daughters learn from the females.

Cubs are not sheltered in the Nergui and learn from an early age the type of work that the pride carries out in ensuring the strength of Tra Ord Omak grows and flourishes. And, though many of them may not have adoring, affectionate parents, the cubs are taught well and by a large number of the pride, too.

The males may find themselves being taught by their father and his peers, whilst the females may find them being taught by their mother and her peers. This often leads to a child following in its parent's footsteps, taking up the rank that they hold. However, as the cub is raised also by a number of other lions and lionesses, this may not hold true for every child.

As a cub, they are encouraged to play and grow strong. And, as they grow, play develops into more serious training. Competitiveness is encouraged and the young often partake in contests to pit themselves against their peers.

Daily duties might include;

- Play
- Learning
- Shadowing mentors

Availability: OPEN
Acquired By: Open

Dhlurr [Slave]
A slave’s life is hard and often short-lived, working in long shifts on mind-numbing and seemingly pointless tasks. Tasks, more often than not are designed to break their refusal for change and have them rising up to become full members. Ill or weak slaves are killed and they are often harassed by the enforcers and other members of the pride. Slaves always have traits regarded highly in the Nergui. If they did not they would have been killed. Often slaves will be strong, bear strange markings or be touched with the powers of a seer. Slaves cannot breed.

exclaim Please note that being a slave within the Nergui is not a rank for life. Lions in this rank are expected to convert or face death. Any slave who pushes boundaries or acts in a continued disobedient/aggressive manner will suffer fatal consequences.

The slave is just that: a slave. However, in the Nergui they are given a chance to better themselves if they agree to convert and take up the will of Graos Oma. Because of this, though slaves are treated badly and are often undernourished and weak, they are also kept alive for as long as possible as the Nergui attempt to convert them. A number of different methods are applied in order to 'break' a slave. Mundane jobs, threats, simple convincing. The Nergui will stoop to any level to fill their ranks with more obedient lions.

The Nergui do not choose just any lion to be a slave, however. Unwilling lions have to have some talent or favourable trait that justifies their life. Because of this, slaves are often fierce warriors, have strangely marked pelts or be seers. They would, if converted, make excellent members.

However, even the most talented slave can only take so much and the Nergui only have so much patience. If a slave does not succumb to bargains or threats, he will eventually die of starvation/exhaustion or be executed by the Nergui. The latter is much more likely when the number of slaves are high or when the camp is preparing to move on. Sometimes a dead slave's fur, claws and teeth might be removed for grizzly trophies.

As expected, slaves cannot breed, cannot take mates and are forbidden to talk whilst working.

The slave loses his identity upon entering service and is addressed simply by his rank. If he converts, he may take up his old name or choose a new one instead.

Daily duties might include;

- Demeaning tasks such as: digging, walking great distances, uncovering stones from the soil, being pitted against one another in mock fights for Nergui entertainment (and many, many other such tasks).
- Harassed by Nergui

Availability: CLOSED - but limited by Nergui numbers
Acquired By: Closed


Faivkol [Founder]
An inherited title. These lions are the equivalent of original members. These lions and lionesses have the blood of the founding members in their veins making them akin to royalty. Being a Founder often means the best chance of promotion and the best ‘marriages’. All children born of a Founder take this title with them.

Carquok [Convert]
Members who have joined the Nergui from other prides or as rogues.

Nav [New]
Members born to ‘convert’ parents; also referred to as New-Blood.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:46 pm
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Have some questions? Feel free to ask! (:

Q1: Nergui hunt gods- can they actually kill them?
A1: It is very possible the Nergui at one point may have killed an incredibly weak god, such as Pestilence. But much of nergui lore is somewhat sketchy as to how many gods they've actually 'killed'. Many of these suspect gods may have just been powerful seers, or strange individuals.

Q2: My god should totally smite them!
A2: The Nergui may one day feel the might of a true god against them. However, their relationship with the gods is a bit more complicated than even the Nergui themselves know. Many gods see the Nergui as a funny amusement, supporting the group in secret. Some pit the pride against their rival's mortal servants in power struggles. There are notably a few gods who keep watch over the pride, using them unwittingly for their own schemes.

Q3: Can I be cubnapped/kidnapped by the pride?
A3: For cubnapping: Unless the cub is a proven seer, or incredibly unusual looking, it will not be bothered by the Nergui. The Nergui do not have the time or patience to raise children who have no promise.

For kidnapping: Much the same; if the Nergui are going to take a slave, there must be a reason behind it. The Nergui aren't looking just for bodies to fill roles- they're looking for converts and assets to the pride. While it is more likely for an adult to be forced into servitude than a child, an adult should still have some characteristic that made them desirable.

Q4: I want to fight against the nergui!
A4: As of this moment, there are three prides who have interacted with the Nergui: the firekin in the Motoujamii, the Bonelands pride, and the Kitwana'Anatara. Of the three, the firekin are gearing for war, and the Kitwana are on high alert.

If you'd like for your pride to be apart of this plot, you can feel free to shoot ideas! If you'd like your individual lion to be apart of the plot, check first with these groups!

Q5: Will we go to war with firekin/other allied prides?

Q6: Can we expect pridal plots?
A6: Absolutely! We'll be focusing particularly on cross pridal events with the Nergui and firekin.


Fuzzy Kitten

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