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The Way of The People (History, Rules, Ranks & Ceremonies)

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The Navi Pride

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:00 am
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In this thread is the heart and soul of the Na'vi and it's existence. Everything you need and may want to know can be found here. If you still have questions, or feel as though something is missing, make sure to post in the OOC/IC Chat/Plot thread with any ideas you may have! Make sure you read this thread through if you are interested in becoming One with The People.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:42 pm

No one really remembers of how the pride started. It was passed on by word and over the years lost in the many different generations. It was rumored to have started simply with a group of lions. A group that was close to the mother spirits, they had traveled for a while before finding the perfect place and settling. It wasn't long before others joined them. They called themselves the Na'vi.

The Na'vi were once a thriving group of lions that lived deep in the jungle. A thick jungle protected from many outside threats, and outside invaders. The Na'vi believed that nothing could get to them, or in that case, nothing could in danger the well being of their pride. The were all happy and peaceful, they were all enjoying the area and each other's company. They were living one of the perfect lives around and there wasn't anything that was going to stop that, or so at least that was what they thought. There was danger on the edge of the pride. Their pride lands were in danger they were all in danger.

One night while they were all sleeping a different pride loomed on the edges of the pride lands. A pride that wanted the land to themselves, massive lions were on their borders getting ready to attack. They found the chance when all was well. They invaded destroying a lot of the lands and killing many of the lions. The Na'vi fought back the best they could, however it was a interesting tie. The invading pride left unsatisfied with the fact they didn't find what they wanted and because their loss of lions weren't worth the effort of trying to take over the dense lands.

The lions were scared and unsure of what to do. They realized that they could just hope and pray that everything could be back to normal. Thats what they did. They prayed everyday to get the pride back running, they prayed to the tree of souls for everything to grow back the way it was. And it wasn't long but thats what started to happen. If was coming back, and other lions were starting to come up. Of course they were cautious of new lions coming into the pride but they didn't let that stop them from rebuilding.

They are slowly starting to come back around. They are slowly starting to let new lions in so they can rebuild their population. Who knows what's in store for them.


The pride is located in a dense jungle. It is hard to get around unless you know the lands, there are many layers to the jungle because of the trees, the lions here can easily climb and get around in them. There are plenty of plants around and because of that many other animals thrive in the lands. In the lands there is plenty of water going through the lands, between rivers and even some lakes. It rains a good amount of time but not enough to drive everyone crazy to put people out of their homes. There are no dens however there is the mother tree in the center of the lands, there are many of hammock's in the trees where the lions sleep, if not there then in on the branches of the trees or under the trees.
-Map will be coming soon-

The Navi Pride

The Navi Pride

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:49 pm

  • Coloring: The coloring for the Na'vi is pretty uniform. They are mostly blues, purples, greens, and the in between tones for those. Most of the general population are blues and purples and even pinks, green a little rarer. It's VERY rare for yellow, orange or red color in the pride. It is really looked down upon to have those colors in the pride. Only small markings may have those colors (If you are all blue with a few orange stripes on your feet then that is okay). Another exception is if you have a MOSTLY white pelt with those colors. Black is a accepted color into the pride. So are grays. White is a very rare but important color. It means a pure spirit and in that case has a strong connection to all around them.

  • Size: Tall and lanky. They may be tall however they can easily manuver through the dense forests around them.

  • Species: Lions! All others would be see as threats and driven off of the lands.

Views on...
  • Flings: Flings are frowned upon in the Iknimaya, while there have been changes to allow them on rare occasions there will still be IC Consequences of lions that participate in either a Rogue Fling or MnM. If the said Fling results in a mated pair there will be less IC Consequences than if they had just had cubs and not mated the other partner. The pride believes that mating should only be done between a bonded and married pair and many will likely have something to say about the offending party but won't be treated ill because of the matter. In the cases the Leaders give permission then they will be exempt from any form of punishment..

    If you have a fling and do not mate with the other party involved the cubs resulted from it will be taken and given to a new family (A lioness/lion who can't have cubs, family of the lions that had them (I.E Parents, siblings ect), a pair who is willing to take them). The parent(s) will then be driven from the lands for one full moon cycle and may return to the lands after this period has passed if they so wish.

    The cubs should not be punished for their parents actions, and they will be raised like every other cub however they will not know of their parents unless they ask the mother goddess.

  • Adolescents breeding: Adolescents are believed not to be able to take care of their own cubs at this age (They may start help baby sitting cubs but are thought not mature enough to take care of cubs 24/7) and they are not considered to be adults in the pride. However things happen, when cubs of an adolescent mating are born they are given to another family and they will be raised as that families young.

  • Divorce: Divorces are only given for good reasons (Such as cheating lions or death. Some times family or Pridal reasons). If there is cubs between the pair they will go with the mother.

  • Hybrids and other non-lion-species: A pride no-no! These guys will be chased away right away from the pride. They are thought as dangers and will not be tolerated.

  • Outsiders: If the outsider states that they are interested into the pride they will be guided to the king or queen to join the pride. They will be given judgement the first few weeks in the pride where they will learn about the pride and it's rules. If they have no intentions of joining the pride they will either be chased off or they will be kept at the borders.

  • Males v.s. females? Males and females are equal to each other. However when it comes to heirs a daughter is normally chosen instead of a male.

  • Arranged Marriage: (Must be okay OCC Wise!) Depending on the family there might be arranged marriages. The parents will decide on mates for their cubs on occasion. This mostly happens with heir but occasionally can happen among the ranks.

  • Marrige (also see below under rituals). Marriages/mating is considered a great sign of happiness to the pride. It is celebrated and confirmed before Eywa herself. She will bless the couple and they can start their life together. The male usually goes to the female to get her okay, but sometimes will go to her father and mother as well. Females have the right to say no if they chose.
New: When a male and female become married, they are required to make a hammock sized enough to support both themselves and future cubs. This is a very ceremonial task, with celebration and happiness shared by all. For more information on hammcoks, see that section below on rituals.

  • Addressing other members of the pride Adults call each other brothers and sisters. Such as "Hello brother (name), how are you?" they may also just address each other by their names. Adults address cubs by their names. Cubs address adults as Tashik (Father) or Eywa (Mother). (If they are talking to their real mother or father they may say Tashik or Eywa but they also can say Mommy, Daddy, Mama, Dad, ect)
    Everyone refers to the mother goddess as Eywa. Another common way to address another is by the meaning of their name.

    • Marriage: Marriage is a very important thing among the lions of the pride. When you pick a mate they are for life. So marriage is taken very seriously. On a date when a lioness and lion are going to be married word is spread through out the pride. Everyone gets ready, they paint each other in blues and whites (celebratory and pure colors). They gather around the tree of Voices where the mother goddess marries them. The twist their tails together (like holding hands) they bond (see bonding) while the Mother Goddess says prayers. Afterward the whole tribe parties, they sing, and dance and celebrate life.

    • Joining: When lions join the pride they spend a week or two learning the rules while the other lions judge them to see if they are fit to join the pride. Once they are approved to join the pride they are allowed to bond with the Tree of Voices and then are fully welcomed into the pride.

    • Death: Death brings a sad time into the pride. Most lions mourn the lost of the passed on. They mark themselves in dark paint and bury the dead, tossing flowers in with the body and singing sad songs. Some times they will gather around the Tree of Souls to say goodbye to the lost pride mate.

    • Birth: Around times of birth everyone is happy and cheery. Some may visit the family and bring the cubs presents and give the parents treats.

    • Bonding and/or marriage: Bonding is a spiritual way of connection to those around you. The Na'vi see their tails as a way bond with those around them. For example bonding with the Tree of Souls, they will wrap their tails around a branch and close their eyes, focusing on the parts of the tree and connecting with the spirits of the tree. It's mostly done when praying. It is like a way of becoming one with that around them.

    • Hammocks/Hammock ceremoniesWhen a male and female become a bonded pair, they are then required to build a hammock among home trees limbs, in order to support both themselves and future cubs. These hammocks are very important to the workings of the pride. When one does not sleep in their hammock at the time of sleep, they will cause worry among the others; as it is seen as they may be in trouble or lost. Hammocks are designed with swirls and patterns, with furs and other items thrown in to serve as comfort and a private area for those of the people. It is sometimes a group effort for the hammocks to be made; and it is a great time of rejoice and happiness among all.

    Gods and Goddesses
    • Nyasambe: (Goddess of Mothers) This is the main goddess of the pride. This is where most of their beliefs come from in the pride. There is a mother goddess who watches over all of them and their lands. She is also called Eywa.

    Mother Tree or Home tree
    This is the place where most of the lions spend their time. It's a LARGE tree there are 'hammock' like things hanging from the branches where the lions sleep. This is where most home life goes on in the pride, everyone gathers at it's roots and spend some time together or crawl up into the branches for a long nap.
    *The tree is honeycombed with natural hallows and alcoves in which the Navi sleep, eat, weave, dance and celebrate. The circumfrance of hometree is great enough to house dozens of members. It is two to three times taller than Terrain Redwood trees.

    Tree of Souls
    The tree is huge, not as big as the Mother tree. It has Vine like branches that hang down. This is where they celebrate the life of passed on members of the pride. They come here to pray to their ancestors, some times they come to ask for advice or guidance. When bonded and praying with the tree it is said to hear the voices of the ancestors.

    Tree of Voices Utraya Mokri
    This tree is a twin tree to the Tree of Souls however it is used for different purposes. The Tree of Voices is mostly used for rituals and also for praying to the Mother goddess. There is a large clearing around the tree for the pride to gather. This is a very sacred place it is also very much off limits for outsiders and anyone who is not completely part of the pride. The Mother Goddess is found around this area for those who need to speak with her for guidance.

    Crafting and Painting
    There are many items that the lions wear in the pride. They use bones all the time for armor they use many things to show rankings the more the wear the higher the rank. The put beads and flowers in their hair. Painting is another thing that is popular thing in the pride. They pain before hunting, celebrations and even death. It is a major part of the pride.
    -Crafting and painting is almost always accompanied by chanting.

    *one of the most important jobs of crafters is designing and making of the hammocks.

    The Na'vi hunt in groups. At least Two lions go out to catch prey. It is believed good luck to share a meal. When the lions kill their prey they chant a prayer. Thanking their meal and for the sacrifices that they make.
    Quote; "I see you, my brother/sister, and thank you. Your spirit belongs to Ewya but your body remains so that I may take it to nourish the Na'vi people."
    -Interpretations of this quote are perfectly acceptable. Each member can have their own saying.

    Coming of Age:
    The coming of Age ceremony is one of the major things you have to RP out. (Maybe the only thing? XD) It's when a lion is no longer considered an adult. It is really simple it is the first real meeting they have with the mother goddess, they meet her talking to her a bit and pray with her. And then done! They are considered an adult.

    *Depending on the chosen ranking the member has chosen also deplicts their coming of age ceremonies.
  • PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:50 pm

    • Tsahìk: (Matriarch)
      The queen of the pride holds a very important part. She is also the spiritual leader she holds all of the prayers of the pride and the different rituals. The Spiritual leader is the closest to the mother goddess. She some times leads hunts and helps out with cubs. She also decides if new comers are welcomed into the pride. Mated to the Olo'eyktan.

    • Olo'eyktan: (Clan Leader)
      The Olo'eyktan is in charge of the entire pride. He makes a lot of important decisions from when the warriors train, when the pride moves, when meetings are held and if someone should be banished. He has the main job of making sure the pride is safe and checking the borders. Mated with the Tsahìk.

    • Zusawkrr'Tsahìk: (Future Matriarch)
      The future matriarch is normally the Clan Leaders and Matriarchs daughter. From the time they are chosen to be the future matriarch they spend most of their time learning from the Tsahik as well as the Spirit Leader everything she can to ensure she can properly guide the pride when she takes over.

    • Zusawkrr'eyktan: (Future Leader)
      The future leader is the consort to the future matriarch and is selected around the same time she is to start training to fulfill their role in the prides future. He is picked by the Clan Leader and is well trained in all skills and studies closely with the Clan Leader and Lead Warrior.

    • Mowarsiyu: (Advisor)
      Once the Matriarch and Clan Leader passes on their ranking they become advisers until they return to Eywa. They help out by giving the leaders Advice if they need it. Advisers can sometimes be the brothers and sisters of the current leaders or other members of the pride as well. If a future Matriarch isnt chosen and the current leaders pass away they might take over in their stead if the Spirit Leader is unable to do so.

  • More will be added as the cubs receive ranks

    Special Ranks (Limited)

    • Uniltìranyu: (Dreamwalker) -Female- 1/1
      Works hand in hand with the Tsahìk. She knows just as much as her and will often times be found at the tree of souls speaking with the mother goddess. She selects the Tirea'eyktan and sometimes advises to ensure that all the new spirit guides are taught what they need to know. She steps up in the Matriarchs place if the matriarch is absent.

    • Nawm'Tsamsiyu (Great Warrior) -Male- 1/1
      One of the best Warriors in the pride. He works very closely with the clan leader, they plan out attacks and ways to defend the pride. He selects the lead warriors and steps up in the clan leaders absence.

    • Toruk Makto (Rider of the Last Shadow) 0/0
      The only time Toruk Makto comes into play is if there is a serious incident within the pride and he's then sent forth to rally other prides to help aid them in their time of trouble. Whenever the pride is not in need of him he is viewed as a revered warrior and seconds in command to the Warrior Leader.

    • Unil'fyawìntxu: (Dream Guide) 0/1
      The 'Dream Guide' is a position of great importance and respect, for it is this lion that prepares and guides the Dream Hunt ceremony. The position is a part of the priesthood and yet it is distanced from regular priests. The lion in this position is in charge of gathering and processing all the ingredients needed for the Dream Hunt ceremony. He is also in charge of the ceremony itself, the area it will take place within, and will guide the pride member as they go on their spiritual journey to find their spirit animal.

      To attain this role, the heir will go through regular priest training, and then will be trained in the Master of Dream's position.

    • Sätsìsyìtan (Whisperer) 0/3
      A Whisperer has a deep understanding of the creatures of the forest, with whom they bond to deeply. They help them watch the borders, find disturbances and maintain the well being of their home. A Whisperer will often feel more comfortable around the jungle creatures than the rest of their pride members. As such, there is an old saying going around which humorously states that Whisperers only marry other Whisperers - not necessarily true but it does seem to happen more often than not. Should a lion wish to have a companion, they may address a Whisperer who will look for a compatible creature. The jungle animals often follow Whisperers around but they should never be considered “tamed” because the relationship between them is one of trust and respect. Animals who are sick, very old or in terrible pain will (rarely) approach a Whisperer they accept and offer their lives to their feline brothers. This is seen as a sign of the great trust and deep bond between the Whisperer and Ewya and proof that the Whisperer is doing their job properly. Creatures bonded with the Whisperers are usually marked and should not be harmed by the pride members.

    • Tìsopyu: (Journeyer) 0/3
      One who journey's outside of the pride and will act as an ambassador for the Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan. In addition to that duty they will also scout out any other nearby prides that may be potential allies or threats and report back with the information.

    Lead Ranks

    • Tirea'eyktan: (Spirit Leader) -1 Female and 1 Male-
      They work with the Dreamwalker as her right hand and teach all of the spirit guides everything they need to know. The female of this rank will typically be the first to step up in the Dreamwalkers place if she is absent but if for some reason she is unable to do so, then the male will do so.

    • Eyk'Tsamsiyu (Lead Warrior) -1 Male and 1 Female-
      The Lead Warrior is in charge of the other warriors and ensures they get the proper training that they need.

    • Eyk'Taronyu(Lead Hunter) -1 Female & 1 Male-
      The Lead Hunters are in charge of training hunters. They plan what the pride is going to be eating for festivals, and also coordinates for pridal meals. They know the pride lands like the back of their paws and they know what creatures are around.

    • Kelku Sa’nok: (Home Mother) -Female-
      The home mother is basically the lead baby sitter of the pride. She is in charge of assigning baby sitters to cubs and deciding who baby sits when. She is also in charge of watching cubs of the older lions and warriors who can't watch them all the time. She also helps keep the Mother tree and area around it clean.


    • Tirea'fyawìntxu: (Spirit Guide)
      They help give others guidance. They often lead prayers and are also trained in spiritual healing. They make sure that the religion of the pride is carried on and care deeply about the spirits. They are also in charge of burials and communicating with spirits.

  • *Tsamsiyu: (Warrior)
    Warriors of the pride are both female and males. They are the fighters of the pride, checking borders, making sure everyone is safe, they also protect the king and queen when needed. In times of war they are sent off to fight.

  • Karyu: (teacher)
    Those within the pride that teach the other members about not only their pride, but other pride cultures. They also teach how to write in the old language.

  • *'eveng'nariyu (child watcher)
    Those whom make sure that everything is running smoothly within the den and assists the Home Mother with whatever it is she may need. They also help watch cubs and watch the den area and clean it too.

  • Täftxuyu (Weaver)
    Weavers are the artists of the pride and they make all of the pretty and shiny items. They can create something as simple as a necklace to full body gear. They are also a few of the ones that create the war paint for the tsampongu (war party).

  • Sreuyu (Dancer)
    Dancers within the pride.

  • Rolyu: (Singer)
    Singers within the pride.

  • This is the default rank within the prideTaronyu: (Hunter)
    The hunters of the pride are to make sure that everyone is fed. They are good at what they do, they are sneaky and normally can blend in with foliage. Can be males or females.

  • Taronyutsyìp: (Little Hunter)
    The young of the pride that are old enough to start training and getting ready for the rank they are going to join. Before they grow they go and do their coming of age ceremony. They are not allowed to hunt alone without a guide.

  • ’eveng: (child)
    The cubs of the pride that are too young to participate in many of the prides activities..

  • Kavuk siyu: (Betrayer)
    One who has betrayed the Iknimaya and is no longer seen by the people.

    Keteng: (Different)

    • Ketengs are those of unantural color to the Navi. They have to prove themselves worthy of Ewya's protection and guidance and also, their worthy of being a member. They serve under the priestess herself and are anointed special tasks. They cannot rise in rank ever. Any cubs born with too much of the unacceptable color will also fall under the rank. They are looked down upon but no neglect/hate/abuse would ever be tolerated.

    • hì’i'fyawìntxu: (Small Guide)
      Rank for any familiar in the pride

    Key notes

    • *For the Tsamsiyu- A Uniltaron (Dream Hunt):
      All warriors must have a ceremony in which their animal of strength is shown to them. This ritual is only viewed by private members of the highest ranking. The ritual involves slipping into a hallucination and visiting the animal of their strength, but also is important as there is a risk of death. They are first given a sacred worm to consume and then stung by a scorpion to bring on the hallucinations.

      "Background to the Dream Hunt: "The Dream Hunt (Na'vi name: Uniltaron) is a rite of passage, in which Na'vi seek their spirit animal. During a chemically induced trance caused by the bite of an arachnoid and swallowing a glow worm, they express themselves musically as the spirit moves.

      Uniltaron songs are especially interesting. While under the chemically induced effects that mark the Dream Hunt, a Na'vi may utilize any kind of expression: standard social song structures, imitations of domestic cascading vocal style, children's songs from deep in their memories, wildly improvised songs or chants. The only type of songs not heard in this context are personal songs and the ritual songs of mourning."

    • *For the 'eveng'nariyu:
      At the coming of age ceremony for babysitters, a harness is given. It is designed to support one cub against the chest, comfortably and easily. It is made of vines and furs. The harness can also be switched to carry the cub on the back or two can be worn at once, to do both.

  • The Navi Pride

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