Hi Gaians !

I watch vlog in youtube of my favorites vloggers, some of them are pregnant or were pregnant. I've never really talked before with people who were pregnant and worked. Pregnancy symptoms can be different for people (some have worse symptoms than others). It just made me realize again how hard it is to be a woman. Like, we all need to sustain ourselves ( and family if you have, we all need money. Working while having nausea, always hungry, always want to pee, etc... Wow that's pretty tiring ...

While hearing the pregnant vloggers talking about that, I felt they are lucky they can stay home most of the time, and don't have a penalty to not go to work (because they work at home anyways)... DO you think your manager/supervisor/boss will allow you to not work only because you have morning sickness ? I mean they will just hire someone who is not pregnant to do the work and force you to leave early for ''pregnancy leave''...

In my country, you can take 1 year pregnancy leave, and you receive a certain amount of money for that. I don't even know how much, but it is not 100% your normal salary. So if you are 6 months pregnant and cannot work because it became too difficult, you can take 1 year leave, but your baby will be only 9 months, when you go back to work.


At work there's a pregnant women of 3 months. She complains when she has to walk to the other building. She often have appointment to the doctors.
We are low staff right now, so supervisor don't like when she cannot work.