As Legacies came back on the air, the ring was empty except for a mic on a stand and a wooden stool that was placed in the center of the ring. The crowdwaited to see who was going to come out next. "Invincible" by Machine Gun Kelly would tear through the PA system, and after playing forbade few seconds, Jack Arson would make his way out from the back, pushing his shopping cart full of goodies, as he was slated for a No Holds Batted match against the COO, Miranda Rose this evening. The camera would zoom in close enough to catch a glimpse of the carts contents, there were several kendo sticks, a Stop sign, an acoustic guitar, a spiked cat o 9 tails, a small burlap sack, tied with a rope, and several other goodies. Jack would push the cart down the ramp, turning and walking it over to the stairs by his corner before bringing it to a stop. He would grab the guitar and make his way up the stairs, climbing into the ring and making his way over to the stool.

Having a seat, The Arsonist would smile as the crowd was giving him a mixed reaction..there were those out there which were gonna hate Arson no matter what, but those same haters certainly steer clear of the 320 pounder unless they are safe behind their laptops. Jack would rest the guitar on his lap as he began to speak.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are 7 days away from the biggest event that WWF:G puts on, WRESTLEMANIA!! This years show is not gonna disappoint, we've got some top shelf matches on this years card, including a match between my brother Angel, taking on Jarel in a match that is going to be one of their last as the loser is going home!!"

The crowd really wishes both Angel and Jarel would quit...but is happy at least one of them will be gone for good in just 7 days. Jack wouldn't skip a beat as he continued on.

"But before Wrestlemania, we've got some buisness to attend to here tonight, that business Jack Arson even gonna be on the card? It seems our boss, Miranda Rose took some offense to my disagreeing with her placing herself in our main event last week, and she's told me I have to compete to earn my spot on the card. If I win tonight, not only is Jack Arson gonna be at the grandest stage of them all, I get to choose any match I want except a title match!"

The crowd knew Jack, he wasn't about to waste a chance to get any match he wanted. He could book himself in a non title match against his brothers long time obsession, and there would be nothing the false deity could do about it.

"So I am in control of my destiny tonight, and seeing as our fearless leader decided to place herself between me and Wrestlemania...I felt it only fit to eulogize Miranda Rose before I beat the life out of her here tonight. Which brings be to this beautiful guitar I have sitting in my lap here. What better way to kick off my road to Wrestlemania then with a little diddy I wrote...just for Miranda, and it goes a little something like this....

Jack would pause and begin to strum the guitar, a tune that sounded like a slowed down acoustic version of "She Hates Me" by Puddle of Muddy. The crowd really didn't know how to react to this, they had never seen Jack attempt to play to the crowd, let alone strum a guitar. After a short intro, Jack would begin to sing, showing of the fact he actually had a decent singing voice

"Got on Twitter, made people mad, the boss' b***h, thought I was a dad. From there on out, the s**t got deep, until Miranda set sail on shits creek

In a trap, trip I can't grip never thought you'd be the one who'd slip then I started to realize, she was drunk, possibly high

She thinks she'll beat she thinks she'll beat me la la la laugh..she'll try so hard but I'll beat her senseless like when Ike smacked Tina this s**t just ain't fair.

She'll be clean as she comes to my ring, but when the bell go ding, it might get obscene, She'll fight with all that she has, but in the end, she might need a cast OH!

In a trap, trip I can't grip never thought she'd be the one which would slip, then I started to realize..she secretly likes getting beat by black guys

She thinks she'll beat me, trust sh thinks she'll beat me, la la la la, but when I'm done I'll be on my way to Wrestlemania...b***h shouldnta stepped in my way!

That's the story, as you see, time to teach the boss a lesson and you'll have to agree, that when I beat her..I'll pick a match. A match that comes with a sweet contract. OH!

In a trap, trip I can't grip, never thought she'd be the one that would slip. Then I started to realize...our boss is just to proud to commit suicide

She'll never...BEAT ME!!"

Jack would stop strumming, and he would actually get a pop from the crowd when he stood up, grabbing the stool and carrying it to the roadie who was waiting to grab it. Jack would stand in the center of the ring, awaiting Miranda to make her way out to the ring as Legacy went to commercial.