by Taylor Pool

Praise the Lord with us that the Fiscal Court of Boone County (also known as the county commissioners, led by a Judge-Executive) approved 3–1 the changes needed for Answers in Genesis to rezone and expand the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. This expansion, first of all, involves creating 1,400 new parking spaces—which is very necessary for the predicted increase in museum visitors resulting from the opening of the Ark Encounter on July 7. Neglecting to expand the parking lot would create a real traffic problem for those living in the area. We are thankful the planning commission and Fiscal Court saw the importance of relieving possible traffic congestion by allowing us to add the extra parking.

We at Answers in Genesis are so thankful that these changes will not only allow the ministry to expand and move the Creation Museum parking lot to accommodate more guests, but will also allow us to add a huge building for new exhibits, a large restaurant, unique traveling exhibits, and much needed office and storage space.

This approval for our rezoning and expansion is a huge blessing to us and a great benefit for our future guests. After the Creation Museum’s sister attraction, the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, opens on July 7, a study by America’s Research group predicts up to double the traffic we normally have at the Creation Museum. The rezoning and expansion will be a welcome change for everyone.

Ken Ham, president and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter, said,

We are really grateful for this approval because it means we can accommodate more guests and be able to share the message of the gospel and the truth of God’s Word with more people as we experience an increase in visitors.

You can read the Northern Kentucky Tribune article about this approved change, including details about square footage and the conditions given to us as requirements.

You’ll read that one of the commissioners did not vote in favor of our expansion due to her perception that the change would disrupt the residents in the area. However, Mike Zovath, AiG co-founder and the project coordinator, is pleased to defend the fact that the ministry’s expansion plan will actually benefit residents in the area. The additional guests and associated traffic are coming regardless of the county’s decision to approve the expansion. But as an independent traffic study has concluded, our approved plan will have a more positive effect on local traffic than keeping things the way they are now. Not only this, but Answers in Genesis continues to beautify the area with spectacular gardens. The new parking area will have a buffer of trees and will actually help make the museum location one that Kentucky residents will be happy to see and showcase to out-of-state visitors.

The expansion includes a 70,000-square-foot building with two floors and a partial walkout basement; several hundred new parking spaces; an expanded children activities area near our growing petting zoo; and more outdoor events during the year on our new mall between the current building and our new building.