After the Lyssa vs Wylde Rose match, the production cuts to Renee Young, in front of the Wrestlemania interview set.

Renee Young: My guest at this time, one of the challengers for the Legacy Championship tonight, Bad Boy!

Bad Boy stepped into the camera shot, looking straight up into the air. Wearing a custom three piece suit, Ray Band sunglasses on his face. The crowd booing the man can be heard in the background.

Renee Young: Tonight, you-

Bad Boy immediately placed his hand over the microphone, stopping Renee just as she starts asking the question. He removed his glasses, looking down at Renee, signalling her to walk away, which she obliges. Keeping the microphone in hand, Bad Boy turned to the camera, staring off to the side. He would begin his statement.

Bad Boy: One year ago, Wrestlemania held its annual show right here in New York City.

The crowd started cheering at the fact that New York was mentioned. Bad Boy didn't bother with waiting and continue'd on.

Bad Boy:
One year ago, I was standing in this very same building, I was standing here, as the WWF Legacy Champion. One year ago, I main evented Wrestlemania in a Triple Threat match. One year ago, I finally broke a silence.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.....

I was on top of the WORLD one year ago, until ALL of it was ruined! Last year's Wrestlemania was the night I lost the Legacy Championship. Once again, losing that championship, was just as painful as losing a family member! All of last year, I spent chasing a title that I should've been holding,

As Bad Boy said the last line, he looked at his free hand, slowly clenching it as he says the next line..

Bad Boy: That Title was STOLEN FROM ME! And yet not a damn thing was done about it! I went on, from show to show, waiting for another chance to claim what was mine, all along! Despite going through competitor after competitor, I was simply ignored! Suddenly, I found a snake, dressed up as a saving grace!

You see, I joined Freakshow at the beginning of the year, with one simple thing in mind: It was an opportunity to win back the Legacy Championship! He was a man, with a vision, of Fiscal proportions! He was a man that I can negotiate and dominate the WWF with!

The first part of those plans, to conquer and eliminate Hiro, bringing to Legacy Championship into our hands! I was behind the scenes, making sure your plan was coming to fruition! Freakshow won the Championship, and Fiscal Responsibility celebrated the accomplishment! We were poised and ready to meet the next step of the greatest plan in the history of the WWF!

However that title did something to you, that title started to give you a big head, and you decided to change up our plans. You added Cartwright to the group, whom attacked me the very next week! And that same night, you decided to go double duty, and nearly lose the belt that we set our focus on!

And you're lucky that you teamed with the very best wrestler that this company has to offer! I entered the Royal Rumble number 1, and despite Cartwright attacking me, despite being targeted by damn near EVERYONE in the match, I survived and won the Royal Rumble match! It's been YEARS since someone had that accomplishment, and I'm one of the very few who are capable of doing so!

But after the Rumble, something seemed to have snapped in you. We had a preplanned price for the Legacy Championship that you held. But YOU went out in public, in front of me, saying that you wanted to sell the title for a billion dollars..... A BILLION DOLLARS!? What were you thinking!? Who do you think you are!? Freakshow, you thought that you can pull a fast one on ME!? I could deal with the Palestinian BS, I could deal with the insane planning, but you have the nerve thinking that you can fool me!?

The camera started closing up to Bad Boy, as he pointed to himself, his face was red. Slowly he would calm down, as he continued.

Bad Boy: Freakshow, you don't understand what you're dealing with here...your old, diseased, tainted mind doesn't understand the importance of Fiscal Responsibility! We could've been the greatest leaders in the WWF! Instead, you were only concerned about yourself....your obsession over Hiro Shin Mozes, and your addiction over yourself caused you to do what was best for you, and only you!

Bad Boy shook his head looking down, continuing his rant.

Bad Boy: What I hoped wasn't true, but you had gone mad Freakshow. Your visions, they are NOTHING, delusions of an addled mind....

Bad Boy then looked up at the camera, picking up his tone.

Bad Boy: But tonight is an opportunity, a FISCAL opportunity! Tonight, here at Wrestlemania, we have a challenge at hand. Whoever this third man is for our triple threat, has made the biggest mistake of a lifetime. Freakshow, you don't have to worry about a thing! Freak, all you have to do, is listen to me, and do what we planned before. We work, to allow ME to become the NEW Legacy Champion! It's the vision built for success!

Freak, I pulled my end of the bargain, if you pull your weight tonight, we shall turn Wrestlemania, into Fiscalmania!

Bad Boy lowered the microphone, his fist up as if he already had victory in the match. This would be the last image before the production team switches to the next segment!