Of all the gifts God gives us, few are more precious and few are more fleeting than the gift of time. Most of us feel sharp twinges of regret when we look at the way we’ve used or abused the time that has been given to us. There are so many forces competing for it, so many bad things and, even harder, so many good things. Our days are numbered; how can we ensure that we are using them for the best and highest purposes?

John Perritt provides some answers in his new work Your Days Are Numbered: A Closer Look at How We Spend Our Time & the Eternity Before Us. “Wasting time may not seem like a big deal to some,” he points out, “except for the fact that our time really isn’t ours, but God’s. Not only that, but it is a limited resource. You can be the richest person in the world and you still can’t buy more time. The reality is, there is a clock ticking somewhere, right now, and it is the clock of your life. Seconds that add into minutes, which add into hours, which add into days are ticking off your life.” This is a sobering reality and for some a depressing one. For the Christian, though, it is a challenging opportunity. Perritt says, rightly I think, that the way we use our time is one of the most pressing issues today, and one that encompasses so many others. For example, pornography is a plague today, but one that would go into great decline among Christians if they only determined they would refuse to waste a moment in idleness and sin.

Read more; Your Days Are Numbered