Veteran singer and actor Pat Boone has denounced a skit performed on "Saturday Night Live" that poked fun at the film "God's Not Dead 2," calling the sketch "sacrilege."

Last Saturday, "SNL" ran a mock movie trailer for a film titled "God is a Boob Man," that made fun of the real life evangelical film and its ideological underpinnings.

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Boone described the parody trailer as, among other things, "diabolical" and "taking Satan's side."

"Something can be devilishly funny, but this skit is diabolical. God has only one real enemy — Satan. Satan ridicules faith, and they're taking Satan's side," commented Boone, who had a role the "God's Not Dead" sequel.

Read more; Pat Boone Denounces 'SNL' Parody of 'God's Not Dead 2' as 'Sacrilege'