Even in this day in age where people seem so set in their ways, there is room for people to change their minds on a hot-button issue.

Back in February, former second-trimester abortion performer Dr. Anthony Levatino, released a series of videos graphically describing the procedure he used to perform.

One of them focused on the practice of Dilation and Evacuation abortion, which is said to be the most common second trimester abortion procedure.

Since then, his video on D&E abortions went viral, getting as of Wednesday over 3.5 million views on YouTube and over 11 million views on Facebook.

Not only is Levatino's video getting hits, it is also apparently changing some minds according to a recent statement by the pro-life group Live Action.

Of an online survey of about 500 women who watched the video, 208 of whom considered themselves pro-choice, 34 percent of the pro-choice sample said that the video caused them to view abortion "much less favorably" or "somewhat less favorably."

More: Viral Video by Former Abortionist Changing Minds of Pro-Choice Women