Christian satire site “Babylon Bee” is being criticized by fans for posting an article satirizing Trinity Broadcasting Network co-founder Jan Crouch on the same day she passed away.

Crouch died at the age of 78 from complications of a stroke. Her husband, Paul, TBN co-founder, passed away two and a half years previously.

The Christian Examiner notes that Crouch and her husband were known for being part of the prosperity gospel movement, and this is what the Babylon Bee targeted in their satire piece.

"Various baffled prosperity gospel preachers have begun offering theories Tuesday on how Crouch could possibly have passed away, given her overabundance of faith, her supernatural ability to name and claim health and wealth at will, and her decades of collecting donations while promising that God's will is for everybody to be wealthy and healthy,"

Read the article: Christian Site Criticized for Satirizing Jan Crouch on Day She Died