User ImageMeinfoo let out a long breath he had been away from home for a long time and it was nice to come home even though home was in a much different location than it was when he had left. It was one of the many things that Meinfoo enjoyed about his home, they weren’t stuck in the same place. So even when Meinfoo wasn’t out on the job in the rogue lands he still got to travel around and have the scenery change, a fact Meinfoo was endlessly thankful for who could handle looking at the same thing day in and day out.

Kizzi let out a long yawn the brown male had just woke up from a wonderful afternoon nap. Kizzi was always game for an afternoon nap any time he had the time to do it. Now though it was time to work and Kizzi needed to find some things if he wanted to finish his beautiful items. With this in mind he made his way towards the current boards of his pack. He wanted to find some stones that would fit in the necklace and earing he had been working on. They had to be just right though smooth, two roughly the same size and one bigger all with the same look.

Meinfoo spotted the brown wild dog before the other spotted him. “Hello Brother.” Meinfoo called out to the other male. It was nice to see someone from home. A familiar warmth washed over the cream and purple wild dog to see someone from home was always exciting. He quickened his pace to get closer to the brown male, so happy to see one of his own again.

Kizzi had been so enthralled with the stones that he had found that he had stopped paying attention to who or what was around him. He had found two perfectly round stones with all sorts of sparkle to them, now the trick would be finding a large stone that looked similar enough to the earing stones to make it a set. When he heard voices he lifted his head as he swiped the two stones into his pouch for safekeeping, “Hello there.” he greeted the cream and purple wild dog approaching him. He recognized the male as a member of the pack but couldn’t place anything about him beyond the fact that like Kizzi the male approaching him was also a twin.

Kizzi took a seated position and waited for the male to come to him knowing that he was heading this way to begin with. “Have you travelled far?” my friend Kizzi asked attempting to fill in the silence as the other approached.

Meinfoo smiled happy to have been greeted by someone coming in, he knew that it was complete coincidence but it made him happy nonetheless. “Not to far, just to scout out a destination for us to head to after the next.” The pack did tend to stay along the same routes but it was nice to get out there and meet another pack or pride every now and again. That was part of Meinfoo’s job in the pack. “Has much happened in the last week or so?” Meinfoo asked taking a seat next to his new friend. The one thing he didn’t like about his job was that Meinfoo always wondered what happened around the pack when he wasn’t there. He guessed that it would only get harder when he had pups of his own but he figured that was still awhile away and a worry for Meinfoo of the future.

“To be honest, no the pack has been relatively peaceful.” Kizzi answered, though if the brown wild dog was to be one hundred percent honest he should have mentioned that he had little to no knowledge of any sort of politics happening within the pack, it just wasn’t something that held any sort of interest to him. Nope Kizzi was much happier trying to find supplies for the beautiful trinkets he made.

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“I did find some beautiful stones today though.” He said quickly always excited to talk about his work. Kizzi had always been trying to make things ever since he was nothing more than a pup. He quickly shifted producing his little pouch with his stones in it. Lifting it gently with his teeth Kizzi gave it a little shake and the two stones he had collected fell out he looked them over quickly before lifting his head again to his new friend. “Now I just have to find a bigger one to be part of the necklace so that it’s a full set.” He told the other male with a nod of his head. The only time Kizzi was serious was when he was talking about his work.

Meinfoo sat and watched as the other male got excited and showed him his stones he had collected, it was easy to see that the brown male quite enjoyed his work, no one else could be that excited about stones unless they loved their work. “Well I don’t have anything else to do I could help you look.” As Meinfoo offered he leaned down to take a closer look at the stones. He had to admit they were beautiful and would make a great set for someone lucky.

“You would be willing to do that?” Kizzi asked his excitement easily visible by his rapidly wagging tail. Kizzi never had help looking for supplies and the idea was a great one to him. “If you want to go look over that way and I will look here that would be great. Just collect anything that catches your eyes.” Kizzi told the other wild dog with a nod of his head in the direction he hoped the other one would look.

Meinfoo’s tail began to wag when he saw just how happy the brown male was with his offer and he found himself actually excited by the possibility of finding things for the other wild dog to turn into wonderful works of art. He gave a quick nod of his head to say that he understood and turned and went to the area the crafter had indicated. Before Meinfoo knew it he was completely engrossed with his hunt finding the odd the objected as he looked and tucked them away. He hadn’t realized it when he had first stopped to talk to the other pack member but he was in the process of building a friend for life, and every trip outside of the pack Meinfoo now knew that he would always keep his eyes open for good supplies for his new friend.