xxxxxxR U A R I D H xxxS E A Nxxx M U R D O C Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Rory
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» 24 March 2023
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Jaheem Toombs Nelsan Ellis
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 12 inches, Red Oak and Diricawul Feather, inflexible with a decorated staff
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Scots-Gaelic
              ACCENT »» Glasgow
              PET »» Snake Basquiat

              xxx»» The smell of spray paint
              xxx»» Nighttime
              xxx»» Quiet
              xxx»» Bold colors
              xxx»» Running
              xxx»» Being indoors
              xxx»» Boring people
              xxx»» Authority figures
              xxx»» Rain
              xxx»» Cold weather
              xxx»» Graffiti
              xxx»» Acting
              xxx»» Pranking

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Rory spent a lot of time as a child trying to avoid getting into trouble, both for things that he'd done, and that he hadn't. Growing up in a less than stellar home environment, with a father who tended towards the strict side, he felt very restrained. Eventually, he began finding clever ways to get around the rules imposed by his father, and to keep himself and his friends out of trouble. He was well known for being the guy to go to when you wanted to pull a prank or cause trouble and not get caught.

              xxx»» He thinks very highly of himself, in no small part because he's used to being smarter than the people around him (namely his father). He tends to let his confidence go to his head; most of the time when he gets caught doing something he shouldn't, it's because he took an opportunity to brag about it. Generally speaking, he'll even take the fall for a friend... provided he wants credit for whatever he's taking the fall for.

              xxx»» Rory's not the sort of person you generally want around in polite company. At his best behavior, he'll swear a blue streak just to see a person sputter indignantly, and he's rarely so well behaved. His sense of humor tends to overlap with the reasons he's undoubtedly going to hell, and he'll never hesitate to tell a tasteless joke if he thinks it'll make someone uncomfortable. This behavior is reserved for people he doesn't like, but then, he doesn't tend to like very many people.

              xxx»» As stated, Rory doesn't like a good many people. He finds that most people are liars, cheats, or generally awful in some way or another. He's woefully pessimistic about the nature of a person's character, and thinks anyone who seems genuinely nice is up to something. This tends to stem from the fact that, the most noble people he knows are his own parents, and that's not really saying all that much. His father is a gambler, and his mother has conned people into paying top dollar for her fake jewelry in the hope that one day, they'll place the right bet and be rich. Sadly enough, as far as he knows, they're the least horrible people he's related to, so his confidence in the goodwill of others isn't particularly high.

              xxx»» No one's really all that certain where Rory's brains came from. His father has vague memories of his younger brother Cal being clever like his son, but he didn't pay much attention before Cal was off to his 'special' school. As such, Rory's intelligence is something the family has trouble coping with, a fact Rory is more than happy to take advantage of. He slacks off in school and still makes near perfect marks, and frequently outsmarts authority figures when the mood strikes him. His mother has had him tested a couple of times, convinced that he was a genius, and that they'd find a way to take advantage of that fact. Rory responded by purposefully bombing the tests.

              xxx»» This particular trait is another one that seemed, at least to his father, to come from no where. Rory's not one to shy away from attention, particularly if it's pissing someone off. So, he delights in making as much of a show of himself as possible. A lot of his affectations evolved from a desire to annoy authority figures however possible. He also took up an interest in art and theater, and with that interest came the sort of eccentric dress and attitude that is common among actors and artists. He's prone to wearing what he likes to call 'war paint', and tends towards bright colors, unless dark is required. Anything to stand out and rile up the people who've earned his distaste.

              xxx»» Quick thinking
              xxx»» Fast
              xxx»» Egotistical
              xxx»» Can't ask for help
              xxx»» Aunt Blair
              xxx»» Lightning

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Rory is the first and only child of his parents, something he's often considered to be a curse for himself and a blessing for all the children they could've potentially had. He wished he could say he grew up in a home where his parents hated each other's guts, since that's the normal sort of dysfunction people expect. Unfortunately for him, his parents are madly in love with each other, and constantly enabling each other's dysfunction, which has obviously resulted in a rather dysfunctional child. He suffered from a rather odd relationship with his father in particular, who managed to be exceptionally neglectful while maintaining a suffocating level of strictness. He was mostly left to his own devices, but still watched like a hawk for much of his childhood. It's not certain if he started acting out for attention, or just because he was bored, but eventually that's what started happening.
              xxx»» When he was nine, fed up with how resentful and ungrateful Rory was, his father shipped him to stay with his aunt Blair for a couple of weeks. Rory refuses to speak about what happened at his aunt's house, but suffice to say it terrified him. Unfortunately, it didn't do much to impede his behavior. It didn't help matters that his mother was horrified by the state her son returned in, and said that if Gavin ever let that woman anywhere near her son again, she'd leave him. Or kill him. Rory was always pretty sure she was joking about the last one, but he could never really be sure. Either way, he felt secure in the knowledge that he'd never have to see the horrid woman again, and therefore, the lesson he was supposed to've learned went right over his head. Rather than being grateful for what he had, he was disgusted by the fact that his father had thought sending him to that woman's house had been an acceptable method of teaching him a lesson.
              xxx»» The arrival of his Hogwarts letter wasn't much of a shock; he'd been doing magic for years by that point, and honestly, Gavin was relieved when the letter finally came. He claimed he was 'sick and damn tired' of Rory's accidental magic breaking things in the house, making the electronics short circuit, and all other manner of havoc that was caused. He'd informed his wife of the cause of the accidents as soon as he was certain that's what it was, as well has writing his estranged youngest brother to inform him that the kid was 'weird like you.' When the boy turned eleven, Cal volunteered to handle his school preparation, knowing that Gavin would likely botch it, or cause problems for the boy.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Rory wasn't entirely sure how he felt about this whole magic thing just yet, but he did know one thing for sure; he was out of his parent's house for the majority of the year, and someone else was paying for it. That in and of itself was enough to make him love Hogwarts, not that he'd ever admit it. He even managed to make a friend, though he stopped after one because how many did a guy really need? Kimi was in his house, and was as snarky and contemptuous as he was most of the time, so they were a good match. Plus, she helped him pierce his ears their first week at school, something he'd always wanted to do. As far as he was concerned, she was the only person he needed. Until she stabbed him in the back, of course, but he wasn't overly worried about that, since there'd be no benefit to her to do so.
                  SECOND YEAR »» The first thing that happened when he returned home for the holiday was that his father made him take out his earrings, which he'd expected. That didn't make it piss him off any less, but at least it wasn't a surprise. Rory retaliated by stealing a ton of makeup and gaudy accessories and the like, the girlier the better, and hiding them away to wear when his da wasn't around. And, immediately upon returning to school, he and Kimi repierced his ears. He swore he'd do it every single year if he had to, because he wanted his damn ears pierced. School was fine, if boring, like school always was, and he developed a habit of skipping lessons if he wasn't in the mood to attend. His one true gripe with the school was that there was no theater department or anything of that nature. He'd try to rectify that, but if he was the one to suggest a club or something they'd probably make him run it, and he was A- only a second year, and B- not about to lead some stupid bloody club.
                  THIRD YEAR »» This year when Rory and Kimi did his ears, they did more than pierce them, the gauged them. Rory spent the bulk of the year stretching his lobes to the point that, when he got home for the Summer, his father wouldn't have a choice and would have to let him keep them in. At the very least, if he had to take them out, the holes would make it obvious they were gauged. While that mission was underway, he undertook another, trying to find a place in the dungeons to tag. He'd been practicing, of course, and he figured he was at a point where he should start leaving his work in visible spaces. While trying to scout a location, he ended up getting sidetracked by an annoying Hufflepuff (a statement that seems redundant to him, because aren't all Hufflepuffs annoying?) named Ivar Eriksson. The guy was annoying, and ruined Rory's plan to find a spot to tag, but he showed him how to get into the kitchens, so it wasn't a total loss. Plus, the guy was kinda cute, a fact that Rory supposed made the interaction worth it, but was surprised to've noticed. Then again, his father had always tried like hell to beat the gay out of him, so it stood to reason that there was some in there to begin with.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Rory's fourth year was fun, to say the least. Lessons and the like were basically more of the same, and candy was trying to hang out with him more for some ungodly reason, so that was weird and uncomfortable. But, he was working on his first major 'project', aka he brought a ton of spray paint up to school with him and was defacing the corridors all year. He was doing a damn good job, too, and pretty pleased with himself, until he found himself in his Head of House's office getting yelled at for it. At first, he got pissed. Not because he got caught, but specifically because he didn't think he'd actually been caught at all, he thought they'd just happened to guess right when they decided to blame him. But, after a lot of arguing with various authority figures over the validity of their claims, eventually they told him that Professor Whitethorne was a goddamned vampire and she'd smelled the paint on him. At first he didn't believe it, because first of all no way and second of all no ******** way. But, eventually he admitted he'd been caught fair and square, and agreed to serve his punishment. On the plus side, his art professor made a deal with him that she'd set up a room and bribed him with nicer paints than he could ever risk stealing for himself, as long as he agreed to stop vandalizing the school. All in all, it was a pretty sweet deal, and he didn't get expelled, so he'd call it a win.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Rory's Summer started oddly, and very rapidly became the worst period of his entire life. It started with his father picking him up from the train station, which was odd, and the man's unusual demeanor ramped things from up from 'odd' to 'terrifying'. The eventual realization that his mother wasn't home finally prompted Rory to seek his father out, who informed him that she was dead, murdered by a loan shark his father hadn't been able to pay. Furious with his father for causing her death and grieving her loss, Rory acted out like he had never before, and eventually found himself shipped to his Aunt Blair for punishment. Once there, his misbehavior was met with physical abuse, and eventually he got desperate enough to write to his uncle Callum for help. Cal responded by retrieving him, getting Blair sent to prison, and strong-arming Gavin into giving up custody of his only child. Rory moved into Cal's place, and tried not to let on how much it meant to him. He was wary at first, assuming that even his uncle couldn't be as good as he seemed, but quickly learned otherwise. Aside from the general annoyance of his cousin's existence, he found himself feeling more content than he had in memory. When school started up again, his cousin, concerned for his mental well being and in an attempt to keep him out of trouble, convinced the headmaster to start a theater club for him to join. It was a nice gesture, and while the play choice left something to be desired (why the hell would a school of witches want to perform Wicked, of all things?), he had a decent time being back in his element. He even forgave her for making him act opposite Candy, which he was certain she'd done just to annoy him.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Drama Club
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Slytherin
              CLASS OF »» 2041
              HONORS »» Drama Club Co-Captain
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Art
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Herbology
              xxx»» Music
              xxx»» Astronomy
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» D
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» P
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» D
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxART »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» A

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxPOTIONS »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxART »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O

              DREAM JOB »» Renowned Graffiti Artist

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» Father Gavin Murdoch, Mother Sheena Murdoch (deceased)
              xxx»» Uncle/Guardian Callum Murdoch, cousin Kiera
              xxx»» Aunts Isla, Moira, and Blair
              xxx»» Best friend Kimberly Leon
              xxx»» Best friend Ivar Eriksson
              xxx»» Candace Mackenzie
              xxx»» Blair Murdoch
              xxx»» Slytherin house
              xxx»» Sixth year students
              xxx»» Drama Club members


15 October 2017 ««
Yearly updates ««

- Weasley 7/17/16 ««
~ Dia 8/9/16 ««
Weasley 11/26/17 ««