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Summer Races - Youth Division

Welcome to the Youth Division of our Summer Races! These young pups have chosen to sign up for a great and honored tradition that celebrates the warmth of Summer and their own individual power.

Trail ; The area that they have been given to race has been laid out with markers to help easily identify their course. The course includes primarily a marshy land, which means water ; mud and some iffy areas. But for the most part it's safe and accessible for all. Any injuries sustained will be noticed right away by individuals (NPCs or adults alike) that are monitoring the youth trail. One never knows how much trouble a youngster could get into.

OOC Race Rules

  • Prompts are to be rolled for based on the instructions below. The pup should react to this prompt as best they can.
  • The prompts are important as they will depict the points for each pup. The winner will be chosen based on the points rewarded by the RNG.
  • Do not delete posts, even if you make a mistake. Just mark that post as void and reroll in a new post. This will help to keep track.
  • Question or concerns reach out to Peppermint Coffee.
  • More may be added as seen fit.

Registered Youths

Only the youth that have been signed up can participate in these races. Other individuals are welcome to post, but their points will not be recorded. This includes all ages - pups to adults.


To get a prompt please roll 1D6 and then respond to the prompt.

1. You start off at a great speed! You seem to be leading the pack and are having a great time of getting ahead! Unfortunately, in all of your excitement you miss the branch straight ahead and trip over it, tumbling into a small mound of mud. [1 Point]

2. The sound of paw steps around you has given you a great surge of energy. There is just something amazing about competing with all of your friends, how fun! With the surge of energy you push forward with no issue. [4 Points]

3. Nerves of steel. Paws of lightning. You were picked by many to be the leader for most of this race - even in your youth you are seen as champion material. This is deeply rooted in your brain and has caused you to derail. Where did the markers go? It takes you a little time and some guidance from an adult that is monitoring the race, but you find your way back. Unfortunately time lost is potentially a race lost. [2 Points]

4. You've taken off without a hitch and remain to be unhindered by the terrain you've encountered. This has given you some edge! You even run by a few individuals that haven't been so lucky, but not to worry they have help. [6 Points]

5. Easily distracted by the many things going on you find something - what is that? - it was lodged nearby one of the markers and in your puppy like instinct you must find out what it is. [1 Point]

6. Some others have fallen behind, you see this and are taking advantage of it. Distracted by all of your excitement you don't notice what appears to be a large puddle. Though you wouldn't have known this the puddle is a touch deeper than you anticipated and you go for a muddy "swim" so to speak. [2 Points]