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Caught out alone, and I'm tryin to be free.
Caught up in things that are inside of me.
Lookin for something that I cannot see.
Losing my faith but I'm tryin to believe.

Fans jumped to their feet and the arena erupted with cheers as the music erupted over the PA. It was the theme of of none other than the WWF hall of famer, the Dream, Cyrus Everblaze. After only a moment, the man of Dreams himself stepped out onto the stage. In his left hand, he carried behind him the month in the bank briefcase."Cyrus, Cyrus, Cyrus!" Cyrus looked up into the audience, his eyes hidden under his hood from the mass of cheering crowds. Once again, he had returned home where he belonged.

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Losing my faith, losing my faith,
losing my faith, losing my faith.
Tryin to be free.. THE WORLD IS AFTER ME!

As the music began to fade, Cyrus held up his right hand, revealing a microphone. "After what seemed to be an eternity away from you, it's finally good to be back home..." Cheers once again erupted from the fans as Cyrus spoke."For awhile.. I sat at home growing fat as I recovered from my injury. I sat... and stared at the ceiling debating what would be next for the man of Dreams, it would only be a matter of time before I'd have to make my move." Cyrus lowered his mic for a moment as he paced the stage.

"It's no secret, I'm on top of the world this year. In the same night, I won the Money in the Bank, the Pure Championship, and I beat arguably the greatest wrestler in history, a man egotistical enough to call himself God. Well, that night I kicked God right in the ******** face and took his gold!" The fans began chanting his name once again. "Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus!"

"However, my eyes are set on the future, and my future is the greatest prize there is, the World Championship, the Legacy Championship. My eyes, as sharp as they are, noticed one very important factor: the man who holds the gold." Cyrus turned to the nearby camera and stared into it, his face still hidden in the shadow of his hood. "Hold onto that gold for me Lauri, the Lion will have his match with the Lone Wolf. I'll be the one to take it from you. At Halloween Havoc, I'll make my return to the ring and show you just what your future will be!" With that, Cyrus dropped the mic and disappeared into the back.