User ImageHe had promised to let her train with him! So she was currently seeking out Mikael after having met not too long ago. She figured he was at least healed from his injuries by now and would be able to hold up his own without any hindrances. She didn't want to spar with someone who had a disadvantage. What was the fun in that? Flicking her tail behind her she raced along, her spirits high and a grin glued to her face. She figured she'd check out the area she had first met him before actually heading to where his den was. She wasn't exactly sure of his schedule or anything so she didn't know where he could be but checking familiar places first was always a good thing.

Finding no trace of him at the place they had first encountered one another she figured she'd head towards his den. She was curious to know more about him and perhaps get some training under her belt today, if not an actual spar with him. Not that it would really count for anything but boasting rights between the two of them. Still, she wanted to see what he was made of just as she was sure he wanted to do the same.
