Word Count: 1034

Piperel was a quiet male, mostly keeping to himself. He watched over his brother like a hawk. The only reason he kept living was to keep his brother safe. If that meant he had to protect the entire pack as well, then so be it. He was a soldier, strong and able and ready to fight, but his twin was a gentle Artisan, one who created beauty.

He would protect that for as long as he could. He gave a small hum as he walked, seeking out the meeting point of all the soldiers and sentries. They would be paired off and sent on a patrol route at different times to ensure the safety of the pack in the night. The pack was small, now, but it would grow one day. At the moment, there were only 3 patrol groups, and they would take shifts.

Piper huffed as he reached the meeting point. He wasn't the first to arrive, but he wasn't the last either. The only other, besides the captain, was another soldier named Linfoo. The pink and yellow dog carried himself tall, an Eagle perched gracefully on his shoulder.

Lin glanced over at Piper as he arrived, the small purring sound that Hanecco alerted him quietly to a newcomer approaching them. He gave a small note off greeting to the spotted male and focused his attention back towards the captain.

The others arrived quickly, and they were divided into pairs for the patrol.

Piper moved along to stand near his partner - Lin, the pink and yellow male from earlier. "We have first patrol," Lin said easily. Hanecco made a small sound, as if to emphasize his point. Piper glanced at the pink bird before focusing on Lin.

Lin had been in the pack long before Piper had. It seemed that Lin had grown up nomadic, knowing the patrol routes almost instinctively. Piper gave a small nod, following Lin as they began their patrol. It was Piper's first real patrol. Previously, as they walked, he stayed close to the edges of their group, sort of like a general guard of the pack, not really a patrol.

It would be a learning experience for sure.

The pair walked along, Lin taking the lead easily. Hanecco whistles softly on his shoulder, the calm eagle swaying gently with their walking.

The moment stretched on, awkwardly silent, before Lin spoke. "So what brought you to our pack," Lin questioned - it wasn't a rude question, and he hoped offense wouldn't be taken by it. Hanecco flapped her wings though, brushing him about the ears as if she were warning him of his lack of manners. He huffed at her gently, shifting his shoulders to unbalance her, an attempt to get her to stop her little tirade. Piper snorted as well at the interactions between the pair.

"I followed my twin brother here," Piper answered honestly. The pair had left a pride of gaming creatures and the pair of twins never quite felt like they fit in. His pack felt more like home, and his brother smiled a bit brighter than he used to. "He's the light of my life, I'd do anything to protect him." Lin grinned at him suddenly.

"Your twin," He said, trying to remember if he'd seen the other. He wondered if the pair were twins like he and Mienfoo were, or if they were identical. "He's the Artisan, with the tan fur," Lin wondered aloud after a moment. He saw Piper nod and then hummed a moment later.

"I understand. I feel the same way towards my twin," he set his pace to match Piper's. Sudden as that, Piper was all the more focused. He hadn't known the pink and yellow dog had a twin. He assumed he was the only one that had a twin within the pack, and that he was the only one that felt that way. He felt more of a connection towards the other patroler now, and he gave a small hum.

The two walked for quite some time, skirting the perimeter of the pack's rest area. This was the first time Piper had made it onto an actual patrol rather than just being in basic training. It wasn't as exciting as he hoped it would be, but the conversation lulled into a comfortable cadence as they walked. He could see how this could get quite boring on his own. The steady pace Lin had them on was relaxing, and he almost forgot he was on patrol. He gave a small hum as the pair reached their first loop around.

There had been another patrol that set off after them, just to ensure that the pack lands were completely protected. Their patrol would be replaced by another as soon as they reached the meeting area for the soldiers. The sun was starting to set when the meeting area came into their sights. Piper's paws were sore by the time they reached the area, and the pair that was waiting on them grinned before they traded off .

"How was your first patrol," Lin said after a moment and Piper laughed.

"More intense than I thought it would be," He stated, sitting immediately in the designated area. He could sleep right here, honestly! Lin couldn't help but laugh aloud, disturbing Hanecco who had settled on his back. The Eagle made a sound before flapping her wings, making her way up towards the branches of a nearby tree. Night would fall soon, and she wanted to sleep.

Lin sat next to his patrol partner, grinning a bit. "You'll get used to it," He promised easily. "The first one is always the worst, but it gets better from here. It'll get better every time you do it." Lin spoke from experience. "It's different than walking as you wander." He hummed a bit as he sat next to Piper, only taking a moment to rest.

"I've got to get back to my brother," he told the other by way of explanation. "I'll catch you on the next patrol." There was a note of promise in his voice, and Piper couldn't help but look forward to that promise as the other walked away.