UNESCO Resolution Denies Jewish Ties to Temple Mount, Kotel — Western States Vote Against

By: JNi.Media
Published: October 13th, 2016

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Thursday adopted an anti-Israeli resolution ignoring the historic ties of Jews to the Temple Mount. 24 countries supported the resolution, which expresses doubt in Jewish ties to the Western Wall as well. Six countries voted against, 26 abstained and two were absent.

A senior foreign ministry told Haaretz that Israel’s diplomatic efforts have yielded a significant change in the way the European countries voted, with none of them supporting the resolution put forth by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Sudan, under PA pressure. This marks a significant change from the April vote when European countries, most notably France, supported a similar resolution. This time France, Sweden, Slovenia, Argentina, Togo and India abstained instead of voting in favor.

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