My apologies, I know I haven't posted in awhile. But real life as well as a couple other priorities have been depriving me of my free time, but I am working on doing one of my usual anime review post and should have it up in a bit. One is my job mostly, I'm a regular closer at the Taco Bell I work at so I often work 5pm to 3am shifts during the week and I will admit, I was also kind of shamelessly neglecting the guild for a bit as I was using that time to focus on this Bleach rp I just joined instead. But other than that, it's just the usual for me... Anime, Visual Novels, Games, and Flower Knight Girl... Uhh, just forget that last one, okay!? Hehehehe sweatdrop

And I do have to say, I am liking a lot of shows airing right now for this year's fall anime season. Right now I am totally into Magical Girl Raising Project, WWW Wagnaria, Izetta: The Last Witch, ClassicaLoid, Kiss Him Not Me, Lostorage Incited WIXOSS, Drifters, Keijo!!!, Flip Flappers, Brave Witches, Sound Euphonium Season 2, Cheating Craft, Nanbaka, Natsume Yujin-cho 5, Scorching Ping Pong Girls, Trickster, Touken Ranbu - Hanamaru, Magic-Kyun! Renaissance, and Show By Rock!!

There are a few that stand out that I am finding pretty interesting right off the bat so I am going to give short descriptions of each based off my own opinion.

Magical Girl Raising Project:

I am deeply intrigued by this anime so far. For an anime about Magical Girls, I was certainly not expecting the dark and bloody opening of it's first episode. I was expecting what anyone would probably suspect, bright and sparkly with colorful and uppity characters, but as I continued to watch, I got the sense that it was going to carry this dark underlying tone throughout and my suspicions were confirmed in the climax of the second episode. The drama and tension this anime creates feels practically almost on the same level that I got from watching Fate/Zero and I am eager to see how the rest of it will play out.


Though it has the same rom com anime feels as its predecessor does, which is not a bad thing. Watching the same premise with a slight new spin is still just as fun, but it looks like my initial prediction was wrong. Earlier I posted about this anime and I said that none of the cooks would achieve or start a loving relationship, but with the second episode, it looks very possibly that the lead chef will start developing feelings for one of the server girls and I am very interested to see how they go about sorting that possible relationship out. But other than a few characters, the rest of the cast seem kind of bland like there's not really a reason for them to be there at all, which is a little disappointing, but I'll keep following them with my otaku passion anyway!

Izetta: The Last Witch:

I believe I mentioned this one before too. Though I still do not care all that much for the pre-World War 2 setting, even if they use altered names which are still way too obviously close to the real life ones they are imitating so you get this whole "What's even the point of changing the names?" feeling, but what drew me to this is the characters more than it's premise, which goes like this. Germany is starting to invade this small time country and that country's princess is seeking outside power to help protect her home and her people, along the way she meets a witch, who also happens to be a friend from her childhood so in conclusion. Germany pressures Princess -> Princess seeks allies -> Princess meets Witch -> Witch helps Princess fight Nazis. However, there is a little bit of a role reversal here. Being labeled "Princess", I am sure you are all picturing the usual anime princess type. The kind who is admired and fawned over and is gentle, pure, sweet and innocent.... Wrong! This princess is the complete opposite of that trope, she is stubborn, bold, and aggressive and the Witch is the one who exhibits a little bit more of them princess character troupes, which I admit... Was a little bit of a downer for me. When I pictured the Witch, I was thinking more of a girl with a little bit of a nasty personality and I think that would have made Izetta (Witch's name btw) a little more of an interesting character who only helps the Princess because of their deep bond. But regardless, watching this little character personality spin between the two leads is still interesting enough to worth watching.

Kiss Him, Not Me:

I just LOVE this anime. I love it's premise and how all the cast interact with each other. It also makes me happy to love anime, since it's premise is something that could ONLY happen in anime. The lead, Kae Serinuma, is a "fujoshi" aka she's a super nerdy otaku who is super SUPER into BL. Actually, her fondness for BL is so bad that whenever she sees two boys getting along even if they are only just being a little bit friendly towards each other, her imagination runs wild and she has wild fantasies about them together as a couple. Kae herself is big and obese, even mockingly titled as the "human cushion" by one of the boys in her class, but one day while watching her favorite anime, her favorite prince character from that anime gets killed and dies and it drives her into such shock that she locks herself up in her room and does not even eat for five days straight until her family get so concerned for her well being that they break down the door and drag her out of bed. Only to discover... Kae is super pretty now. After fasting for five days straight and the stress caused from the impact of her favorite character's death, she has lot a ton of weight, and is now a "beautiful princess" herself. When she goes back to school, Kae goes from being picked on by the boys to the girl they all want to date essentially Kae becomes the female protagonist of an Otome game, though she still has the same personality and only cares for BL and 2D. Watching this reverse harem anime is so hilarious, I can't help, but laugh at all the shenanigans that Kae and the harem of boys who are after her affections get into.

Ya know... I think that is all I am going to make time for this time. Sorry, but I'll save the other anime for later, more in-depth posts. Until then...

See you next time! cat_4laugh