Huh. So I guess that party was worth going to. Not only did we find out a bit about what our little friend "Zac" really is, but we got it back too... as a dog for some reason. Whatever, we got it to stay with us for now, so I suppose it's our responsibility to feed it and take care of it for now. Maybe now Blizz will get a chance to rest, though Aile's betrayal leaves even more questions. Why wouldn't she at least tell her Pokemon about her decision...? At the same time, she should be much less of a threat now that her Regirock's been snagged. Or at least easier to manage... At any rate, here's some compensation for your efforts, and a bit extra for those who wound up trying to fight Aile.

RFR Rewards
*Met by posting on the first day of the Team Mission. Cutoff was at 12 AM EST on 10/25.
- 5 Snag Coins
- 1 Twisted Spoon (Well, it's not like the chateau's gonna keep it.)
- 2 Luxury Balls (We discussed a little bit about these! Also, the discussion is still open.)
Eligible Members: Darksol88, Blizzard120, Isaac Hawking, TerashiLeonGoken, Reno Vantas, Darktornathore, Extremelictor, Youko Kenshi, Atlantis_Darts, SubonicXP, Requiem of Whyspers, Xouza, Espeon_Commander

Standard Rewards
*Met by simply participating in the mission. EVERYONE who posted gets these.
- 10 Snag Coins
- 1 Pearl String
- 1 Leftovers (Some food was grabbed on the way out of the party. It's even in a doggie bag!)
- 4 Evo/Purification Points for Pokemon used during the party, but didn't end up fighting with Aile. If they did join the fight, ignore this and look below.
Elegible Members: Anyone who posted.

Extra Rewards
*A third tier of rewards, added by the decision to fight Aile and ultimately snag her Regirock. Met by aiding in the fight with Aile, either for or against her.
- 10 Snag Coins
- 1 Snag Emblem
- 8 Evo/Purification Points for Pokemon that was used in the fight.
Eligible Members: Espeon_Commander, Blizzard120, Isaac Hawking, Atlantis_Darts, Extremelictor, Reno Vantas, Youko Kenshi, Xouza, Requiem of Whyspers


Wait, what? Evo/Purification Points? But some of us didn't battle!

Ahem, yes, about that. This is an idea that I've had for some time and discussed with the administration, saving its official unveiling for this Team Mission. While the battle that did occur was there, it was ultimately optional and there was still a chance to use Pokemon otherwise. If not to participate in the party itself, then once a certain tenth of Zygarde started running around and needed to be reclaimed. The short of it is, stuff that a Pokemon is involved in, however minor, should still see some sort of growth. So, I'm pleased to announce that more ways to gain Evo and Purification Points are available!

Here's how it'll work: For Missions and Team Missions that don't require a battle, but still see ample use of a member's Pokemon, they will still gain Evo or Purification Points. This is, of course, determined by whoever's grading or giving out rewards. Battling in Missions/Team Missions and using the Super Training Room or Battlefield will always be the fastest methods to evolve and purify Pokemon, but they and the Safari Contests won't be the only ways now. Instead, Missions/Team Missions like the one we just did will net a smaller amount of points in such cases.

For example, if a mission with a battle gives 6-8 points, something like this might give 3-4, roughly half of the former. There's more to it than that, though. With this slight change in Missions and Team Missions, these sorts of "passive" gains will also apply within the HQ thread. Starting today, posts in HQ that also entail Pokemon usage will slowly gain points. Each Monday, I'll post the points gained, broken down by each day. Because the HQ will grant the lowest rate, however, doing a ton of posts isn't likely to gain much more than just a few. It will, however, still provide tangible benefits. Certain events, such as our ongoing war with El Pato, can also grant these points, but are otherwise separate from the passive gains.

Sounds good. How does this affect evolutions?

Evolution methods may see a slight tweak, even if this change doesn't affect it directly. To break it all down:

Shadow Pokemon: No change, but these new methods apply to Purification Points as well. However, you still won't be able to fully purify them without purchasing a Shadow Vaccine from the Golden Sarcophagus or otherwise obtaining one.

Level-based Evolution: No change outside of the new methods above.

Trade Evolution: This doesn't involve points, and has no change. However, we've just brought back The Poke Swap for your trading needs! Just go over there if you want to trade with someone, and make sure you have the right item if your Pokemon needs to be traded with it.

Item Evolution: No change at all. Just get the item needed and use it on the Pokemon.

Item+Level Evolution: This one largely remains the same, and the new methods will allow evolution to happen if you have the relevant item. A week's worth of gains in the HQ, or a day in the STR will also count as a Mission/Team Mission for this method.

Environment Evolution: No change.

Happiness Evolution: In addition to Missions/Team Missions and Battlefield battles, a day in the STR will also count as a single Mission/Team Mission. Time spent with the Pokemon in HQ will also count, though the credit given will vary.

Move+Level Evolution: In addition to the STR, Missions/Team Missions where the Pokemon uses the required move also count towards evolution. The rates for both of these are the same. HQ posts where the move in question's used will also count, though the credit given for this will vary.

Alola Forms: This one isn't entirely relevant yet, but will be very soon as Sun/Moon's release is less than two weeks away. If the Pokemon can evolve into an Alolan Form, then the Pokemon's normal evolution requirement must be met while also doing a Mission/Team Mission set in the Alola region. Like environment-based evolutions, however, using the STR to emulate Alola's environment can also be used to meet this part of the requirement. If the Pokemon is its Alola Form from the start, then it evolves through the method it normally uses and retains the form.

All of these changes will also be reflected in the FAQ portion of our guide, Snagging and You.