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Name: Adin'tyr Zauund
Nicknames: Adin, Aiden, A
Gender: Male
Age: Looks roughly 15-16 in human years

Faction: Monster
Race: Drider Refernce pic of a drider

Natural Ability: Web-spinner.
As a Drider, Adin can spin web while in his more arachnid form. Like most spiders, he possesses 3 different strands of webs.

Y1: The 1st is a finer non sticky strand, made of a thin silk, it is nearly invisible to see and used strictly to detect incoming prey/predators.

Y2: The 2nd web type is a non sticky strand, used for crafting denser needs, such as the anchoring strands of webs(as well as the strands the he travels on throughout the web).

Y3: The 3rd type is a sticky web, used for catching prey. If hit at high speeds the sticky web will act like rubber, while is struck at lower speeds it will act like glue.

Having had to spend his childhood building, hiding, and hunting in a more wild environment, Adin has a knack for taking in the world around him fairly well and thinking quickly to assess potential problems and key points. This isn't to say he is an expert tactician, but rather a survivalist through many situations.

Adin is used to listening from the shadows, and as such is very comfortable with being the guy ghouls and boils come to when they need to talk something out. Who knows, maybe something they say could be useful later?

Neat Freak: One of the biggest differences between him and his parents lies in the fact that Adin hates to get dirty. He prefers a nice styled haircut to an unruly shag. His web is pristine, clothes hanging evenly spaced so that gravity keeps them straightened. Perhaps his habits of washing quickly after eating or getting infuriated when a bloodstain won't come out of his white cravat are a bit extreme, but really, how could he live with the alternative?

Sorry, I'm new to this: Having spent a good portion of his life in seclusion, there are quite a few things that Adin isn't familiar with. eyephones, interwebs, mauls? It will take him a while to adjust to these bizarre things. This also becomes evident with his initial interactions with other people. Having mostly been around his parents or at a distance from others, talking and making friends may take a while longer than with other students, at least when it comes to fully trusting outsiders.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?
Though he could hold his own with his parents in the darker regions of Halloweentown, Adin desired more in life. After pleading with his parents for years, they finally caved and allowed him to leave the web and go learn the ways of others, be it to further cultivate his quirks or to drive him back home in the end.

FEAR Ability:
Spider Bite - The Tainted Fang
While in his natural form, Adin lunges at his target, inflicting a poisonous bite. At least, that's the idea, as young and inexperienced as he is, his accuracy needs work and what poisons do take hold don't seem to do all too much damage.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour/Style: White
Skin Colour: dark gray/black
Clothing Style/Colours: A lot of blacks and reds with a touch of accenting whites and silvers. Adin doesn't like to look as 'wild' as most drider, and enjoys the fine tailoring and craftsmanship of his Drow cousins.
Extra: Adin does have fangs, though will only use them to feed or use his fear ability.
References:his art

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