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Name: Laviel
Nicknames: Lavi
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Faction: Demon
Race: Djinn

Natural Ability: Size manipulation - She can grow and shrink at will. Smallest would be uh, fits in ur palm?? Largest would be w/e is allowed in school lmao

Personality: MYSTERY~~~~~~

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? MYSTERY~~~~~~

FEAR Ability: Sweet Temptation (The Mind T1) - Lavi projects an illusion that portrays the opponent's desires, throwing them off guard

The Mind
This technique makes it harder for your opponent to hit their desired target, ie you and just about anyone else. This type of Fear attack is best used in one-on-one fights.

Tier One:MND1
Dice: 3d4
First Dice: represents your Accuracy.
xxxxx 1-2: Miss
xxxxx 3-4: Success!
Second Dice: represents your Modifier.
xxxxx 1 means your opponent adds +1 to their modifier. If their modifier was -6, it is now -5! This means your opponent has an easier time of hitting their targets.
xxxxx 2-4 means your opponent adds -1 to their modifier. If their modifier was -6, it is now -7!
Third Dice: represents how many turns the effect lasts.
xxxxx 1-2: affects your opponent's next turn.
xxxxx 3-4: affects your opponent's next two turns.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Yellow/Gold
Hair Colour/Style: Pink/HUGEASS BRAIDS
Skin Colour: Tan/golden
Clothing Style/Colours: ARABIAN DANCER idk
Extra: Pointed ears, forehead gem, idk look at ref?