xxxxD O N E L L AxxxO L W E NxxxB R O W N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Donna, Don, Nellie

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY 16 February 2025

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 10 and 1/8 inches, Rowan, Unicorn Hair, Supple, Knobby

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Homosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, English

              FACECLAIM Evan Rachel Wood [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR GRADUATED

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic
                  Wandless Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Divination ~ O
                  Healing ~ O
                  Mythology ~ EE
                  Wandless Magic ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  Healing ~ O
                  Mythology ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Militant Older Sister

              DREAM JOB Post Apocalyptic Farmer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ BENEVOLENT Donella always starts off with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, for all her desire to do good at heart, she can be quite the zealot, and often gets ahead of herself, overwhelming others with her cheerfully ruthless 'can do, will do, no matter what' attitude. Donella is kind and and compassionate as the day is long, without an ulterior motive to speak of, but don't get in her way. ...It won't end well for anyone.
              ■ TRADITIONAL Despite her mother very much being the matriarch of her immediate family, Donella was raised in and clings to a more traditional fashion. Women lead through words and example, men through action and strength. Elders should be respected. Manners are not a suggestion but an obligation, and a little humility and respect goes a long way. While Donella is very much her own person and far more a leader than a follower, she does put a great deal of stock in more time-honored ideals, and looks poorly upon those who flout them.
              ■ FASTIDIOUS Donella is a firm believer in 'if you are going to do something, do it right'. She believes in taking her time, and that slow and steady will always wins the race. Reckless, impulsive behavior that doesn't take others into consideration annoys her to no end, as does sloppy work or unnecessary mess and disorder. Not to say that Donella is a clean freak, but she tends to accomplish tasks more slowly than most, not because she's dull-witted, but because she cares a bit too much.
              ■ STEADFAST Donella is extremely firm and loyal in attitude. She rarely changes her mind or wavers in her decision making, although she will take her time, and refuses to be coerced or pressured by those around her. Donella will never abandon a friend or forsake a belief, and her promises might as well be made of iron. She never says anything she doesn't mean, and very rarely tells even a white lie.
              ■ MODEST Donella is not one to put herself down or disparage her own abilities in an effort to get compliments from her peers, but she is very humble, and doesn't see herself as particularly talented in anything other than hard work and dedication. She's not often pretentious or trying to come off as smarter or holier than tho, and doesn't like showy or flashy things. Donella would much rather just be herself.
              ■ FORBEARING Donella is by nature a very patient, reserved sort of person. While she doesn't usually have very much difficulty getting along with others or making friends, she does have an easygoing sort of outlook when it comes to those she considers friends, and is willing to tolerate a lot in a relationship before she even gets annoyed. This indulgent attitude can sometimes blind her to the reality of situations and the people around her.

                  The harp
                  Being looked up to

                  Bad weather
                  Attention seekers
                  Loud places
                  Deceitful people
                  Junk food

                  Tending her garden at home
                  Accompanying her brother on the harp
                  Telling her brother what to do

                  Taking her time to do things right
                  Very humble and patient with others

                  Typically bites off more than she can chew
                  Lets the people she loves get away with things she criticizes others over

                  Losing her family

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Donella was born the first child of two Hogwarts sweethearts, Glenys and Cameron. Glenys, a slightly embittered middle child from a large, old moneyed but severely lacking in actual funds, Welsh pureblood family, was expected to go through with an arranged marriage, like her older sister and brother before her. She had no real qualms about this until she realized in her sixth year that she'd fallen in love with her best friend, Cameron, who was from an upper middle class but muggle Scottish family. The two had met there very first night at Hogwarts, both being Hufflepuffs, and wary of outright defying Glenys' family, instead came up with an admittedly somewhat childishly planned plot to elope as soon as they both turned seventeen.

          The plan fell rather short, when, right before the end of their sixth year, Glenys realized she was pregnant. Frightened, she tearfully confessed everything to her mother when she arrived home for the summer, while her father worked himself up into a fury. Cameron, determined not to abandon her, confronted the man, and as family legends are wont to go, supposedly it came very close to a duel. A week later Glenys lost the baby, and rightfully or not blamed her parents for the stress she reckoned had caused the miscarriage. She moved in with Cameron's family, the two graduated the following spring, married, and did not even begin to consider children again until some years later. Donella and her younger brother, William, eventually came into existence.

          Donella grew up sheltered- coddled, her grandfather tended to remark, then hold his tongue at the cold look his daughter gave him- and in a somewhat isolated fashion, as her father's parents passed away when she was a toddler, and the family resided in Scotland, not in Wales like much of her mother's family. She vastly preferred the company of her brother to her cousins, and in particular grew to despise Treva and Madoc, who seemed to pick on William whenever they got the chance. With a herbologist mother and a landscaper father, Donella spent plenty of time outside, usually dirty, and while excited to attend Hogwarts at the age of eleven, was reluctant to leave her family behind.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Although a bit homesick at the beginning, Donella very much enjoyed her first year. She was sorted into Hufflepuff like her parents, much to everyone's delight, and found friendship with her new housemates. She loved Hogwarts as a whole, particularly Herbology, the immense grounds, and the cozy Common Room, and made plans to try out for Quidditch the next year.
              SECOND YEAR Donella had a quiet second year, mostly devoted to keeping her grades up and wandering around in the gardens, taking notes on all the different plants for her mother and father, although she had befriended a troubled girl named Rayne and several of her housemates, like Gertie.
              THIRD YEAR Donella spent the majority of her third year in denial of the fact that she had developed a crush on a classmate named Anandi, who happened to be female. She also caught her friend Rayne attempting to shoplift, and the other girl confessed some things about her childhood to Donella, which helped the two come to better terms with one another.
              FOURTH YEAR Donella finally came out to herself over the course of her fourth year, although she didn't tell anyone about it. Instead she focused on quidditch and schoolwork, unwilling to consider the ramifications of not being anywhere close to as straight as she'd thought.
              FIFTH YEAR Donella made first string as a beater, and spent most of the year intensely studying for OWLs. She confided in her younger brother Bill that she was gay, which he was completely fine with, although they were both concerned about what their parents' reactions might be. Donella hoped her exam scores might soften her mother up, at least.
              SIXTH YEAR The summer before her sixth year Donella finally came out to her parents. While it didn't go terribly, it didn't go great, either. They seemed stunned and her mother made some reference to her going through a phase, which upset Donella greatly. While she knew her parents still loved her and she wasn't being thrown out of the house or anything, she also knew they didn't really understand her. This led to a fairly melancholy sixth year, although she did get her first kiss, with a Slytherin girl named Marisol Flores.
              SEVENTH YEAR Donella began dating Marisol the summer before her seventh year, and spent most of the year extensively studying for her NEWTs, in order to fulfill her dream of becoming a herbologist. Unfortunately, Quidditch didn't go too well, but she didn't really mind, looking forward to graduating and moving in with Marisol.

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Cameron Brown (father), Glenys Brown (mother), William Brown (brother)
          FRIENDS Gertrude Adelwood, Charlie Antunez, Daniel Jacobs, Rayne Clarke
          BEST FRIEND Gertrude Adelwood
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Marisol Flores
          ENEMIES Treva Warlow, Madoc Warlow
          PETS Scottish Fold Cat named Beira

PENDED BY 31 December 2016 ~ ♥ Cara ɱк
ACCEPTED BY ~ Dia 3/28/17