So you've stumbled upon our Guild and aren't quite sure how to proceed. Thankfully, we've got you covered.

I Found the Guild... Now What?
  • Join Up: Join the guild if you haven't already and subscribe to the Main Thread We suggest you read the entire front page.

  • To RP or Not to Rp? If you don't wish to RP, then all you need to do is get your character certed here. There are some naming conventions, but we'll deliver a cert and call it a day. If you do wish to RP you can get your character certed, but will then need to get a profile created in the Character Approval Thread.

  • Familiarize with Pern: Pern spans a ton of books. While we don't need you to go out and read them, you are going to have to read up on our setting, especially since we don't quite follow the books.

    World Information

    Some of the guides we suggest:
    Weyrs, Holds, & Crafthalls: This will tell you where the people of Pern reside.
    Candidate, Impression, Weyrling Training, and Dragonrider Guides: These guides will tell you how select children of Pern are chosen to become dragonriders, and what that sort of life entails.
    Thread & Threadfall: This guide will tell you all about why dragons were created, and the great enemy they fight.

    There are a few other Guides not in the World Information Thread.
    High Reaches Weyr Information: This tells you all about High Reaches Weyr
    Western Weyr Information: This tells you all about Western Weyr
    Hold & Hall Places of Interest: This gives more detailed information about Western & High Reaches Holds and Halls.

    All the guides contain useful world information but those should give you an idea of what to expect and where you might wish to place your character. Any further questions can be directed in the main thread.

  • Create a Character If you haven't already done so, it's now time to create a character. Folks can create a dragonrider, Candidate, Holdfolk, Weyrfolk, Crafters, Traders, or Holdless individuals. Dragonriders can only be made with obtain adult dragon art; Hatchling and Weyrlings are only obtained through IC Hatching Events and require approved Candidates. Wherhandlers also require obtained wher art before being created, and firelizard art must also must be obtained before characters can bond to them.

  • Approval If your character doesn't get approved right away, that's okay. Work with staff until the character fits into the world. Once approved, a player is now able to interact in the world! How? Well there are a lot of ways.

  • RP: Set up an Open or Private RP in either High Reaches Weyr, Western Weyr, or in the Holds & Halls threads! These can be solo RPs, or open for anyone in the area to jump on in. Remember in our canon Thread just came back to a very unprepared Pern. People have died, families have been lost, and entire Holds destroyed by the menace. High Reaches Weyr was slightly better prepared, but all of the Weyrs on Pern are scrambling to train, and prepare for future attacks.

    RPs can be dramatic, happy, sad, angst-filled, romantic, silly, political, or whatever you'd like them to be. So long as they fit in the canon and the world lore there shouldn't be any problems. Staff will let you know if they see something that doesn't fit.

    Adult dragonriders can travel just about anywhere on Pern freely. While they do have daily drills and sweeps, they do get some free-time.

    Weyrlings and Candidates are under strict watch, and can't leave the Weyrs without express permission from the Weyrlingmaster or Candidatemaster.

    Crafters, Holders, Traders, and Holdless can also travel Pern provided they have the freedom, ability, and marks for it.

  • Plot Threads & Journals Plot threads can be made in the Plot-Zone and Mini-Shop subforum. Character journals can be made in the Character Pages & Journal subforum. Both are ways for a player to better learn about and discover their character.

  • Mini Shops: Want to make banners for character journals? Want to draw character fan art? Make your own mini shops in the Mini Shop subforum.

  • Quest: Have a dream character or dragon of a certain color? Set up a quest thread. Staff might make your dream a reality.

  • Adoptables: Have some dragon art and aren't sure what to do with them? Want some help with general character concepts? Check out the Adopables Thread and see if anyone fits what you're searching for. Some adopables might even come with art, some don't require art at all, and others still are just waiting for someone with the right dragon.

    Adoptables can be found here.

  • Transfers: If you come from an old Pern shop that was on the B/C, and you want some of your beloved characters to transfer into our setting, then the Transfer Thread is for you.

Otherwise, this guild is what the people make of it. Staff will run mini-meta events to shake up the world, IC Threadfalls, Flights, Touchings, Hatchings, and other events to encourage participation. Ranking characters will be given away down the road, and big shopwide events like Gathers and Turnover will happen.

Bring your friends, get the word out. We always need a lot of Candidates, because we need to match Candidate personalities with the Hatchlings. Even if Candidates aren't RPed after they're created, they do need to be approved to sign up to be eligible.