xxxxxxA N A N D I xxxK A U Rxxx C H A H A Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Anan
              AGE »»18
              BIRTHDAY »» 24 November 2024
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Nazriya Nazim Reshma Shetty
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» 9 and 3/4 inches, Black Walnut with Unicorn Hair, inflexible with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Urdu, Punjabi
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Cat Styx

              xxx»» Indian food
              xxx»» Winter
              xxx»» History
              xxx»» Music
              xxx»» Cinema
              xxx»» Candles
              xxx»» Apparation
              xxx»» Small talk
              xxx»» Clothes shopping
              xxx»» Simple-mindedness
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Dancing
              xxx»» Saraswati veena

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Anandi doesn't believe in skirting around serious issues. She's always found that the key to proper communication is to get your point across as bluntly and simply as possible. At times, this can leave her looking rather tactless, but she'd rather have to apologize for phrasing something rudely than for a massive communication error. She tries to be as polite as possible, but when her choice is polite or honest, she'll go with honest and pray for forgiveness. She doesn't believe in a lot of fluff when she speaks. Small talk is practically a cardinal sin when there's work to be done, and she can barely stand it when she's socializing. In general, she prefers for her interactions with others to have purpose. If they don't, she's at a loss.

              xxx»» Anandi's mind works much like her father's, but she has her mother's organized side to help her keep it all together far better than he does. As a result, she's very bright for her age. She's quick with solutions and can solve puzzles and equations with relative ease. She has a gift for music, able to pick up many songs more or less by ear, with a basic guide to the notes if it's on the complicated side. Her mind processes information swiftly and efficiently. Her one weakness in this regard is, once she's stuck on something, she has to find the answer, has to figure the note out, has to put together every piece of the puzzle. She's quite fortunate that she's so skilled at it, or she would've lost as many hours to her distractions as her father has to his.

              xxx»» Anandi likes knowing how things work, how they function. She's more interested in muggle technology than she generally is in magic, simply because she finds the answer 'it's magic' to be boring. Potions are of interest to her because she can study the ingredients and how they interact, the effects of temperature and timing, but wandwork leaves her wishing there were more to it than simple intent and an incantation. As a child, she asked incessant questions regarding these matters, and eventually grew frustrated with a lack of answers. So, she turned towards more identifiable curiosities, such as how a computer works. She would like to one day find an answer to her questions regarding spells, but has settled for waiting until she has a better teacher.

              xxx»» Anandi was always taught the value of being true to herself, and speaking her mind. As a result, though she can seem somewhat clinical at times, she is quite passionate. Her enthusiasm knows no bounds, and once you crack her shell, it shows. She tried to keep herself subdued, but get her on the right subject and eventually she fails in this endeavor. Her passionate nature most often comes up when discussing her music, her family, or some moral dilemma she's studied extensively. She believes in fighting for what she believes in, and does so with fire.

              xxx»» A generous person would call Anandi 'determined' or perhaps 'spunky.' A more accurate word, to her way of thinking, would be stubborn. She can't stand the thought of giving up on anything, a trait inherited from both her parents. She is, as a result, ore stubborn than the two of them combined. Letting go of something is tantamount to torture, and she will obsess over anything not done to her satisfaction for days on end. Leaving things incomplete, or giving up on them because they are difficult, means that all the time spent previously has been wasted, and time is a precious resource that she refuses to waste.

              xxx»» Anandi's family is very close, and very loving. They are warm-hearted people, quick to show their love for one another. Anandi receives the lion's share of their love, or so it seems. But, rather than becoming insolent or entitled, she takes what is given to her, and shares it in spades. Her aloofness in the face of study vanishes instantly when she is surrounded by those she loves, and she is quick with a sweet word or a warm embrace. She values the people closest to her, and always wants them to know it.

              xxx»» Strong sense of self
              xxx»» Passionate
              xxx»» Short-tempered
              xxx»» Easily swept into drama
              xxx»» Splinching
              xxx»» Death

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Anandi's parents wanted more children; she was supposed to be one of no less than three, preferably four or five. However, it seemed that fate had other ideas. The couple struggled with fertility for a long time, never being brave enough to find out who was the weak link. They considered themselves blessed to've been giving their daughter. Anandi was doted on, spoiled by her entire family. She was the baby, born late to the youngest son of her father's family, with a multitude of aunts, uncles, and cousins, all significantly older than she was. She grew up with the praises of her many relatives in her ear, impressing them easily with her musical talents, her mind, her ambitions. She showed magic earlier than any of her cousins had, at the tender age of three, turning the wall of her bedroom a shimmering gold color in place of their previous green. When her parents divorced, she was devastated, having always thought that their marriage was perfect. The fact that they remained close friends appeased her, though saying she'd never tried to convince them to get back together would be a lie. She has yet to meet a single partner for either of them that she's liked, though she prefers her father's taste to her mother's. Likewise, she prefers living with her father, if only because someone needs to be around to make sure he's taken care of. She's not entirely certain how he'll fare once she's away at Hogwarts.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Anandi had a very successful, if somewhat uneventful, school career. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, which surprised no one (though Slytherin wouldn't have, either), and proved herself to fit right in among the eagles by earning high marks in all her lessons. She made many friends, and grew close to Caty, the youngest child of her father's new boyfriend Ciaran. The pair became thick as thieves, largely due to their mutual exasperation at their fathers. She found herself growing close to another older student, a Slytherin named Julius in the year above her. Julius, she found, was quite similar to her in temperament, though he lacked her spine, a fact that annoyed her to no end. Particularly where it concerned his betrothed Chrys, who Anandi couldn't stand.
              xxx»» Anandi didn't bother with extracurriculars, instead taking a high volume of courses when she was granted the privilege of choosing electives. In her fifth year she was named prefect, alongside her best friend Wallis McGregor. She considered herself quite fortunate to've had him as a partner, as some others chosen for prefect hadn't been so lucky. They were also named Head Boy and Head Girl in their seventh year, a fact that Anandi was quite proud of, even as she resented the fact that she couldn't focus entirely on her studies. Still, she balanced the work well, and managed high marks on all her exams.

        xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
            HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
            GRADUATED »» 2043
            HONORS »» Prefect, Head Girl
            BEST LESSONS
            xxx»» Astronomy
            xxx»» Potions
            xxx»» History of Magic
            WORST LESSONS
            xxx»» Flying
            xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
            xxx»» Herbology
            OWL SCORES
            xxxASTRONOMY »» O
            xxxCHARMS »» O
            xxxHERBOLOGY »» O
            xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
            xxxPOTIONS »» EE
            xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
            xxxALCHEMY »» A
            xxxARITHMANCY »» O
            xxxDIVINATION »» EE
            xxxHEALING »» O
            xxxMUGGLE STUDIES »» O
            xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
            xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O

            NEWT SCORES
            xxxASTRONOMY »» O
            xxxCHARMS »» O
            xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
            xxxPOTIONS »» EE
            xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
            xxxALCHEMY »» A
            xxxARITHMANCY »» O
            xxxDIVINATION »» O
            xxxHEALING »» EE
            xxxMUGGLE STUDIES »» EE
            xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
            xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O

            DREAM JOB »» Unspeakable

        xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
            SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

            xxx»» Parents Nirav Chahal and Jaya Dasai
            xxx»» Grandparents Jayesh and Zara Chahal, Divit and Anvi Dasai
            xxx»» Uncle Madhup Chahal, aunt Kiara, cousins Rupa, Gita, Ankita, and Rashmi
            xxx»» Uncle Faiyaz Chahal, aunt Vivian, cousins Kashi, Radha, Anuja, Asha, Manu
            xxx»» Uncle Sahil Chahal, aunt Sarah Eaton-Chahal, cousins Trisha, Lenora, and Mahavir Eaton-Chahal
            xxx»» Aunt Prisha Chahal, uncle Cillian Friel, cousins Matthew and Raja Friel-Chahal
            xxx»» Best friend Wallis McGregor
            xxx»» Lydia Spencer
            xxx»» Caty Blake
            xxx»» Gertrude Adelwood
            xxx»» Vincent Masters
            xxx»» Julius Devereux
            xxx»» - - -
            xxx»» Leon McGregor
            xxx»» Diantha Warlow
            xxx»» Nicole Lovette
            xxx»» Ravenclaw House
            xxx»» Seventh Year Students

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU P D A T E Sxxx

23 October 2018 ««
Updated to a graduate ««

Weasley 1/3/17 ««
~ Dia 3/28/17 ««
❝Yukitty❞ 5/16/18 ««