xxxxE S T H E RxxxC H A R I T YxxxS P E N C E R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Essie

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY 17 April 2022

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11 and 2/3 inches, Cedar, Phoenix Feather, Supple, Smooth

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Latin (proficient), Hebrew (proficient), Afrikaans (limited), Spanish (learning)

              FACECLAIM Skyler Samuels [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR GRADUATED

              HONORS Prefect

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Art ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Music ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Lamb of God

              DREAM JOB Missionary

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ BOLD Esther has always enjoyed taking the road less traveled; something that especially stands out in contrast with her conservative upbringing. While never intentionally rebellious or reckless, Essie has no issues taking a leap due to her innate trust that everything will work out in the end. She has no qualms about speaking her mind, even if others try to discourage her.
              ■ CREATIVE Esther has always enjoyed expressing herself; she loves to paint, and can often be found doodling in the margins of her notes and even her Bible- she doubts God would have any serious issues with a few flowers at the edge of the scriptures. She tends to think outside of the box, and is more open-minded than would be expected, given her upbringing.
              ■ RELAXED Esther is not quick to anger or irritation; not much ruffles her feathers, even if she can get a bit indignant on occasion when she considers something truly wrong. She is very earnest, but she's also very calm, and it takes a lot of build up to actually set her off on a tirade. In general, she would much rather just take things slowly, as she finds that is the best way to get things done.
              ■ CONFIDENT Esther believes the best of everyone, but above all, she believes the best of herself. If she sets her mind to something, she truly believes she can accomplish anything she wants to. By nature she is a dreamer, and by nature Essie is inclined to dream big. Why not? After all, all things are possible through the Lord.
              ■ FRIENDLY While not as talkative as her younger sister, Esther still enjoys making and keep friends, and does her best to be kind and understanding towards everyone she meets, even if they are.... less than receptive. Essie isn't someone who needs a lot of friends to be happy, but does enjoy knowing she can trust the people around her and that they feel likewise.
              ■ OBSTINATE Despite her easygoing nature, Esther still does have a stubborn streak, and can be very insistent about getting her way. She doesn't give up easily, which tends to be exasperating, and tends to be of the mindset that if she wants something to happen, she can make it happen with just enough force of will.

                  Reading the Bible
                  The outdoors
                  Church hymns

                  STEM subjects
                  Horror as a genre
                  Rainy days

                  Studying her bible
                  Painting watercolors
                  Exploring Hogwarts

                  Esther is very confident and and sure of both herself and her choices.
                  Esther is very creative and enjoys expressing herself.

                  Esther is extremely stubborn and clings to what she knows to be true.
                  Esther is always willing to believe the best of others and the world around her, at the risk of getting hurt.

                  Hell and the Devil
                  Losing her faith

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Esther was born the third child and eldest daughter in a devoutly Christian family, composed of her father, Daniel, a reverend, her mother, Elizabeth, a homemaker, and her two older brothers, Jonas and Gabriel, as well as her younger sister, Lydia. She was raised in the Suffolk village of Haverhill, and spent most of her childhood outside, running around and exploring, despite her mother's fretting that she would injure herself and that it wasn't very ladylike. God was the focus of everything in her household; she attended a religious primary school and they were in church far more often than the standard once a week. Her family even took a mission trip to South Africa, which was when things seemed to change.

          Esther had always been a very lucky child; for all her falls she'd never so much as scraped a knee. She was bit by a snake in South Africa, but the wound healed over almost immediately, and although she should have fell ill, she felt fine. However, shortly after her eleventh birthday a man came to the house claiming she was a witch, and would need to attend a school called Hogwarts to learn to control her powers. Her younger sister, Lydia, was one as well- both girls had been plagued by unusual incidents since what seemed like birth.

          Esther's parents were first in shock, then outrage. No daughter of theirs would attend some heathen school, learning how to practice witchcraft. It took nearly a month of debate before Esther was able to convince her father. She'd prayed on it intensively, and claimed to feel a call to the school- surely she could set a good example and spread the good word? It would be like a mission trip to a foreign land. Her intentions were mostly pure, but secretly the idea of being a witch, of having powers beyond her wildest dreams, thrilled her to her core. She'd always known she was different.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Esther's first year went better than expected. She was sorted into Gryffindor, the house of the brave and chivalrous, and befriended a housemate, Richard, even if she got into a few minor squabbles with some less than faithful classmates.
              SECOND YEAR Esther began to play Quidditch her second year, trying out as a chaser, and found herself straying slightly from some of her family's core tenants; she saved up money and bought a pair or two of trousers and proper sneakers, and even asked some older students for help with her hair. How bad could it be to want to look her best and to be well-prepared for her sport?
              THIRD YEAR The summer before Esther's third year her father found out about her Quidditch playing, and despite having no idea what the sport was, expressly forbid it. She reluctantly acquiesced, and had a quiet year, wondering why boys were suddenly so cute and why in the world she was now bleeding once a month.
              FOURTH YEAR Essie enjoyed her fourth year for the most part, trying back out for Quidditch again and resolving to no longer let the strict rules imposed by her parents keep her from living her life. She could be a good person without feeling guilty for every little thing. Her newfound maturity helped her to look forward to her own future as a witch for once.
              FIFTH YEAR Essie spent her fifth year studying extensively for her OWLs, partly to prove her parents wrong, and partly to distract herself from the fact that everyone else in her year seemed to be dating and snogging one another, aside from her. At least her prefect duties distracted her.
              SIXTH YEAR IEssie spent most of the year worrying over her younger sister, who was dating someone who was... less than ideal. And not just because he was the type of boy their parents would hate. She did have a good time at the Halloween carnival, however.
              SEVENTH YEAR Essie spent a frantic summer searching for her missing sister, and was relieved when Liddie finally came home after running away to live with Mark. However, her sister was clearly scarred by the relationship, and Essie kept a close eye on her during her seventh year, while also trying to study for her NEWTs.

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Daniel Spencer (father), Elizabeth Spencer (mother), Jonas Spencer (brother), Gabriel Spencer (brother), Lydia Spencer (sister)
          FRIENDS Richard Devereux, Darian Yaxley, Tiernan Yaxley, Gavin Selwyn, Connor and Colton Overton
          BEST FRIEND Richard Devereux
          ENEMIES n/a
          PETS Barn Owl named Jael
((character originally played by mc2, adopted 1/1/17))

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ACCEPTED BY 01/27/2017~ ♥ Cara ɱк
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [11/25/2017]