Keira glanced fearfully behind herself as she hurried along. She had to get away! The fear that had clutched at her ever since the band of stormborn males had cornered her earlier that day when she was trying to get something to eat still gripped her tightly. They had toyed and teased with her, tormenting her with nips and bites and joking about who would test her first. She had no idea what they were talking about, but none of it had seemed appealing. So she had run away when one of them had picked a fight, leaving a small gap in their circle.
Ever since then she had been running from one part of the pride to another, trying desperatly to avoid meeting them again, or any reaver at all. The whole pride terrified her! So bloodthirsty and iolent! Nothing at all like the home she had run away from, even with its death and disease, she had been a part of a loving family with a few close friends. But it was those exact reasons that had driven her away. Maybe this was her punishment? Sent down by Pestlance in retaliation for Keira trying to escape the heartache of so much death and loss.
But she couldn't! She couldn't stay, she couldn't handle it! And now she had been trapped in this hateful place by blood-thirsty madlions. Swallowing a sob of distress she raced down the path, slithering round a corner only to run head-first into a furry chest.
"Oooph!" A gasp was forced from her as she rebounded off the figure, staggering.
I'll add her image when the guilds are working again.