
NICKNAMES Ferdie (rhymes with birdie)


FACECLAIM Thomas Brodie-Sangster

AGE 18

BIRTHDAY 02/13/2026

BLOOD STATUS Halfblood/Half breed

SEXUAL ORIENTATION panromantic asexual

WAND 11.5", Yew, Phoenix Feather


xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR grad

HOUSE Hufflepuff

HONERS: Editor for The Daily Dragon

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ EE
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ EE
Healing ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ O

Astronomy ~ P
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ O
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ EE
Healing ~ EE
Muggle Studies ~ O
Wandless Magic ~ O

Ah, a kind soul
Talkative, eh? That's fine. Friends are always willing to listen.
You'll find plenty of those in


DREAM JOB Reporter

JOB Inquier for Daily Prophet


TALKATIVE He like to chat with people, even if they grow tired of him, he still willing to blabber away
DEDICATED When he sets his mind to a task he does it to the end. He will work hard till it done
FORGIVING He is forgiving almost to a fault. If he's been wronged it rolls right off him. He believes everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves
NAIVE He doesn’t know much about the world. He trusts people as soon as he meets them. He not dumb he just believes in things then investigates them later
PLAYFUL he likes to goof off and play games with people, board games, card games outdoor games you name it he’ll join in
PROTECTIVE He want to keep things safe and will do what he can to do that

■ sweets
■ cheese
■ reptiles
■ birds
■ rain
■ heights

■ sour cream
■ pepper
■ not cooked fish
■ dark
■ getting lost

■ he is adorable and has the cute face down to a science
■ he stays on task

■ too trusting
■ too forgiving

■ clowns


EARLY CHILDHOOD Ferdinand was born into a wealthy French descended family from the British Isles. His Dad loved to travel the world, on one such trip he met Ferdinand's Mom, who was a Veela, the family being open-minded was more than happy to welcome her into the family. They were married and Ferdinand was born a year later. It was obvious that Ferdinand inherited his mom's good looks but took after his dad in his personality. He grew up with plenty of money but his parent aimed to keep him from being spoiled. While he would have stuff bought for him he would have to do something to earn it. Even though he wasn't spoiled he has only known about his own world. He hopes to go to Hogwarts soon like his Dad did.

First year was great Ferdie made a friend Rhett who is also like him in the fact they were only half human and Theo who loves to cook. He also joined the newspaper club. As he grew he became more poupular and even ended up with regular fan mail. He would find his love in his later years with a gryffindor a year below him, Elizabet Amsel. He was glad to find someone to love inspite of his veela charm. He worked his way up in the newspaper club and even become editor in chief. During his later school years he got a new brother! His parents adopted a strange but cool brother with a missing eye.

Upon graduation Ferdie took some time to be a big brother while appling to be an Inquirer.


UPDATED 1/11/19

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PENDED BY Original signature lost ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [07/27/2017]
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/17/2017]