xxxxxxC E L E S T E xxxE L O I S Exxx K I N S L E Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              AGE »» 15
              BIRTHDAY »» 25 February 2026
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Daveigh Chase Amber Benson
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» 13 inches, Acacia with Demiguise Hair, pliable and smooth
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French, Latin, Italian, Greek
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Snowy Owl Finnian

              xxx»» Classical music, particularly Mozart
              xxx»» Rain
              xxx»» Candles
              xxx»» Seafood
              xxx»» Wintertime
              xxx»» Crowds
              xxx»» Filth
              xxx»» Poor manners
              xxx»» Poor breeding
              xxx»» Muggles
              xxx»» Piano and Harp
              xxx»» Horseback riding
              xxx»» Lessons

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» As horrible as it sounds, Celeste was raised to serve. Her family's old-fashioned sensibilities insist that a woman's lot in life is to support the men in their lives. While she at times questions the wisdom of this, she knows that, being only a child, it's not going to do her any good to argue. She also finds that it's quite useful to be loyal to people, because it often inspires loyalty in return. She would do anything for her brother, for her mother, for anyone she deems as worthy of her attention, even to her own detriment. She's generally able to get herself out of a tight spot, so she doesn't fear the repercussions if an attempt to help someone else goes south. She would hesitate at nothing that was asked of her, so long as the right person was doing the asking.

              xxx»» Being raised that Children Should Be Seen And Not Heard, Celeste didn't do much in the way of talking as a small child. Instead, she did a lot of watching. She observed people, observed events, observed the world in general. While she was rather sheltered as a child and her experiences are therefore limited, she's rather quick to assess a situation from a distance. She's clever, and generally speaking has good judgement. She can make snap decisions and generally trust that her instincts and previous experiences haven't let her down. Overall, she's rather clever, though she likes to keep this to herself.

              xxx»» She is quick to think of inventive solutions to problems. When presented with the fact that her brother was doing poorly in his lessons, and didn't like attending them anyway, she offered to attend them in his stead, using her powers to take on his appearance. She can generally think and talk her way out of trouble, feigning innocence and ignorance until whoever has caught her ushers her away with a promise not to make the same mistake twice. She is adept at figuring out just what to say or do in any given situation, solving puzzles easily and recalling the oddest of seemingly innocuous bits of information in a conversation.

              xxx»» Celeste harbors a great fear of being in trouble, at least with one person. Her father, who can generally be expected to ignore her entirely, will at times very suddenly recall her existence simply to scold her over something small. Of all the people in her life, he is the only one who is never easy on her, and the punishments for trouble-making are severe. She would argue, in her mind, that most of the time the punishment greatly outweighs the crime. As such, she is hesitant to do anything that would attract his attention. If asked by her brother, she'll misbehave, but she is always quite careful about how she goes about it. She's rather quiet and unassuming, preferring to blend into the background. She's uncomfortable with attention being focused on her, and is quite content to stand behind her much more boisterous brother and let him do the talking for her.

              xxx»» While there are few people in the world Celeste truly cares about, she has never been known to be cruel or unkind to anyone she meets. While she was raised in a family that believes itself to be superior to others, she personally sees that their superiority is simply a cosmic gift, not something that was earned. As such, she tries not to look down on those who are inferior to her. She believes in being kind to everyone, even if they don't necessarily deserve it. To earn even an unkind word from her requires quite a feat of cruelty on the part of another, and while she may harbor anger for some, she will never let it affect her own actions towards them.

              xxx»» Celeste believes in the value of perseverance and hard work. Once she commits to something, she is committed to see it through, no matter the outcome. Promises are sacred to her, and no matter how much trouble she has fulfilling them, she will stop at nothing to be sure she does. Nothing short of literal impossibility can prevent her from completing a task she has set for herself, and even then, it takes quite a bit of convincing to make her give in. She doesn't believe in leaving work unfinished, and finds laziness (in anyone but her brother) to be unacceptable. While she's not one who would generally take on hard work out of choice, she believes in doing what needs to be done. If that means helping with a task that should be beneath her, so be it.

              xxx»» Quick-witted
              xxx»» Well-mannered
              xxx»» Arrogant
              xxx»» Sheltered
              xxx»» Her father's anger
              xxx»» Bugs

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Celeste is the firstborn child, older than her twin brother by exactly ten minutes and thirty-six seconds, at least according to her mother. Given that the woman is quite obsessed with small details like that, Celeste is inclined to believe her. however, in spite of being the oldest, she was raised with the knowledge that her brother would be the heir, due to his being male, as that was proper. She, on the other hand, as a female, was expected to be someone's wife. Her family is rather old-fashioned in that way, still prone to arranged marriages and teaching boys to be the providers, the strong ones, the boss, and girls to be submissive, sweet, modest. Indeed, Celeste was taught to always look to her brother for guidance, and to respect his authority in all things. The family has one decided quirk, which is that all males are expected to be sorted into Slytherin, house for the ambitious and cunning, and females into Hufflepuff, house of the loyal and hard-working. These values, the family teaches, are quite in line with what is proper for a young man or lady.
              xxx»» Being the heir, Sorin was forced from a young age to sit in on lessons with his father, taught all the ins and outs of the world, according to the Kinsley way of life. However, Sorin was never one to care for these lessons. He found them boring, and stifling. He'd been doted on and spoiled by his grandmother and mother when he was born, and so had little real respect for authority figures. Celeste, having been born a metamorphmagus and possessing an unwavering loyalty to her brother, eventually came up with a plan; she would pose as her brother and sit in on the lessons for him. It took a lot of hard work to successfully alter her features to match his well enough, but their father was far to preoccupied with other things to pay close attention, and so their ruse was never discovered. As a result, Celeste received a fairly large chunk of the teaching intended for her brother. Their dynamic shifted as a result, with the previously submissive sister taking on the role of secret leader, pretending to look to her brother for guidance, when really it was the other way around. Sorin, the slacker, was more than happy to adjust to this change, as it took a lot of responsibility off his shoulders.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Celeste found her first year of school quite enjoyable. She made at least one friend, Delphinia Meadows, who she got along quite well with. Her brother liked Finny as well, which was a bonus, not that anyone but her could tell. She planned on taking advantage of Finny being more approachable to hopefully expand her own social circle. She did well enough in her classes, and found being away from the oppressive stares of her father to be quite freeing.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SECOND YEAR »» When Celeste returned home from her first year, she had a mission for herself. Careful consideration of her year mates had led her to the conclusion that there were no matches for her brother, something she'd been informed it was her duty to help find. Without a proper pureblooded Hufflepuff, a plan formed; Finny was a Ravenclaw, but a very Hufflepuff-like Ravenclaw, and Celeste already loved her very much. Sorin liked her as well, which was about as good as it got with her brother, so Celeste came to the conclusion that they were a perfect match. It took some clever manipulation, but eventually she won her grandmother to her side (introducing them didn't hurt; Victoria seemed rather taken with Finny, much to Celeste's delight). With the matriarch's approval, the betrothal was set in motion, announced officially over the holidays, as was apparently tradition with the Meadows family. Her own betrothal, to a quiet, haughty Slytherin in their year, was not a match her brother had suggested, or approved of. But, he met all the criteria necessary as per their father, and she found herself grateful that, if her husband was to be so terrible, at least her sister-in-law would be her best friend. She was also working on trying to establish more social connections, not concerning herself with blood or status in doing so. The establishment of a theater club seemed a stroke of luck, and she eagerly joined alongside her best friend. The production was rather tumultuous, but she had an excellent time working on it.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Drama Club
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
              EXPELLED »» 2042
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Charms
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Flying
              xxx»» Herbology
              xxx»» Potions
              DREAM JOB »» Wife to the Minister of Magic

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Betrothed
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Hermolaos Winthrop

              xxx»» Parents Eric and Brianne Kinsley
              xxx»» Twin brother Sorin Kinsley
              xxx»» Grandmother Victoria Kinsley
              xxx»» Great-uncle Jonathan Blythe, great-aunt Natasha
              xxx»» First cousin, once removed, Adalaide Whitethorne, cousin-in-law Christopher, second cousins Desiree and Zachary
              xxx»» First cousins, once removed, Sebastian and Melody Blythe
              xxx»» Best friend Sorin Kinsley
              xxx»» Delphinia Meadows
              xxx»» Eric Kinsley
              xxx»» Hufflepuff House
              »» Third Year Students


4 February 2018 ««
Yearly Updates ««

- Weasley 3/28/17 ««
- Weasley 5/10/17 ««
❝Yukitty❞ 5/16/18 ««