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Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:37 pm
((Initially referred to as "Him" ))
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:49 pm
*staring at him avidly*
The Herd: Dude... Creeper alert. :/
Oh... right... >__>

Him: >.> Why does the two-legger do this?

Cara: Trying to guess which lady would be best thrown at you. *shrugs at him* Cost a having a face like that, I'm afraid.

Amacha: Cara!

Cara: What? No point in sugarcoating it... Unless you're into that, I guess?
Amacha: Candied lemons are better than just straight lemon wedges. I imagine anyone would be into that. >_>

Him: -Scoffs- >.> And what if I like men? What will she do with the rejected female?

Cara: Probably pass them off to other females for crazy hot lesbian sex as a coping mechanism. *deadpan*

Amacha: You could just say you'll have none of his s**t. :/

Cara: *snorts* 'More fun this way.

Amacha: Unbelievable.

Him: >.> I see......

Sova: Well... This is.. different.. ^.^;;;;

Ko'ikku: *folds her wings* They're all really nice, once you get to know them... Unless they decided you're an a**, and then you're in trouble...

Amacha: You too, really Ko? *sighs*

Helle: *standing off to one side snickering*

Cassie: *giggles*

Him: -Huffs- Why do you snicker?

Helle: You upset the shining one. People tend to underestimate her cuz she's small... *shrugs, fluttering her wings* She can probably still put your nose out of joint though, just a warning. Do I need to go find pretty boys to shove your way? Will that put you in a better mood?

Cassie: He seems like he's all growl and no bite...

Cara: All the same, you stay away from him. Your Papa would have a fit if you got tangled with any kind of Kalona.

Cassie: *rolls her eyes* My Papa has a fit about lots of things, Cara. Most of them can be filed under 'fun'. Besides, what he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?

Him: >.> Mayhaps I don't know what I want

Helle: *chomps a piece of candy and flicks her fawnlike tail* That's fine. None of us are really expecting anything anyway. The sail-headed one? She has a charming beau talking to her. Sova is flirty. Amacha and Cara are... well, I don't know really. But we're not like starving wolves. We're not gonna attack ya. Well Cara might if you make her mad, but that's just so she can kick ya in the face if you say somethin' rude. So don't be rude and you'll be fine. *shrugs* And things go better if you leave Cassie alone, so, definitely do that.

Cassie: Aww there goes Helle taking away my fun!

Cara: Like I said, better if you steer clear. Your Papa won't let you play with us anymore if we lead you straight to trouble.

Cassie: *grumbles* My Papa aught ta' know I can find it myself.

Cara: *giggles* Ha! I bet he does, my dear. I'm am almost positive he does, and therein lies the problem.

sesshi: Him: I.... See......

Helle: Do you now? You'd be the first one I'd met, then... *chomps another piece of candy and blinks wide eyes at him* Want one?

Cara: Well, it's all over know. She's feeding him.

Ko'ikku: No need for me then, I'll be on my way. Goodnight, ladies... *drifts off*

Amacha: Wait for me, I don't want to be here when the fur flies.. Or whatever you call this insanity.

Cassie: Does that mean he'll stay? He seems interesting.

Cara: *shrugs* Who can say? Come on then, we best be getting you home before your father goes completely grey.

Cassie: I don't want to go just yet.

Him: What..... is it?

Helle: Just a bit o' honey candy.. Picked it up in the Wonderland. The Princess is a friend of mine. *grins wide and wild the way the Cheshire taught her, though the expression isn't nearly so daunting on her dainty face*

Laiquendi: *paces into view as some of the other mares disperse, halting next to Cassie* I can walk you home later, if Cara needs to go. But first, who is that?

Cassie: No idea. *shrugs* But Helle is feeding him, so I'm sure he's now a friend. You could go ask, if you want?

Turalyon (Him): I see..... I think I will take one.... -takes one of the offered candies and sucks on it-

Helle: They all taste the same.. I already ate the hibiscus ones... *closes her eyes and gives a soft purr* they were magic though...

Lai: So Helle's trading candy and stories with strangers, and you're letting her?

Cassie: Not my job to keep her out of trouble. *shrugs* Why don't we get Cara to take up that job? Then she won't babysit me.

Cara: You could only hope to be so lucky, Princess.

Turalyon: -Pushes some of the Herbs and blossoms from around his cave/guardian home towards her- I have been told these make good Tea.....

Helle: *squeaks in interest and skitters forward, tail wagging eagerly as she pokes at them* do they now? I know how to make tea. Can you teach me the names? Can they be dried and carried about? I won't keep them with my treasures but I could have a pouch for tea. Tatya could get me one I bet. Or I could trade for one... *glances up, the light catching on the crystals around her eyes* Teach me?

Turalyon: -Takes a step backwards, but only one, surprised by the sudden advance- The one is Ginseng, the other are Orange Blossoms..... I am unsure.... if they can be dried.... I... I would assume so.... -Stares questioningly at the mare- You seem to know quite a few others....

Helle: *grins and inhales deeply* I like oranges.. I like just about everything in that family... Especially when its candied. The Cheshires said they'd teach me next time I go to Wonderland.. *hums* Guess it wouldn't hurt to try. *tilts her head* Well of course? The best way to find things is to know people who can get things and trade things. I like collecting stuff, so knowing the Cheshires is a good place to start. I mean Tatya's kinda a princess there, or her mother is, since the Queen hasn't had children so her sisters inherit if something happens. Anyway, Tatya comes to this place a lot and she talked about it a bit so here I am but she never said anything about you and here you are... So I know you and she doesn't... Which is neat.

Turalyon: -Thinks a bit, and nods- I see.... I guess that would be how it would work.... -Listens to the other talk- I do not know this Tatya.... I mainly stick to the forests around the center kingdom, but I have been known to occassionally come to gatherings... but I haven't done much of that since... the princes were born....... -He lowers his head- I am Lord Turalyon, Guardian of the Grove.....

Helle: *hums* She's really Tatyana Bangarang, and she is courting the one they call Take? She says he shines like the moon with hints of shadow, and he is adorned with the metal like the sun? *squeaks and shifts on her paws* Oh, oh.. I am Hellebore Boneblossom, and I am a wanderer and a soothsayer and many other things besides. And I go everywhere? Like my mother. It is nice to meet you, Guardian...

Turalyon: -He tilts his head slightly- I see.... -Thinks a bit about the name Take- Do you perchance mean Takemikazuchi Darkbane? One of the Warriors of the main guard? I have crossed paths with him once or twice.... He seemed a most honorable warrior.... -He still doesn't place the other name- So you are a wanderer? do you wander far? -His interest was piqued as he hadn't wandered much beyond his spance of forest-

Helle: *tilts her head in an echo of the gesture, then smiles and nods, the crystals fracturing light all around them* Yes, that's him that's him. He is Tatya's, or Tatya is his? Maybe both, I don't know. She purrs when she speaks of him though.. And yes, I wander everywhere I can walk. *she flutters her wings* They... I do not fly, so... *shrugs*

Turalyon: I see..... so they.... belong to each other..... -He thinks about this for a few seconds as he listens to her. Constantly watching her every movement, he as always was very observant- Purrs....? -He would need to meet this Tatyana Bangarang at some point- Wandering everywhere must be tiring.... and possibly exciting.... -He noticed her wings- I.... I see.... -The confusion was apparent on his face- I haven't met one..... with.... wings such as..... yours.... They are new to me.... -He was very puzzled by her-


Sparkly Star


Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:57 pm
Cassie: *pouts at Cara some more* So is that a no, you won't change your assignment? I'm sure she could use the help.

Cara: Helle can handle herself and probably anyone else that comes along, my dear. Your father asked that someone keep an eye on you, so that's what we're doing.

Laiquendi: *makes a dissenting noise in her throat* Correction, that's what Cara Mia is doing. I am doing nothing of the kind, because it is not my business. I just spend time with you because you're a friend and you tell wonderful stories.

Cassie: *smiles at the white-maned mare* Well, thank you Lai. That's very sweet of you, and I'm happy to spend time with a friend, of course. But the babysitting does get tiresome. I am all grown up, after all!

Cara: That doesn't matter to your father, dear.

Cassie: Cara, you're not my father! You're my friend! For heaven's sake, can't you just be my friend?

Cara: Honey, your father worries about you. Why wouldn't I do my best to keep you out of trouble for him? We're friends, you and I. And I don't have many friends in this land to begin with... So just, let me do my part to keep the few I've got safe, alright? I promise not to be as overbearing as your Papa.

Helle: *it's easy enough to ignore the mares bickering and talking yards away, especially while talking tea and Cheshires and things with her new friend. Nodding eagerly, Helle snaps another piece of her honey candy* That's right, more or less. They both seem very happy with it? Or the three of them, maybe? I'm not sure; it gets a bit confusing and I wasn't really listening because Tatya had found me shiny new pebbles for my collection. That she's very good at, I am so grateful, too. *the comment about her wings made her flutter them, and glance over her shoulder at the fragile spans of color* Oh, thank you? I suppose they are strange. A bit too small for me to fly with, for one thing, which is disappointing I assure you. But they're very pretty? I like them ever so much, make no mistake. The flutter Soquili frequently have wings like mine, or like a butterfly or a moth or even a dragonfly? All thin and riotously colorful. I'm sure if you stick around you'll see them, though some of them shrink down to the size of birds or even butterflies? So they might be hard to spot. But they're so interesting!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:24 pm

As a Boneblossom, Hellebore was accustomed to a rather unorthodox family structure. Her mother, Foxglove Boneblossom, was something of a loner. Seeming to only linger around males to expand her family line, then raising her children or turning them loose to live their own lives. If anything, their strongest family bond came from the tradition of returning to visit the Garden when any of them were inclined to do so. They were not Guardians of it, and would not remain, but even a brief visit was a welcome reprieve.

Was almost like coming home, in a way. Well, not so much for Helle, but she liked the routine of it. Her home was elsewhere, out in the world among the strange group she now called her friends. Sometimes it was at the Renaissance Faire and Reenactment Troupe's land, where music rode on the wind and artisans offered a vast array of wares beneath brightly colored tents, beyond the stages filled with actors and comedians and the jousting lands filled with knights and spectators alike. But home was far away at the moment, though it drew closer all the time.

Leading her new friend along and enjoying the gentle chiming of bells and the clip of hooves, Hellebore Boneblossom tilted her head to one side to better view the mare beyond the indigo wave of her mane. "So you came here to find some of your family?

Hellebore Wordcount: 236

Following the strange white mare with her silent paws, Nella Fantasia couldn't help but feel like she traveled in a cacophony of sound. The whisper of her golden curls over her coat, the clip-crunch of her hooves over gravel or rock or even the crack of grass beneath her hooves... even the collar she wore crafted of Bluebells, from which her family took their Clan name, rang out cheerfully with each and every step she took.

Hellebore, with snow-soft paws and a short fawn-like tail, strode in silence. A predator but an uninvested one, the mare was more omnivore than huntress. She liked berries and fishing in the river, she grazed on wild oats and fresh spring grass. She would rather be Nella's friend than an enemy, preferred to be a companion and an ally. It was different, and something of a novelty, but Nella was growing to like it. To like that this strange mare had offered to lead her to the Faire, introduce her to some of the vendors that Hellebore herself called friends in the hopes that one of them might help Nella find her family.

"Yes, that is correct." Nella agreed with a faint smile. "I have some cousins, Silverbells, that I would dearly love to see again. I heard tell that some of them had settled here, and the Faire that you mentioned seemed like a good place to start. My cousins do like entertainment, and if bells are currency as you have said, they would be able to buy supplies or goods they might need should they choose to depart to some other land."

Nella Fantasia Wordcount: 270

"Cousins are nice." Helle murmured thoughtfully, her mind turning to her multitude of half-siblings and the way they were scattered about. Should she herself have children, they would certainly have plenty of cousins to choose from. Helle certainly had some herself, but she'd not met them. Still, her half-siblings were interesting enough in their own way, and there was a fondness that brewed in her chest at the thought of meeting their foals and watching them learn how to run and play with others.

"So they'll be easy to pick out, right?" She offered. "Recognizable with silver bells or by their appearance, perhaps? Or do you know exactly which ones have come to settle here?"

She couldn't imagine losing someone that she loved, hopefully, she could help Nella find them.

Hellebore: 130

"Mine were very nice, to my recollections, yes." Nella Fantasia replied with a gentle smile and a cheerful chime of her bells. "Though there were several of them, and it is to my understanding that they have scattered on the winds. I cannot say how many of them wound up here, but it is my hope that I will find a few of them here without too much strife. They should be easier to find with their Silver Bells, and they should be somewhat recognizable. There should be nightscapes and stars painted on their coats, and faun-like characteristics like antlers and cloven hooves and deer-like tails."

She tilted her head for a moment, shaking curls out of her face. "Hopefully a combination of those things will make them stand out a bit, even amongst the variety of those in this Faire of yours."

Nella Fantasia: 143

Current Totals:
Helle: 336
Nella: 413


Sparkly Star


Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:25 pm
Endeavoring to avoid the bright afternoon sun, the mare known as Laiquendi Avallónë wandered through the Lapsang Traveling Reenactment Faire and market. Left to her own devices as her various friends had scattered to the winds and her brother had gone off to escort their mother to some official peace treaty, the kalona-cross mare strode gracefully among the various tents and stages of vendors, musicians, actors, and merchants. Bedecked in bells and beads as she was, Lai traveled with more than enough wealth to barter and trade for objects, trinkets, and food.

Her first purchase from a kind raccoon was a length of fabric to wrap into a scarf and hood, helping to shield her from the sun and heat. The material was dyed and embroidered, featuring graceful bird motifs the likes of which she had never seen. Though she could not see the colors, Lai had trusted the tiny merchant when she had explained the soft blues and purples flattered her own coat. With the light shades and white, the fabric would easily keep her cooler than a darker scarf that she might be better able to discern the contrast of. Lai had happily bartered away two silver bells for it and received her change, heading to a smoked and grilled vegetable vendor on the merchant's suggestion.

Half-way across the food vendors square, a flutter of wings heralded the return of Tindomiel. Without hesitation the raven swept into a smooth landing, curling her claws around the ridge of one of Laiquendi's wings and settling into a comfortable perch with a greeting click.

"Perfect timing, I was just wondering where you were...Well that, and thinking that hopefully, my friends will be along before I find too many things to purchase." Lai confided to her. "Come on, I just got a recommendation for lunch."

Laiquendi Wordcount: 303

"Nice is good." Helle murmured in her agreeable tone, giving a faint and encouraging smile. "Well, if there are several then you have a higher chance of finding them, right? Somewhere along the way? It's not like looking for one in the wild... What is the saying? A needle in something? Now you are looking for a bunch of needles, so hopefully, you can find them without trouble... Even if you have to do it one at a time."

It made sense to her, anyway. The more of Nella's cousins that had gone wandering, the higher the chance they had to find them in their searching. The Faire was the best place she could think to begin searching. Not only were there guaranteed to be plenty of artisans, actors, musicians and the like that might have news from all over the land... but all of the local wanderers and herds were sure to visit the Faire to take in the varying amusements. Hopefully, word would have traveled for the Faire, as such things did, and they would find some of Nella's family there as well.

"Nightscapes and stars, and bells," Helle repeated dutifully, nodding. "It sounds like something I'd notice, so with any luck at all!"

Helle Wordcount: 206

"If we are fortunate, there being more of them wandering the land means we'll be more likely to find them... yes." Nella agreed with her new friend, nodding slightly and sending her daffodil bright golden curls a-tumbling.

Helle's optimism made her smile and kept her own spirits light, a helpful gift in the form of an unexpected friend, considering her current situation. All in all, Nella felt quite fortunate in her friend findings, particularly in the case of Helle who had been so helpful regarding the Faire and why it might be a good place for her to start looking for her relatives.

"Yes, we do somewhat stand out." Nella grinned. "I think that if we are there, we will find them... I have a good feeling."

Nella Wordcount: 127

"Well half of good luck is a good attitude." Helle offered cheerfully. "So we're going to go with the idea that yes, there are more of them which will make them easier to find. I think we will find at least one of your relatives at the Faire... do you want to gamble that there will be more?"

She paused, frowning to herself and flicking her short fawn-like tail. "Do they get along? Some of the ones that wandered separately? If they do, is there a chance they kept track of who went where? Enough to send messages, maybe? Because if they do, and they did, and they have... Do we consider it cheating if you find one and one knows where to find three others?"

Helle Wordcount: 126

"In that case, I am absolutely sure we'll find one of them, and I'm very excited about the whole matter!" Nella grinned as she trotted along. "If you are saying one, I guess I should say two? Being positive rather than negative, I'll say at least two relatives I remember from Clan gatherings will be found through the Faire."

The question made her tilt her head, mulling over the whole matter. It made her head spin a little, the weird darting patterns of Helle's thoughts, but she rather liked it. The strange little mare was an interesting traveling companion.

"There are rules now, Hellebore?" She pretended to pout. "No, I think that's just clever management of your resources... Right? I didn't cheat, I just took advantage of what good fortune tossed in my path."

Nella Wordcount: 134

Helle let out a peal of laughter, shaking her head as she danced along on her velvet-silent paws. "Oh, so the little deer can bite. Or was that a kick? Very well, sweet Nella, no rules. I was just kidding, I promise. You aren't cheating, you're just taking advantage of good fortune and as well you should."

Helle Wordcount: 57

"The little deer can indeed, if she finds that there is a need." Nella replied tartly, beaming the whole time. Helle's joy in her sassy comment was amusing. Then again, Helle seemed to find joy in most things, which was one of the many things Nella had discovered about her new friend. "And she knows how to kick too. So perhaps wolves in deer's clothing should look out?"

Shaking her head and shouldering the mare fondly, Nella listened to the soft chime of her bells and hoped. "I am hoping for good fortune, and I will be glad to take advantage of it."

Nella Wordcount: 103

Helle Total Wordcount: 389
Nella Total Wordcount: 364

Laiquendi nodded her thanks to the water vendor as they moved away, savoring the scent of rosewater that lingered on her coat and Tindomiel's feathers. The image of her usually stoic raven frolicking in the scented water had made her laugh, the sound of her voice and jingling bells ringing across the clearing until several vendors had glanced in her direction. She was aware of their gently indulgent smiles but thankful of the maintained distance, not quite confident to meet strangers without her companions around.

"Now that you're done splashing in the water." She murmured, ignoring the warning glare from the raven. "I think we should head toward the front of the vendors quarter. Hellebore was supposed to be heading back and it would be nice to walk with her through the market."

Laiquendi Wordcount: 133

Laiquendi Total Wordcount: 436
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:48 pm
"What do you think the odds are that Hellebore got there first, got tired of waiting, and is now leading both Nella and us on a merry chase while she accidentally picks the purses of this rather well-off crowd?" Lai mused to herself. "Without any of us knowing it, of course, because she's Helle.

The silence was telling, she laughed and mentioned it. "Your think so too? Well, I still want something to eat before we give chase."

Concentrating on weaving her way amidst a plethora of booths, vendors, hawkers and patrons, Laiquendi moved through the crowd in stoic silence beyond a smile or low word of greeting. Now and again a quick slip to one side in an effort to avoid someone led to Tindomiel spreading wings and shifting to keep balance, but the raven remained a placid observer to those around them. Beyond the Soquili of all shapes, sizes and colors (or so Lai could only assume, being utterly colorblind as she was) there were also familiars of every conceivable variety and walk of life.

Even Lai couldn't help but pause to gape at the sight of a seathi in a relatively large wooden tank in the shade of one of the tents. The strangely marked character was accompanied by a large draft-Gryph, a stallion that nodded at her and gave her a smile and a wink when he noticed her gaze. Both of them appeared to carry their wealth in bells, belted and strapped across their figures or draped on the edge of the pool. They sure seemed to be doing brisk business too, selling all matter of objects scattered across tables and modeled on the legs and ears and noses of them and many others.

"Isn't this place a marvel, Tindomiel? I hope we get time to come back and talk to them."

Laiquendi Wordcount: 307

Hellebore was happily sparring with Nella, delighting in their battle of wits and sass, when she noticed a familiar shadow. Looking eagerly to the sky she was disappointed to note that the raven overhead did not resemble any of the ones she considered friends, and she couldn't help the little pout she gave at the news.

"I am sure Lai said she would meet us here," Helle mumbled to Nella when she noticed the Cery mare looking at her with expectation. "I was hoping that might be Tindomiel, to tell us where she was. But I suppose that there are many ravens here, between those that might visit the market and those that are actually part of the Faire. Was it silly then, to get my hopes up?"

Hellebore: 128

As far as Nella was concerned, the passage of moods over Helle's face was as easy to read as clouds in the sky, at least with a little bit of time in her presence. The faintest hint of a disappointing thought, or even a sad recollection, ghosted over her expression with the subtlety of a cloud before the sun. An instant shadow, a dimming of the light, a hint of misery in an otherwise sunny disposition. True enough it took little to bring the mare out of melancholy, but she was nothing if not easy to read. Granted, any time she might choose to be angry would certainly be as fierce as a storm cloud, but hopefully, today wouldn't bring such poor weather conditions upon them.

"That's not foolish at all." Nella soothed. "Of course you're looking forward to seeing our friend, just as much as I am. While Tindomiel in the air would certainly make both groups easier to spot, there is a lot of movement between the vendor and patron birds. Lai might choose for Tin to stay with her so that they can more easily get through a crowd and not risk any collisions. Don't worry, the day is still young and we have plenty of time to have fun!"

Nella Wordcount: 213

Nella was a calming sort, a gentle-hearted doe that made friends where she met. Somewhere between her sunshine colored mane and the gay chime of the bells she wore threaded around her neck, the dainty falls of each hoof and the flicker of her tail. Well, she was great all over, Hellebore had long ago decided. Besides, it was nice to have a friend or three like her, and the stallions hadn't shown up today to play so they very nearly did not count.

(Well, that wasn't true. They were still her friends even if she would pretend to be cross with them in the future just to teach them a lesson. Lotan would probably fall for it, too, he was susceptible to a sad face and a mournful sniffle.)

"You're right, I am sure you're right." Helle murmured with a nod, glancing to the sky again hopefully.

There were birds of all shapes and sizes and colors up there, and even more scattered about on random posts and perches and tent-tops. Then again, she suspected several of them were part of the Faire Scouts, or perhaps the security team they had. If they were scouts that meant they were doing an important job before the Faire began, and if they were security that meant they were likely doing an important job now. Either way, Helle didn't want to bother them by asking if they'd seen Lai and her raven companion, but the thought certainly had crossed her mind.

"Do you think we should walk among the vendors and see what things they have to eat?" She offered hopefully. "A snack might help the time pass faster. Until Lai catches up with us, I mean."

Hellebore Wordcount: 285

With Hellebore successfully soothed and disaster at least temporarily averted, Nella cast a glance around the food vendors and hoped for the noticeable presence of Laiquendi. Of course, there was no sign yet, and once again Helle seemed to have grown restless. Idle paws really were a curse to Boneblossoms, it seemed. There was nothing for it but to give her something to do, however temporary it might be.

"We shouldn't go too far, or risk her having to chase us all over the Faire as we continue missing each other no matter where we go." Nella admitted thoughtfully. "Which would make for a very long and rather frustrating day, I think. Still, I believe that if we just keep ourselves to this quarter of the food vendors, we might find a nice cart with food for both of us? Plus, we'll be close to the area that Lai should be heading to whenever she does arrive, therefore increasing the odds that she'll find us with relative ease."

Glancing around with a cheerful chime and a sigh, the Bluebell mare gave a nod. "Alright, let's do that. You keep an eye out for Lai and something tasty for us to eat, I'll look for anyone that might look like a relative... and for something tasty to eat. Hopefully, we'll find one of those things in short order, and we can start working on the rest as we narrow down the list. How does that sound?"

Nella Wordcount: 245
Nella Total Wordcount: 458

At the mention that they should not go far, to avoid confusing or losing Laiquendi altogether, Hellebore nodded in agreement. When it came to worrying about such things, Nella was much better at it than she herself managed to be. Helle, for her part, felt like the perfect things found her at the perfect time. Maybe the perfect things belonged to someone else (a decidedly less than perfect scenario), which could add a wrinkle (at least, if they were the observant sort), but all in all, they usually found her when they were meant to. Still, she rather supposed that such a rule didn't work so well on another Soquili, when it could be argued that many things were likely trying to find or be found by her simultaneously. Therefore, in order to tip the scales in Helle's favor, they needed to play with odds a bit. If Nella thought choosing to stay close was the better gambit, Helle was all for it.

"I think that makes sense," Helle agreed readily. "Finding a good place for food for all four of us might prove challenging, but they're close enough together I think that if you and I find a place we like, we can always look for something different for Lai and Tin when they make themselves known."

Hellebore Wordcount: 218
Hellebore Total Wordcount: 631

"I think that's the food court ahead." Laiquendi murmured, skirting the edge of a performing troupe with an envious eye. "Perhaps they'll still be at it while we eat, and we can come back this way to watch? Helle would probably enjoy the costumes, we just have to make sure none of the baubles go home with her."

The smell of food and rush of cooking sounds washed over her as she began to wind her way among the vendor tents, inhaling deeply to catch the various scents. Rather like her raven, Laiquendi was a bit of an omnivore. The cooking vegetables smelled just as tasty as the meat pies.

"Maybe I'm hungrier than I realized..." The mare mumbled to herself, pausing to admire the way a cook was slicing vegetables and tossing them onto the grill to char. "Or maybe it all really is that good. It certainly looks it."

Laiquendi Wordcount: 151
Laiquendi Total Wordcount: 458


Sparkly Star


Sparkly Star

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:38 pm
Laiquendi stood in line for one of the mixed meal vendors that offered roasted food, peering around the Kalona and Suti in front of her to get a look at the clay, potbelly oven they were cooking in. The skewers they offered featured roasted meat alternating with vegetables, which meant both she and Tindomiel would both be happy with the offerings. Most of the skewers offered a variety of veggies alongside the meat: a rainbow of peppers, onion, and squash alongside steaming light or dark meat. There were elk and venison, wild hare, and game bird offerings as well as wild hog and fresh mutton.
"Do you have a mixed skewer, by chance?" Laiquendi asked when she stepped up. "A venison and game bird or hare? No? That's fine then, may I just have one of each, thank you."
Tindomiel was ready with the change before she could even reach for the pouch, and she laughed and talked with the vendor while he counted out her change and handed it back. Accepting the skewers with a thankful bob of her head, Lai wound her way through the crowd in search of a quiet corner for them to enjoy their newly-acquired snacks. When Tin subtly shifted right, Lai followed her direction, stepping off the heavily trafficked trail and into a quieter corner of one of the snacking meadows.
Settling into the furthest most corner equipped with a pillar, Lai wedged the snack skewers in specially formed holes and began nibbling at a chunk of venison. "Try the hare, Tin. I like these things, they're tasty!"

Laiquendi Wordcount: 264

When all was said and done, finding a food vendor was much easier than finding their friend Laiquendi. Helle could readily admit that part of this was that they were standing in the midst of the food vendors quarter, so it did somewhat stand to reason. No great leap of logic involved, when standing amongst food vendors, food would be readily found. The plans for the whole thing had been less a strategy and more a gentle conversation, an easy affirmation to meet at the Faire.
Not one to let them down, Laiquendi would certainly be on her way to meet them, within the boundaries of the Faire. Of course, that was certainly easier said than done, because finding one individual somewhere within the Faire was a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It might be a different texture and color, but it was still a small thing to locate in the wake of something much bigger.
Not one to be deterred, Helle reasoned that it would be easier to search on a full stomach. Helle was of the opinion that nothing was harder to do than trying to keep a bright attitude on an empty stomach. Since she wanted her friends to have a good time, that meant she had to make sure they were properly fed and watered.
Narrowing her bright eyes she cast a glance from side to side on the avenue, considering the vendors with a thoughtful hum. Nella wasn't really omnivorous, so a vendor with vegetables would be more useful than one grilling meat. Skirting around a rowdy group collected outside one of the fermented fruit vendors, Helle found what might be the perfect booth just a ways ahead.
"How about that one, Nella?" She asked hopefully, pointing out a vendor grilling vegetables with a graceful stretch of her neck. "It smells like there are some spicy ones, that could be fun!"

Hellebore Wordcount: 321

Drawn out of her search for Laiquendi by what might have been her own stomach rumbling, Nella glanced around them and concluded at the very least, the sound wasn't thunder. Well, that was a little embarrassing, but at least Helle didn't seem to have heard it. She was just far enough ahead that she was getting the first glimpse of the vendors all around them, which left Nella moving along in her wake and searching for Laiquendi.
Of course, moments later Helle was evidently shopping for a snack, as she called for Nella's attention and directed it toward a vendor ahead. The duo spicing and grilling vegetables of a crackling fire were smiling and clients in between minding their charges, while another party was accepting payment and handing off skewered snacks to the eager patrons eager to taste them. The setup seemed to be working well, the line wasn't too long and the food smelled good.
"Do they have any grilled apples?" She asked hopefully. "Vegetables sound good, but so does a grilled apple. Unless it's another booth's main staple because I guess it could be more dessert than a savory option. Well, at this point, any meal would be a good idea. So guess get a couple of skewers and we'll take a break to eat them."
Hopefully, they'd have a snack in short order and be able to resume their search. Better yet, maybe Laiquendi wasn't too far away, and they'd find her amidst the food vending stalls or sitting off to one side working on her own snack.
"What do you think, a mixed vegetable skewer? Or a solid grilled carrot or greens?" Nella paused, thinking back to the avenue they had turned on to last. "I think we passed someone making a vegetable stew, we should try some of that a little later."

Nella Wordcount: 307

Happy that Nella was on the same page with regards to snacks, Helle slipped into line behind a tall bay mare and wriggled happily in her spot. Now and then she craned her head around to get a look at the grill, inhaling deeply with a happy flare of her nostrils. There were whole carrots, tomatoes, peppers, squash and zucchini as well as bunches of chard, halves of broccoli and cabbage, ears of corn and more. Some of them were being spiced by the raccoon minding them, grinning and carefully spooning the spice blend over the assembled vegetables while greeting the patrons lined up. Just beyond the whole vegetables were mixed skewers, sections of vegetables diced and then assembled in a mix on wooden sticks before being spiced and grilled.
"I think a few skewers sound nice, that gives us a taste of everything and we can always come back to get whole vegetables if you find a favorite," Helle pointed out as she stepped up to the counter. "Three mixed skewers, please!"

Helle Wordcount: 173

Helle Wordcount Total: 494

Whether she meant to telegraph it or not, Helle was clearly thrilled by the possibility of snacks. She hardly seemed to stand still while waiting in line, craning her head this way and that to look at the vendors and their various roasting and grilling pits. Helle saw the raccoon give them a grin and a wink and returned it with one of her own, rather excited to taste the food that perfumed the air around them. When it was finally their turn Helle actually did bounce her way up to the counter, flicking her short tail happily. The whole thing made Nella laugh, so she was beaming as they moved up to speak to the vendors.
"Skewers sound just fine," Nella agreed happily, digging into her traveling pouch to pass over coins when prompted. "Thank you very much, it smells delicious!"
Accepting one of the skewers and holding it between her teeth, the bluebell doe turned on her heels and led her companion toward the meadow just off the vendor avenue. Many others were gathered with their snacks, fixing the wooden skewers into the convenient knotwork of trees or arranged pillars so they could snack at their leisure. Following their good example and grinning when she saw Helle had done the same, Nella gave the white mare a grin and a nod. "Cheers then, let's eat!"

Nella Wordcount: 227

Nella Total Wordcount: 534

Finishing with her snack and leaving Tin to finish poking at the remaining scraps still clinging to the skewer, Laiquendi lifted her head and cast a dark eye across the meadow. There were various patrons drifting this way and that, each of them a variation of shadow to her gaze, but none of them seemed familiar. True enough she was sure they were a vibrant sea of color to anyone else, but to her, everything was viewed through the same lense of mist and shadow.

That being said, she was fairly certain the pairing standing diagonally across the space were the ones she was looking for. One of them was mostly white, with varying shades of gray splashed over her in ways that outlined markings like bone, stark white amidst the murky patching. The other was all shades of darkness, but now and then the flash of her eyes even at this poor angle made Lai think of the glimmer of light.

"Tin, I think that's Helle and Nella! Finish up with the food, would you?"

Laiquendi Wordcount: 176
Laiquendi Total Wordcount: 440
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